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The Mail Man
© 2020 James LaFond
The Land Lady finished playing the piano as I finished the boxing manual. She then gathered her purse and checked the mail.
She came back nervously and announced, “Sometimes the mail man knocks when he leaves a package.”
So I answered, “Okay, I’ll get the door while you’re gone.”
She exclaimed, “Oh no. He’s such a nice man. He is kind of effeminate, and African American and very young. He says “hi” to me and wishes me a blessed day. It’s a thing he does with older people in the neighborhood, knocking on the door and asking if they are okay and wishing them a blessed day. It’s very nice.”
“Yes,” I said, “I saw him the last time I heard the door knock.”
“You mean you already ruined it for me! One look at you and he’ll never come back. You will scare him. He’s such a nice young man and when you aren’t here he’s the only human contact I have!”
“Oh, it was last month and he was already back in his truck when I got to the porch.”
“Oh, thank God he didn’t see you, you know you terrify those people—which is nice when they’re hoodrats, but—please, if he knocks, don’t answer.”
“Yes, Ma’am, I won’t scare off your sissy, Ma’am…”
“Thank you, Jamsey,” she said as she headed for her car.
So life rolls in Outer Bantuistan.
Little Ron
harm city to chicongo
Somewhere on the Left Coast
crag mouth
into leviathan’s maw
solo boxing
son of a lesser god
songs of aryas
blue eyed daughter of zeus
plantation america
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