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A Man with an Undercoat?
Possible Werewolf Sighting in 1763
© 2017 James LaFond
January 13, 1763
The Pennsylvania Gazette
RUN away from New castle, a Servant man, named John Adair, about five Feet ten Inches high, born in Ireland, and came over with Capt. Osborn this last Fall:
Had on when he went away, a grey Frize Surtoot Coat, [1] with a long Tail, yellow carved Buttons, and double frogged Button Holes, [2] blue Jacket, old Leather Breeches, white Thread Stockings, and old Shoes, with black rusty Steel Buckles; and took with him three Shirts, two were white, the other brown, and a Pair of Breeches made Trowsers.
He is likely, [3] of a fresh colour, fair faced, and fair long Hair, tied behind, and is very remarkable for a great Deal of short curled hair under the other. [4]
Whoever takes up said Servant, and secures him in any Goal, so as his Master may have him again, shall the above Reward, paid by me JAMES McCONNELL.
1. Surtout is also a French word meaning "above all" or "especially" and is used in this instance to describe a type of “frocked’ coat, which is to say a man’s coat with knee-length skirt or tails. These were commonly worn by cavalry troopers and sometimes by infantrymen of the era.
2. The double-frogged button holes were decorative button holes on the lapel of such a man’s riding coat
3. To be characterized as ‘likely” is to be judged as having promising qualities, which, in the 18th century would be those qualities suited to soldiering
4. This man seems to have an undercoat of shorter hair. One can only hope he was a werewolf who devoured his pursuers.
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Sam J.     Mar 16, 2017

"...five Feet ten Inches high..."

That was a big guy for those days.
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