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'A Pint-Sized Pervert'
Do You Want Three Wishes?
© 2017 Jeremy Bentham
Sure an’ Begorrah I’m a leprechaun. Suck me cock and I’ll grant ye three wishes…Haw! Haw! What’s so funny? Ain’t ye a bit old to be believing in leprechauns now?
Bar 'shocked and appalled' leprechaun at teen dance party a sex offender
Canoe inc. |
A pint-sized pervert who played a leprechaun at a teen dance has been exposed as a sex offender.
Andrew Collins, 32, had been convicted for breaking into a woman’s house then exposing himself.
But the tiny terror didn’t let that setback stop him from working as a leprechaun for pay at local parties in Enniskillen, Ireland. Most recently, Collins appeared at a booze-free St. Paddy’s bash—and posed for pictures with the kids.
“We are shocked and appalled to hear that an entertainer supplied to us by an established booking agency is currently on the sex offenders' register,” the owner of Secrets in County Tyrone said in the Mirror story.
“All of our entertainers are supplied by third party agencies on whom we rely to ensure that all proper checks and balances are in place to prevent situations such as this occurring. Obviously, had we been aware of this situation, the entertainer in question would under no circumstances have been allowed on our premises.”
According to the Mirror, Collins has appeared at numerous underage parties across Northern Ireland. And the lurid leprechaun appeared in scores of photos on social media with the young kids.
However, there was no evidence the diminutive deviant acted inappropriately.
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A Man
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Shep     Mar 29, 2017

I'm appropriating these for my fighting I walk to the ring, the announcer introduces: "The Diminutive deviant, the lurid leprechaun, the Pint-size pervert of punishment..."
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