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Jockstrap, Seer of the Palefaces
Recognizing The Neanderthal Resistance
© 2016 James LaFond
About a year ago, last winter, I initiated the White Wednesday tag to aid the white nationalists in my readership with identifying articles that might interest them. Being a race traitor, yet still tolerated by my pale fellows, I thought it was the least I could do.
I would like to announce an epiphany, and also apologize for taking down the White Wednesday tag. It was pointed out to me ten months ago that if anything could get this site shutdown it would be this tag. That is not why I’m taking this tag down. Indeed, I am intent on amping up racial-oriented content.
It is just that I can’t live a lie any longer.
You see, I was taking off my jock strap this morning—since my balls started falling out of my body people have been calling me jockstrap—and I don’t go anywhere without one.
Twenty minutes ago, as I looked down to assess the damage from last night’s shift, I looked at this rather funky—oft sweated through jockstrap, which I wash out in hot water and occasionally peroxide every day. Looking at this barely white supporter of the wreckage that was once a means of dominance and a weapon of terror that threatened the world with my genetic perpetuation, I had to conclude, that no part of me, other than the whites of my eyes, are white. Even the off-white of this garment shone like 20 bond glossy Hammermill paper next to my legs.
Call me Arуan, Indo-European, Caucasian, if you will, but white is entirely inaccurate and hyperbolic, a flash image once used to wow the dim minds of colonial slaves into believing that the pale face that was fucking them was part divinity.
If I might compress a quarter-million years into a paragraph: For hundreds of thousands of years mankind developed along three paths, the African, the Neanderthal and the Disnovian. 74,000 years ago the Toba Super Eruption occurred, causing a six-year nuclear winter, which wiped out all but a couple thousand lucky Africans. I don’t know anything about the Disnovians. I do know that the Neanderthals across Europe and North Asia took the nuclear winter in stride, as they were cold-adapted. By 70,000-40,000 years ago one particular group of Africans produced some killer genius whose genes are in us all. The Neanderthals were wiped out soon thereafter at the peak of a nasty ice age that they were best suited to deal with. They were murdered.
Interestingly enough:
Neanderthals showed the first signs of a spiritual life.
It was not until they wiped out the Neanderthals—interbreeding with enough of them to leave a Neanderthal trace in the genome of between 2-6% in Caucasians, Asians and American Indians—that the only surviving branch of humanity, the Africans, began showing signs of a spiritual life.
Since that time those populations with Neanderthal DNA have founded every major religion, have discovered every main entry science law and consistently field the top finishers in mathematics [I thing Peruvians and North Asians have a lock on this].
Now, after spending a life wondering about “cavemen” and Neanderthals, and being repeatedly referred to in those terms by the one segment of humanity who, in America, seem bent on beating and killing as many people with N-DNA as possible, I have decided to come out of the cave—I'm an N-DNA Carrier, a Neanderthal, if but barely. Chinese are the only groups attacked more than Europeans, and they are the only group with more N-DNA.
Call me superstitious, call me a paranoid, Jockstrap Paleface, but I suspect that there might be an unconscious drive on the part of much of humanity—even including many N-DNA carriers—to strive for the eradication of N-DNA carriers.
White, in our End Time has become synonymous with weakness, guilt, privilege, fear and the envy, imitation and worship of melanin-rich people.
Being white used to mean sitting at home safely while bully cops beat the shit out of other people as a warning not to mess with whitey.
Well whitey doesn’t own the cops anymore and the ripe fruit he has become is being picked, so I am content to be an N-DNA Carrier and Resister.
Henceforth I regard white as an insult.
I’m a paleface N-DNA Carrier dedicated to bringing attention to the plight of My Kind in the form of the Neanderthal Resistance Hall of Pain, recognizing and glorifying defiance against those tasked with rubbing us out, as well as their masters.
I am proud to be a Neanderthal.
The Magi of Pictland
Hitting Bottom
z-pill forever
sons of arуas
solo boxing
the greatest lie ever sold
uncle satan
logic of force
songs of arуas
fiction anthology one
Ishmael     Jan 7, 2016

James, I will send you some new straps, what size are you small, medium, large, or Ye Gods. Ishmael
James     Jan 8, 2016

Large with a ye Gods sling—variable you know!
the woodsman     Jan 7, 2016

Have you heard of Texas Arcane? If you haven't already checked it out, you might enjoy is blog:

He has had much to say about Neanderthals in the vein of what you wrote in this entry.
James     Jan 8, 2016

Thanks, Woodsmen.

I will check it out.
Rod     Jan 7, 2016

Danny Vendramini author of Them or Us has a Neanderthal predation theory that says Neanderthal weren't docile omnivores , but savage cannibal carnivores , top flight predators of the stone age, Apex predators at the top of the food chain , proverbial wolves with knives.

You called yourself a Feral Neanderthal in a previous post which really stuck with me, so I was wondering if you have any t-shirts with Feral Neanderthal on them or if I could make me up one to wear without any copyright infringement.
James     Jan 8, 2016

The Neanderthals were carnivores who killed up close and nasty and did practice cannibalism.

I have no intention of trade marking Feral Neanderthal or Neanderthal Resistance.

Please send us a picture of the shirt so we can use it for an icon.

Take care, Rod.
Hdob     Jan 7, 2016

I thought I felt something like this coming. I wholeheartedly agree. I don't know much you know or want to know about the genetic work being done but there is a lot out there. It may fit in with your science fiction writing.

Also, maybe this is a dumb question, but is there any chance you could have surgery for your hernia? Surely, the generous welfare state of Maryland could pony up?
James     Jan 8, 2016

Actually, since I was earning plenty, and made a conscious decision to impoverish myself for selfish literary reasons, I won't do that.

I appreciate the thought though—it's a blanket excuse not to have sex with women!
John Fry     Jan 7, 2016

James, you crack me up!! Sorry that you probably didn't get a chance to meet Stan Gooch. I'm guessing you'd have found him something of a kindred spirit. He had a great respect for the N-portion of bipedal evolution.

I'm hoping the next mini-ice-age brings out the best in what the species has to offer, but I'm not very sanguine about our chances, knowing what I think I know about the micro-biome.

Kurt Vonnegut once opined that mankind was invented by water as a means of transport, but I think that was a very Pollyanna formulation. We've got at least ten times as many bacterial and other critters living in us as we have our own cells. Talk about Legion !!! The DNA swapping is extensive. Some researchers are beginning to question the notion of species at the bacterial level. Who knows what the code-interaction is with our cells. The waste products alone must weigh mightily on our metabolism.

So, maybe our social environs are projections of our internal realities, with micro-biomes manifesting in their myriad and bizarre ways via bipedal protoplasmic vehicles. Not a new idea I'd guess, but I've been warming up to it to explain some odd things that occur.

Check this link out. The Albino castaway theory is intriguing. The folks over at are somewhat strident, but it looks like they've done a lot of good research.

Guess they need a bigger overview, like the idea that their kind wiped out the N-kind and they really ought to be ashamed of that, especially with a new ice period on the way, per Adapt 2030 over at YouTube.

Ramblin on,
James     Jan 8, 2016

Thanks for all of this information, John. I really liked Stan's outlook.

Please say hello to your brother.
Hdob     Jan 7, 2016

No offence in case Medicaid covered surgery would violate your personal man code. I figure you wouldn't mind reclaiming a few shekels from the evil leviathan but I could be wrong.
James     Jan 8, 2016

No offense taken.
Rod     Jan 7, 2016

The title of the book by Danny Vendramini about Neanderthals is title Them+Us not Them or us as I said in a previous comment. Sorry about that. I guess I got excited about the Feral Neanderthal t-shirts that I want.
James     Jan 8, 2016

yes, Rod, we need Neanderthal Resistance t-shirts!
hdob     Jan 8, 2016

To James LaFond, the world's leading Neanderthal Supremacist:

Bones of a bull rider for bravery,

Cared for the sick and the elderly,

Adorned their necks with eagle's talons,

The earliest mind to form abstractions.

Victims of the world's first genocide,

Another ice age might turn the tide.

Now we know that the imago dei,

Is only found in Neanderthal DNA.
James     Jan 8, 2016

Here is to turning the tide with ice crystals in our beard.
Lennard Waxenburg     Jan 9, 2016

Sorry James but Neanderthals were not the first victims of genocide. Neanderthals violently replaced Heidelbergensis in Eurasia, and interestingly Homo Sapiens in Isrаel around 90,000 years ago. Modern people share no mitochondrial DNA with Neanderthals, meaning the admixture must have been patrilineal in the direction from Neanderthal males to modern human females, meaning it was them who wiped the modern humans out—not the other way around. Genetics has also demonstrated that they also had extremely dark skin (Cerqueira, et al. 2012). So yes, pity yourself, because the Neanderthals blew your ancestors up and terrorized them for 50,000 years.
James     Jan 9, 2016

Yes, I know they weren't the first human genocide.

And thank you so much for the patrilineal note. I like that.

Now, with that dark skin, and knowing that some had red hair, I'm wondering about that last red hair weave I saw in Baltimore. Maybe that sista was on to something?

Thanks, Lennard.
Sam J.     Jan 10, 2016

This may all be a lie. That Whites are the way they are because of Neanderthal genes. I used to believe this. Tex Arcane, mentioned, is one of the reasons why. I've read probably every post he's posted. But as Lennard Waxenburg said there is NO Neanderthal mtDNA in anyone, that we know of. Tex says that Sap's, as he calls them, raped all the Neanderthal Women and enslaved the Men and are the scourge of all things good and holy. I don't believe this as the evidence doesn't fit the supposition.

There's another guy Michael Bradley who wrote "The Iceman Inheritance" he says the Neanderthal were a violent mass of killers and I believe he gives good evidence of such. The scientific evidence may be lies. Why? Well the people who said that "on average that people have 5%, or whatever, Neanderthal genes are Jewish and they have very different ideas about the truth than most people do. The truth is whatever suits their schemes no matter what the facts. Here's a quote from Bradley's web page and a link.

"...And what about that lavishly Jewish-produced Journey of Man television documentary of only a few years ago? I could swear that The Journey of Man documentary insisted that "Modern Man" (undefined) came out of Africa only 15,000 years ago. This documentary sustained two hours without once mentioning that nasty "N-word" (Neanderthal)...The explanation is that The Journey of Man documentary was produced after the 1997 Cell article by Paabo and Stoneking but before the May 6, 2010 Science article's proof of Neanderthal admixture in modern humans...the worldwide "Paabo spin" on Neanderthal DNA in modern humans and, looked at this way, "1 to 4 percent" doesn't amount to much. Figures don't lie but liars figure. ...What if this Neanderthal DNA is concentrated in the Caucasus Middle East, where this 2010 study admits that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons (or "Early Modern Humans") met and interbred? Surely it is reasonable to suppose that the main concentration of the world's surviving Neanderthal DNA must be in this area, discounting very modern migrations of some people by railway, steamship and aircraft transportation, and that Neanderthal DNA decreases rapidly as distance from the Caucasus centre of interbreeding increases?

There would be virtually no Neanderthal DNA in Atlantic Western Europe, but there would be more in Central Europe and much more in Eastern Europe, and especially in mountainous areas. There would be virtually none northward toward the Baltic Sea and virtually none east of Kazakhstan to Pacific Far East Asia. And we were already told that there is supposedly no Neanderthal DNA in Africa. But actually there should be at least some Neanderthal DNA in North Africa because the Arab-Muslims conquered it. Now, this sort of Neanderthal DNA distribution might average out to that insignificant "1 to 4 percent of Neanderthal DNA in the whole world's population." See? As Mark Twain put it: first come lies, then damn lies and then statistics..."

So they could say it's 4% yet in reality ALL the concentration is in one area.

My take. No one really knows where White people came from. It's a real mystery. I think it's possible that Whites are from Atlantis. No I'm not joking. There's a huge mid-Atlantic ridge that connects to the Canary Islands. When people first came to the Canary Islands a bunch of White people with red hair lived there of whom most were wiped out. The mid-Alantic ridge sank sometime after the ice age was ending sending the Whites into the sea. They land in Europe. There the vicious Neanderthals violently attack them. Neanderthals lose.

Tex says that the Melonheads, which I discussed before, genetically engineered Blacks and made Whites as workers. That may be true but as far as I can see there's zero evidence for that and much more evidence for my scenario.
James     Jan 10, 2016

This is fascinating, Sam.

As far as I was able to determine, as of 2013 from print publications, the last few Neanderthals were eking out a living on the coast of Spain at Gibralter and in some Portuguese cave after being displaced by modern humans.

What I do think is pretty solid is that the numerous legends in Europe of "little people" living underground and in caves and forests, represent a cultural memory of a time when another group of humans coexisted with Caucasian Europeans.

Thanks for the links, Sam.
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