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Harm City’s #1
The Most Notorious of over 200 Known, At Large, Baltimore Killers is Bagged
© 2016 James LaFond
Trigger puller is the term used by Baltimore police to designate known felons, who cops are absolutely certain have killed people with firearms, but cannot be brought to justice, primarily because of the “stitches for snitches” credo of Harm City, where crime is an article of faith and the God of Hip Hop Death sits atop a pantheon of postindustrial murderers with sanguinary ambition equal to the Aztec gods of ancient Mexico.
Our “repeat-offender” “poster-child” is a Black Guerilla Family Member with at least 12 notches on his nine-mm auto, is only 21 and has the same home territory as Martyr Freddie Gray. It should be noted that the BGF was, next to the DOJ, the most influential organization behind the Baltimore Purge and Riots, wielding more influence at street level and doing more terroristic planning and execution than the Black Lives Matter advisors and paid protestors. The BGF runs a cohesive counter-insurgency under investigation by at least six law enforcement agencies, spreading terror at the lowest levels across Baltimore City and Baltimore County. The BGF sponsors petty criminals—so long as they are violent—and also holds out the hope of graduation to their famed ranks to youth in their early teens who defy police. The end result is city-wide mayhem that provides cover and distortion for their focal operations.
Thus far the BGF have proved more resilient than the Chicago Mobs of the 1920s and 30s and they face much stiffer law enforcement scrutiny and far greater police power. I don’t want to lionize them, but they are currently winning on their front of the Drug War.
Imagine, with the BPD admitting one year ago to having over 200 trigger pullers on the streets of Baltimore, a big deal is made of bagging one?
Thriving in Bad Places
Andrew Vachss
harm city
Two Real Ghetto Gourmets
son of a lesser god
uncle satan
book of nightmares
orphan nation
song of the secret gardener
the gods of boxing
ball of fortune
Bernie Hackett     Aug 28, 2016


But they're trying really hard!

Heinlein envisioned a future where the Inner City (of Urban Planner fame) would be walled up and off, with limited egress and ingress. No "essential" services, like ambulances, garbage removal, law enforcement. Left to its own devices.

Years ago, I was working Ft. Meade, and visited the local firehouse. They told me about this public housing complex in the area. They'd respond to fires, and get attacked by the inmates. I believe they told me their response time seemed to increase, for some reason, and that the local cops had to escort them.

I can see the dystopian future creeping ever closer.
PR     Aug 28, 2016

The elites believe the solution to this insurgency is more technology, just like in Iraq and AfPak. That article about the Persistent Surveillance activity in Baltimore is the elite solution to the problem. It is probably helpful for closing a certain number of cases, but not in solving the city's crime problem. The only solution is re-arming private law-abiding citizens and other 4GW tactics outlined in books by Bill Lind. The Dindustanis are not Americans and most be fought as a non-state insurgency.
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