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The Dindu Hour
A Friday Afternoon in August in Outer Dindustan
© 2016 James LaFond
This past Friday evening I rode out Old Harford Road with a lady friend who wished my company while she fueled her car. The gas station of her destination was nestled squarely in the center of Parkville, a huge, middle-class, paleface zip code with traditionally high employment and low crime. The corner she was headed to should have been dominated by the Police station and Fire station. But no, over a mile from the nearest extended bus line [this is a paradigm shift in Dindu mobility habbits], bands of Dindu hordesmen prowled the street—walking in the busy streets of rush hour, glaring and starting at motorists, strutting, puffing out their chests, flexing out their arms and daring the white motorists to hit them. I viewed three packs of these feral subhumans within sight of the 8th Precinct building, where not a single cop was visible.
There has been Dindu encroachment for the past three years in this area. However, these blatant attempts to intimidate the frightened core of the fading, sissy race that spawned me have only been in evidence since the Riot-Purge of 2015. Just two months ago this was the most dangerous corner in Baltimore County, with mobs of Dindus beating up pedestrians in front of this police station.
Most of the paleface motorists looked away or apologized for driving in their own neighborhood. One Dindu stood in front of the liquor store and stroked his penis through his jeans. Another stopped in the middle of a cross walk and waited for the light to turn green and then began to eat his Royal Farms hotdog and whitey waited, afraid to beep his horn.
At the gas station, with a farm store on one corner, a liquor store on the other and the ghostly shell of state power on the fourth corner, my lady stayed in the vehicle while I paid for the gas and fueled it. This gave me a chance to consider the situation at the bustling intersection:
-no police
-11 Dindus in two operational, low-cohesion, high-momentum units
-50 or 60 alternately oblivious or clearly intimidated motorists and pedestrians
-The brother of the Pakistani gas station owner, vigilantly keeping an eye on the strutting Dindus
-A big, bearded redneck, with straw cowboy hat, in a pickup truck at the liquor store, sitting with his door open, glaring intently at the strutting subhumans
-Myself, tracking the two remaining packs and looking for a new fourth pack or individual
-Next pump over stood a big, sixty-year-old man, gassing up his van, tracking the pack of more dangerous looking young men past the police precinct.
This is sad, that out of 25 white men and two Pakistanis we have but three white men and one Pakistani prepared to recognize the situation for what it was let alone do anything about it. But emasculation does not stop there. I submit to the reader that we four could have defeated those 15, easily, decisively, for half of them were pure clowns, worth nothing in fight and I was armed, so would have been worth three myself. The problem would not be us men, it would be that we would be fighting to defend nothing, for the moral authority in that scenario was all invested with the apologetic, fawning, intimidated female and hipster motorists which ever wallow in racial self-hate. If the attack that was clearly being threatened had materialized, and us four would had acted, we would have found ourselves in a morally indefensible position. Every Dindu downed would have been a thorn in our fool’s crown of white guilt.
As virtually all of such situations pregnant with aggression do, this one failed to ignite. However, it only failed to bloom into the next white on right media crime because those Dindus lacked the critical testicular mass to take that one extra step into the road and slap that SUV they merely gestured threateningly at.
What if they had? What if the Muscle dude with the blue gym shorts and mesh-blue wife beater and his other wannabe Crips had failed to drive motorists into the wrong lane and were hit, or traffic stopped defiantly in their path and refused to divert?
These are the kind of questions that the paleface of the future, the man who is dedicated to not eating leftist pussy and not sucking black dick, is going to have to ask himself, because one day the flame will flare and you will have your choice, to burn or be burned.
Walking Down Whitey
harm city
Our Dark Lord
‘in these goings down’
the combat space
night city
honor among men
let the world fend for itself
thriving in bad places
logic of force
Sam J.     Aug 21, 2016

"...But emasculation does not stop there..."

I don't think you have a proper understanding of the situation. I think that the sole reason that Whites do not stand up for themselves is mixed or non-segregated jails. They used to segregate jails. Blacks run the jails and any White person sent there has a fairly high chance of being beaten extremely bad and/or raped. I'll be willing to bet if the jails were segregated by race or crime that White Men would be willing to knock some heads and do a little time. The odds against Whites in jail are so overwhelming that it just doesn't pay to go there.

Right now there's nothing to be done about this but it could change in the future. Maybe law suits to segregate the violent from non violent criminals first. The only way presently to anything about this is hit and run guerrilla action. The Dindos wouldn't be able to do a damn thing about this. I bet it would surprise the shit out of them.
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