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SEP/20/24  What Does AI Think About Jim?
I Asked It, And The Answer Is Alarming.
SEP/18/24  Heroes And Friends
A Richard Barrett Update
SEP/09/24  Mass Beast Translip
Crux Cross And The Crackpot Update The Mask And Canned Landwhale Meatscape: 9/8/24
AUG/07/24  Post-Masculine Alchemy
Achilleas And James Discuss Modern Martial Arts Philosophy In The Social Media Cemetery: 2/6/24
JUL/04/24  The Reavers #3
Fiction By James Anderson
MAY/27/24  Brick Mouse Speaks
Man Weekend 2024 Review, Baltimore, 5/27/24
MAY/19/24  Jaseman Ham
Motherboard #6
MAY/09/24  Why Are Frost Giants Getting Into MMA?!
Achilleas Observes And Asks
MAY/02/24  The Harm City Gangway
Don Quotays Informs And Opines On Simianry
APR/30/24  Masking Socio-Therapy Trials
An Update By Crux Cross
APR/25/24  A Primer On Firearms
By James Anderson
APR/23/24  Meeting James LaFond
James Anderson: Portland, Oregon, November 15th, 2022
APR/18/24  A Plot Revealed
By James Anderson
FEB/26/24  Time And Myth
Part 2 Of 2: Marius And James Discuss The Path All Travel: 8/4/2023
FEB/23/24  Time Horizon
Part 1 Of 2: Don Quotays And James Discuss The Path All Travel: 7/31/2023
FEB/20/24  We Are The Sons Of Aryаs
Foreword To Sons Of Aryаs By Achilleas, The Series Reader: 8/7/2023
FEB/19/24  'White Like Me'
Part 2: Question Of “White” Versus Christian Identity: 5/9/23
FEB/04/24  James Anderson
Novelist, Poet, Historian, Rugby Player, Knucklehead, Broadsword Fencer, James Anderson
FEB/04/24  Jason's Book
The Master Of The Esoteric Cafe Has Translated A German Language Infoteric Classic
JAN/22/24  ‘Casting A Dart Into That All Seeing Eye’
Jeth Randolph Discusses Our Orphan Nations: 8/28/2023
JAN/19/24  Sexless Young Men & Neo-Puritans
Achilleas And The Crackpot Discuss The Sissy: 8/1/2023
JAN/17/24  ‘Writing For Serenity'
Baltimore, 7/30/2023
JAN/04/24  A Deluge, Just A Little One: 1/5/24
Opening The Winter He Mail Box This Once: 1/4/24
JAN/04/24  "Yappie Metaphysics"
A Dialogue With Achilleas
JAN/04/24  Iron Age Raiding Party Stuff
Grendel Hall Muses At The Murkin Beast In Its Feed Stall
JAN/04/24  My Next Creep State Handler?
You Be The Judge
JAN/04/24  Fangs In The Moonlight
A Conan Yarn By James Anderson
JAN/01/24  Bag Mitts And Kickboxing?
Matt Cues The Crackpot On Old School Striking: 5/11/2023
OCT/01/23  Zup
Guest Commentary By Grendel Hall
SEP/24/23  The Reavers #2
Fiction By James Anderson
SEP/05/23  Brian Jewell Has A Book Signing
My Sparring Partner And Fellow Harm City Refugee Is Still Writing Out Loud
AUG/25/23  ‘Unkilling Civilization’
Lynn Lockhart Cues The Crackpot On A Woman’s Duty: Part 1 Of 3: 2/15/2023
AUG/22/23  ‘Unparalled Fagotry’
The Editorial Angel Of The Bored Admits To A Strong Case Of Mysandry: 2/7/2023
AUG/21/23  ‘A Modern Tragedy’
A Dialogue About ‘The Wider Public’ Delusion With A Plantation America Reader: 2/5/2023
AUG/18/23  ‘Understanding The Modern Murican Citizen’
Curt, Lynn & The Crackpot Discuss The American Slave Mind: 1/30/2023
AUG/02/23  James Anderson
Profile Of A Young Writer: 2/24/2023, Selek Washington
AUG/01/23  The Matriarchy Manifested
A Guest Article By Grendel Hall: 2/4/2023
JUL/28/23  Richard The Eagle Hearted
A Pulp Fiction Renaissance Heads Up
JUL/28/23  ‘Your Next Muscular Issue’
The Brickmouse Discusses Positive Injury Recovery With The Arthritic Louse: 2/24/2023
JUN/27/23  Prosperity And Safety
Don Quotays And The Crackpot Discuss Society: 12/30/2022
JUN/26/23  The Shroud Of Aryаs
DQ Discusses Crackpot Climatology: 12/29/2022
JUN/19/23  Eastern Woodlands History
Clark Savage, Author Of The King Of All Things, Wants A Reading List: 11/9/2022
JUN/07/23  Ritual
Teutonic Fist Cues The Crackpot On Organized Metaphysics: 12/29/2022
MAY/27/23  Wager Of War
By Banjo
MAY/11/23  '30 Years War'
A Lefty Podcast Heads Up From Grendel Hall
APR/06/23  Pirates
New Fiction From The Man That Worked The Crackpot Over Last Saturday
APR/05/23  'So On I Go'
New Music From Barry Bliss
MAR/22/23  Doctor Breck & The Crackpot
Video Interviews On Substack
MAR/18/23  ‘THIS GUY’
Gawdly Schlamdemic Report By Crux Cross: 3/17/2023
JAN/26/23  ‘Cryptotheology’
Engaging The World From The Mechanism Of Functional Insanity: Utah, 8/18/2022
JAN/25/23  ‘Hallucinatiins While Awake’
Allen Wonders Why The Crackpot Does Not Seek Medical Help: Utah, 8/18/2022
JAN/24/23  ‘The Word American’
Yeti Waters And The Crackpot Discuss American Ineptitude: 8/15/2022
JAN/23/23  Remasking The Herd
Crux Cross And The Crackpot Discuss The Unmasking Of Mastery: 8/15/2022
JAN/20/23  'Da Plague, Da Plague!'
Don Quotays Cues The Crackpot On The Shamclock With An Annochronistic Curse: 8/2/2022
JAN/19/23  ‘Staff Safety’
Jeth Randolph Discusses Private Retail Security With The Ghetto Grocer: 8/2/2022
JAN/17/23  The Husband In Post Modernity
Teutonic Fist And The Crack Pot Revisit Slave Soldiering: 8/1/2022
JAN/16/23  'To Develop Warriors Of Character'
Bedford And Mistah Jimmy Discuss The Martial Virtues Of The Frisbee: 8/3/2022
JAN/13/23  Slave Soldiers
Teutonic Fists Cues The Crackpot On Why Grownups Suck—Forever: 7/20/2022
JAN/12/23  A Sunset Saga Review
7/15/2022: A Young Writer Discusses Early Crackpot Fiction
JAN/01/23  The Horns Of Chaliac
A King Conan Adventure By James Andersen
NOV/24/22  Stephan Michael Sechi
Honoring A Neglected Mentor: Utah, 10/18/2022
SEP/26/22  'A Hard Floor Is An Honest Friend!’
Self Defence Volume 2 By Jeth Randolph: 6/3/2022
SEP/16/22  Nicole
Corresponding With A British Babe About: Survival, Horses And Jeth Randolph: 5/4/2022
SEP/07/22  Three Worlds Speak
Sam Finlay Interviews Lynn Lockhart And The Crackpot: 5/5/2022, Baltimore
JUL/06/22  The Brovid Jiveteen Waxx Chronicide
Viking Age Barbarian And British National Cue The Crackpot On The Bogus Plague Cure: 4/11/2022
JUN/24/22  Andrew Edwards Interviews The Crackpot
Warhorse Podcast #31: An Affair Of Honor Part Two
MAY/02/22  Thought Police Beat
Discussing Neopolitics With Devil Dick: 2/25/22
APR/27/22  Man With A Name
Self Defence: Articles And Conversations From The One In One Journal, Volume One By Jeth Randolph
APR/27/22  On Combat Forward
Jeth Randolph Of The One-in-One Journal
APR/22/22  Lie Of The Feeble
The Metaphysics Of Trashcanistan With Marius: 1/13/22 And 2/10/22
APR/21/22  Tactical Mask Police
Crux Cross And The Crackpot Discuss Viral Tyranny: 1/7-2/13/22
APR/15/22  Hobo Weapons
Viking Age Barbarian And The Sped Age Librarian Discuss Tools As Weapons: 2/21/22
MAR/17/22  A Head In A Bucket
Jeremy Bentham Cues The Crackpot And Invokes The Khan
FEB/10/22  Man In A Tinfoil Hat
A Gentleman With A Keen Rapier Discusses The Shoddy Logistics Of Our Haphazard Endtime With A Hoodrat In A Tinfoil Sombrero
FEB/09/22  Enforcement Fatigue Eve
Crux Cross On Big Snapple Mask Dynamics: 12/29/21
FEB/01/22  Shaping The Cattle Space
Prologue: A History Of The Future: 11/11/21: With An Addendum By Crux Cross
JAN/11/22  E T Do Bone
Marius And The Crackpot Discuss Elites And Aliens: 12/7/21
JAN/08/22  'Merchanting'
Devil Dick And The Crackpot Discuss The Result Of Government Regulation: Dateline10/25/21
JAN/06/22  'To The Judgment Seat'
A Muse From Clued From 10/18/21
JAN/05/22  Blunders Of The Divisible World
Crackpot Periscope: Murderbowl Report By Decrease Matter, And T. Spoone Slickens, Inquire: 11/30/21
JAN/02/22  PreColumbian And Post Masculine Cultural News
From Teutonic Fist, Outback Mack And Ron West
DEC/29/21  The One In One Journal
A Free-Thinking Combat Arts Thread In Gloriana's Gaudy Tapestry: 12/29/21
DEC/12/21  'Escape Velocity'
Crux Cross Reviews A Cop Flick And Summons The Crackpot's Pig Stick
DEC/09/21  Happy Hollowdayz
December News For Knuckleheads And Thought Criminals: 12/4/21
NOV/18/21  Who Am I?
Original Verse By Jack Man August 26 2021
SEP/25/21  Brian And James
A Three-Part Discussion Of Violence And Aggression From July 2021
AUG/24/21  Young Richard And The Crackpot
The Pulp Fiction Renaissance Podcast #1
AUG/22/21  The 702 Bridge And Wotanathonics
And Other Discussions With Brian Jewell And Mister Grey
AUG/21/21  Processional Bad-Asses
The Baddest Men 3 Of 3: Postmodern Bad-Ass Viking Age Barbarian Cues The Crackpot On His Heroic Forefathers
AUG/18/21  Hellenic Bad-Asses
The Baddest Men 2 Of 3: Postmodern Bad-Ass Viking Age Barbarian Cues The Crackpot On His Heroic Forefathers
AUG/11/21  Mythic Bad-Asses
The Baddest Men 1 Of 3: Postmodern Bad-Ass Viking Age Barbarian Cues The Crackpot On His Heroic Forefathers
AUG/08/21  Brian's Jewell's
The Crackpot And The Intervening Fist Sifu Brian Jewell On Video
JUL/30/21  Musings On Muggings
The First In A Series Off Brief Videos Concerning Brian Jewell's Memoir Of Life As Pallid Prey
JUL/16/21  Cultural Whack-a-mole?
Crux Cross Wonders About Nation State Suicide As An Ethnic Survival Strategy
JUL/07/21  To Join A Tribe
Satrap Of Kulakistan Sounds The Cracked Pottery On Neo-Tribalism
JUN/28/21  'Can I Suck Your Dick?'
Devil Dick Fields The Ultimate Modern Question From A Member Of The Advent Master Class
MAY/14/21  Skinhead Machete Versus Klingon Knife
The Crackpot Takes Bio-Mechanical Note Of The Most Momentous Event Of The 21st Century
MAY/09/21  Beef And Liberty
A Guest Article By Teutonic Fist
APR/20/21  War On Reality
Lockhart And LaFond Are On Substack
APR/14/21  Harm Shity Blews
Jeremy Bentham Sounds The Horn Of Yondor...
APR/11/21  Man Of Clay And Greed
Musings On The Golem In Modern And Ancient Myth
APR/06/21  The Filthy Few In Print
James LaFond's Deep State Novel With Sam Finlay's Pulp Horror Fiction Is Available In Hardback
APR/03/21  Jives With Tribes
Pelegrin And The Crackpot Discuss The Movie Dances With Wolves
MAR/28/21  Viking Age Barbarian News
Ragnaroking Is In Print On The South American River
MAR/19/21  'Desire For A Civil Society'
Devil Dick And The Crackpot Discuss Our Security Instinct
MAR/07/21  Untangling Story Ideas
Brian Jewell Consults The Cracked Pottery On Writing Multiple Stories
MAR/07/21  Human Livestock Eugenics
Circa 3/3/2021, Answered From A ‘Read Only’ Brothel Patron Email Account
MAR/07/21  Dialogue With Richard ‘Farnsworth’ Barrett
Circa 3/3/2021, Answered From A ‘Read Only’ Brothel Patron Email Account
FEB/22/21  ‘True Science Fiction’
Brian Jewell And The Crackpot Discuss The Gaslit Night
FEB/20/21  Epoch Of The Far Dawn
Chapter 1 By Richard Barrett
FEB/15/21  Writing On Your Own Platform
Brian Jewell Reviews Mathew Polly's Bruce Lee: A Life
FEB/08/21  Ethnic Cleansing Report
Ron West Reviews American Godhood And E. U. Demonology In The Balkans
FEB/08/21  Sifu Brian On Boxing
A Look At An Iconic Boxing Book By Joyce Carol Oates
JAN/28/21  Recommended Avoidance Reading
With Brian, The Man With A Known Name
JAN/25/21  Dream Eater
Backstory Notes For The Science-Fiction Novel About The Neanderthal Diaspora
JAN/25/21  Letters In The Abyss
Devil Dick And The Cracked Pottery Muse On Phillip K. Dick's Ongoing Acid Trip
JAN/24/21  Why Minnie Mouse Needs A Pimp
Radio Free Dindustan Heads Up With Jeremy Bentham
JAN/23/21  Experts Against Combat
With Brian Jewell And Jeremy Bentham
JAN/14/21  Soliloquy 4
Losing A Woman, A Wife, A Family
JAN/13/21  Combat And Social Distancing
Brian Jewell Cues The Cracked Pottery On The Fight Choreography For Phillip K. Dick's Ongoing Novel

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Harm City
Modern Combat

The ten year investigation continues into the dichotomy of western warrior traditions. 2024, 583 pages.
History of the Future
Gibbon Summations
Upon The Earth Plantation America The Combat Space Harm City to Chicongo The Man Cave
Flashback to our 2015 Project