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Marge and Dorothea
Two Black Seniors Speak of their Purge Experiences
© 2016 James LaFond
Marge and Dorthea took the #23 bus together back to West Baltimore from their respective jobs downtown. Marge cleaned rich folk’s apartments at the Charles Towers and Dorothea is a receptionist. After the riots of April 2015 things changed for the worse for Marge and Dorothea, both in their early 60s.
Marge and her husband never leave their house after eight at night and never park more than a half block away, because it’s too dangerous to walk that far in their neighborhood, even though the houses are nice, mostly owned or being bought by middle aged or elderly black folks. Just after the riots, one day, Marge got off the bus and felt a premonition about these hedges and bushes that she normally walked by, and went the other way. As she walked around the long way two young thugs ran up on her, shoved her to the ground, took her purse, called her "a b," told her where she lived, when she left for work, when she came home for work, that her husband drove a Cadillac, and when he left for work and came home. They told Marge that she had to have a certain amount of money on her in the future or they were going to come take everything, including her husband.
Marge suffered a nervous breakdown and has not taken the bus since. She no longer works and told Dorothea by phone that she is barricaded in her house.
Dorothea has a good, respectable job working as a receptionist for a large company in a downtown office building. She loves her job and works for some very nice white people who hire black college students over the summer and write letters of recommendation for prospective employers. The Monday that the riots began in earnest, Dorothea admonished her white coworkers to be careful and considered herself to be in no danger from the racist black mob, who seemed intent only on harming whites and police. She headed home from the bus stop with a somewhat guilty sense of security, in that her nice coworkers were the targets of all of that black crime, not her.
As Dorothea walked down the sidewalk from the bus stop she was punched in the back of the head. When she turned to look over her shoulder she was punched in the face, then slapped in the head, then shoved to the ground and kneeled on. Some hit her while others took her purse and phone. Physically in pain, and emotionally shocked that “her own kind” had done this to her, Dorothea crawled and then staggered to her feet and limped home. Once there she was unable to gain entrance or call her sister to come home early from work and let her in. She was stuck out on the porch of her own refuge, angry and sad over the behavior of "my people."
The next day, she reported to work and made plans to have a cab take her home. Her white employers would not hear of it though, and took turns driving her home, risking their own necks.
There is also a young college football player from a good university, a young black man, employed as an intern, who was ready to ride his bike back to his apartment. The white coworkers did not allow this either, but insisted on giving him a lift, saying, “You don’t understand, nobody is safe in Baltimore.”
One of the pretty young ladies she adored, from San Francisco, became so disturbed that she quit in disgust and moved back to California. Dorothea was moved to complain, “It’s a terrible plight, to be ashamed of your own kind.”
This writer sympathizes with her plight.
Thriving in Bad Places
Palefaces in Copland
harm city
The Zone
the year the world took the z-pill
the lesser angels of our nature
crag mouth
shrouds of arуas
the greatest boxer
advent america
winter of a fighting life
max hain     Aug 27, 2016

You think it is bad now, bu you ain't seen shit yet.

I moved out to a dinky little village in the boondocks a couple of years ago, because I saw what is coming. Don't know when it will happen, but it will happen.

Unfortunately, I panicked when the Ebola scam was unfolding, thinking that the scam would be used as an excuse to shut down movement, as a method of stopping the spread of the "epidemic". Unfortunately, I really needed to move out about 150 miles further to a more remote town.

If you want me to tell you more, let me know. When I have time early in the morning, I can write an essay that I will give you to publish.
James     Aug 29, 2016

Max, I would be thrilled to have you write a piece for the site.

Think in terms of "scenes" and "observations" instead of essays, and it will be easy to write something. Our readers tend to prefer about 500 words, if that helps.

If you come up with something you would like posted, feel free to send it to me at jameslafond dot-com at gmail dot-com, realizing that I only check my email's twice a week, sometimes once.

Thanks for your interest, Max.
Jeremy Bentham     Aug 28, 2016

This always begs the question of why do respectable black people in the aggregate make so many excuses for black criminals when they are the ones most likely to be their victims? Obviously it is as Sheriff Clarke observed a political construct and thus defies understanding unless one is aware of the political agenda behind it all and in particular who benefits most from the chaos. I was always puzzled as to why blacks tended to support gun control. I would have thought they would support gun ownership since they lived in the most crime ridden neighborhoods and couldn't rely on police protection. However when you peal back the onion you find that these blacks have a considerable number of family members enaged in crime, whether on a part-time or full time basis. So while they may deplore their relatives' criminal depradtions they don't want to see them get hurt. Therefore these respectable blacks generally prefer that their relatives' prospective victims not be allowed to arm themselves.
max hain     Aug 28, 2016

Just a comment instead of an essay: guess I am lazy.

Marge and Dorothea represent the oldest generation of Bantus in the USA; the generation that was educated to believe in the American Dream of achieving a middle class lifestyle through hard work and thrift; the generation that is dying off very fast.

As you well know, the succeeding generations of have been educated to believe very different ideas: we Bantus built this country; white people stole everything from us; they are conspiring to keep us from having the good life all white people enjoy; they are killing us off at an alarming rate; when we take from them we are just getting back what was stolen from us.

Amazingly enough, even wealthy Bantus who have been richly rewarded by the USA system believe they are suffering from systematic Bigotry. This week, Kaepernick, the San Francisco quarterback, refused to stand for the national anthem and said that he is protesting against systematic racism.

Kaepernick was the abandoned offspring of a Bantu sperm donor and a mudshark mother. He was taken in by a white family, who spent time and money raising him. No one stood in his way to play foo'ball in high school, college or the NFL. The NFL pays him millions every year and caters to him, but he still thinks he is the victim of systematic Bigotry.

Due to the influence of the welfare system, the traditional black family has been essentially destroyed and replaced by a system of welfare dependence. That welfare system, substituting EBT payments for dad bring home the bacon, was built by the same tribe responsible for teaching the Bantu their new world view. So, without a traditional family, the role models for young Bantu girls are welfare queens, squeezing out a series of little money makers. The role models for young Bantu boys are predators and sperm donors. They are proud of the Thug Culture and eager to be a respected and feared part of it.

Successful predators are regarded as fit role models by young Bantus. Those young Bantus start forming gangs at a very young age. They regard white people as their natural prey, but also will prey on any weak Bantu who is not a member of their gang, like Dorothea and Marge.

Predation on whites and successful looking Bantus who are not part of the local gang, and drug sales pump some money into the Bantu economy, but the entire Bantu society is dependent on entitlement payments of various kinds. As you have reported, EBT cards are sold for cash that is used to buy drugs and whatever.

I believe that the Powers That Be want the current system to keep running, at least during their lifetimes. A riot is guaranteed to result in big grants to revitalize the community, and more money for the schools, on top of the EBT welfare payments. But, the whole financial system is becoming increasingly overloaded. The Gooberment's EBT welfare system is subject to failing thru computer crashes or malicious actions of hackers on both sides of the political spectrum who want the system to crash.

When the EBT cards failed to work for about 3 days in parts of Mississippi and Louisiana last year, riots and insurrection resulted. What happens when if EBT cards stop working for an entire month? I predict chaos in any city or urban area. Any whites living there who do not have guns and the smarts to Get Out of Dodge will become food items after all the grocery store food is exhausted. Marge and Dorothea? They gonna be food items too, when the crab cakes are all gone.
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