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Erasing Stone
The Beginning of the End of History: Author’s note to A Dread Grace
© 2015 James LaFond
After completing The Broken Dance I promised myself never to write another history book. But now, having discussions with eager young men left with few real historical references from their experiences with Modern education, and seeing history evaporate willfully around me, I have begun another project fated for the dustbin—but there is nothing like spitting in the wind to keep the mind sharp.
Now, in the world where the man who disbanded the KKK is said to be the founder of the KKK, I see that former University of Maryland President Harry C. Byrd, is having his name removed from a university stadium because his name is a “painful reminder” of the past! My Uncle, my father, and even my grandfather, disagreed with Mister Byrd’s segregationist position, and his erasure from the record erases their objection to his ethos as well. But, just as the Spanish Inquisition burned the books of a just-discovered civilization, the orthodox priests of our own Universal Faith erase another layer of the past, to insure the homogenous mind and abysmal ignorance of their ideological chattel.
I mention just one of the symptoms of the current manic orthodoxy which calls for the erasure of a contentious past to be replaced with bucolic oneness of the collective mind, not because this effort to erase the memory of a man of European descent has been overseen by a man of Asian descent, Wallace Loh, but because it must continue, name by name, until the purified wax of the hive mind is finally set in place.
In the mean time I’m doing my tiny part to blow some pollen into that purified domestic amber in hopes that a future zoologist might discover that we devolved into insects from a once famously contentious breed of ape…
‘O Shaman of Brutality’
‘Whoever Believes This Crap’
taboo you
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by the wine dark sea
logic of force
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