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‘Fix the Mast or Paint the Deck?’
Jeremy Bentham on White Nationalist Protests
© 2017 James LaFond
Gosh James, Sam J. never quits does he?
“I hear a lot of criticism but no solutions. Waiting for everything to fall apart is not a plan.”
- Sam J. 08/181/2017
He’s going to get you to reveal the ‘big plan’ yet, isn’t he? LOL! Can he be that dumb or is he some kind of agent provocateur?
But to answer Sam J.’s charge, well yes waiting for everything to fall apart IS a plan. Especially if you lack the power to prevent a collapse and /or you don’t have any interest in preventing it. He doesn’t seem to get that you have no such interest, James, and have written so on numerous occasions. Or perhaps he is one of those persistent goofs who believes he can change your mind and/ or get you to do what he wants by continuing to pester you about it (of course one finds that has often worked for these people in the past since most people can’t stand the pressure. Probably worked on his mom.)? It does beg the question of why hang around here if you’re not finding the answer you seek?
Having said that I’m not going feed the trolls and bother to publically rebut Sam J. at this point. Clearly not going to change his mind. And what does it matter anyway?
What I will say is that Sam J.’s demeanor, as well as the events of Charlottesville, highlights the problems the white nationalist movement appears to have. Too many Little Napoleons, self-appointed experts, radical individualists and special snow flakes in their ranks. Too many people who are overeager to make some kind of dramatic statement. Statements that always backfire on them, especially since they seem enamored of historical symbols and memes that are discredited in the minds of most mainstream whites (like the swastika and the Stars and Bars). As you say James many in the dissident right, WN’s et al, are extremely naïve about the kind of smack-down the Leftist Deep State is able to inflict on them now. Not least of which is making it impossible for them to make a living in their chosen field. Like shutting down their Internet access at a time when the Internet is vital to commerce and their business in particular, pressuring PayPal into refusing to do business with them when PayPal has become such a vital service in Internet retail commerce, and so on.
The Leftist anarchists by contrast are better able to get with the program and subordinate themselves to the needs of their movement, as expressed by their masters. When they are told to riot, they riot, when they are told to lay low, they lay low.
The WNs also have way too many criminals in their ranks. Thugs who mostly want to exploit and dominate other whites and make money off of criminal rackets, like the dope trade. The first time you disappoint them they’ll hurt you (and it’s easy to disappoint them, all you have to do is be not willing to commit crimes at their behest). Like the ones who tried to kill your cousin and threatened to kill you. Middle class whites are NOT going to view hooligans and bullies like that as their saviors just because they happen to be of the same race. Even if it’s dawning on many of them now that they are facing a threat to their continued existence from the Globalists and their minions of color. Living conditions will have to get a whole lot worse before the white middle class will sign on to that.
“It is far too late to save it, because the body-social is now rotting, and we are but its odor.”
-Fred Beare
‘The Abyss Roars to Me’
Lucas and Terry
the greatest lie ever sold
when you're food
on combat
logic of steel
PR     Sep 3, 2017

THere are no quick solutions to the problem of our collapse. The only ones I see are living near like-minded people, developing relationships, practicing the Christian faith, and working on the local economy. To the extent that major pushback is needed against the Feds for things like our open borders, abortion-on-demand, gay "marriage", millions on the dole, etc, it needs to be done by "subordinate magistrates."

In Theodore Beza's treatise on "The Rights of Magistrates over their Subjects," he points out that tyrants need to be confronted by subordinate elected officials of regional and city governments. Nowadays, the 'tyrant' is the Deep State. Resistance to this tyranny might look like the following. State governors could refuse federal money and expel federal agents from their borders for their failure to live up to their charters. They could refuse to obey certain regulations written by unelected bureaucrats. They could petition Washington DC to keep its own laws and respect the Constitution.

We, the people, have failed to ask any of our regional magistrates to do this. Instead, we think we can elect new Congresscritters and presidents who will make a dent in the Deep State. They just end up getting swallowed by it. A de-coupling and dismantling of the Deep State must occur, but in a legitimate, organized fashion. Otherwise, as Beza wrote, the twin monsters of sedition and tyranny will be loosed.

To the NSA and other FBI provocateurs who read and post on this website, it's pretty clear that no one is here advocating sedition. You have all failed in your duty and believe in some right to rule us without our consent because of your technocratic "expertise". This sounds and awful lot like you believe in a mandate from heaven, as you define the term. Rulers are for the people, not the other way around. Reform your ways, quit your jobs, and seek honest work like Zacchaeus the tax collector.
Sam J.     Sep 3, 2017

"...waiting for everything to fall apart IS a plan..."

Well yeah I agree that is a plan. I don't think it's a good one.

I think a lot of criticism is that because Charlotte didn't go wonderfully that, OOPS, resistance is futile. I don't think so. I think lots of average people, "normies" have seen that the AntiFa were the aggressors. It's supposedly been shown that if 10% of the population is actively for something change comes.

If protesting is so stupid why did it work for Blacks and the civil rights movement? People felt it was unfair to see blacks having dogs sicced on them and sprayed down with fire hoses.

The Jews run and own the US along with some others in the tech and financial industry. The Representatives to have any cover at all to vote for legislature in the average persons interest need to be able to say,"Hey look at these protest, I need to give these people a break. I can't vote for your Pacific Impoverishment Trade Program" or what ever. The Jews bitch and moan and complain constantly how is it that if Whites do the same somehow it's "ineffective", "weak" or not valid?

People keep saying I'm an agent but step back and look at what you are saying,"keep calm, go home, don't say anything, just prepare in your secret hideaway, don't make waves", if you ask me logically that sounds more like an agent than me. I'm saying bitch and moan and complain constantly.

"...Or perhaps he is one of those persistent goofs who believes he can change your mind and/ or get you to do what he wants by continuing to pester you about it..."

I would like people to stop making fun of, belittling and saying that all the people out protesting are fools or that their efforts are to no effect. I think that it is a double standard for James to make fun of people that move away from Baltimore yet in the same breath demean people who go to protest to try and stop the disintegration of our country. This is a double standard. I have never said,"James you should go protest and travel around and wave flags". I never said that, ever. Look back you will not find me saying anyone should do this. I haven't ever, to my knowledge, said that any one person here or anywhere else should go to protest. I have said it's probably necessary as a part of a defense of the country. I think it's a good idea to protest but like the Spartans at Thermopylae it wasn't good for them "individually" at all but it was great for Western civilization.

One of the reasons for this is that I believe a large amount of the people controlling things are psychopaths. They will never, ever "get" that people are pissed off unless there's open protest. They don't have the mental capacity to understand normal humans except in an abstract way. They study us and are good at manipulating us but they don't "get" us. They don't understand. Therefore the only way to get them to back off and be more cautious is to make noise. Now you may disagree but what are you going to do if they go full Soviet State? Hiding in woods is not going to help. I see the nuts who run around in the woods as far more a waste of time than the nuts who protest. The guys in the woods as far as the State is concerned are no threat at all. By they time things get bad enough all the guys in the woods can be completely cut off. This business about wanting a collapse is stupidity of the highest level. A large part of making things work is a vast intertwined amount of commerce and if that stops it will be really bad and make any resistance harder.

I've vastly slowed down commenting and will probably slow more or stop. People saying I'm an agent has really made me think a little. I'm obviously not explaining myself well so my comments are counterproductive and a waste of my time and yours.
Sam J.     Sep 3, 2017

"...What I will say is that Sam J.’s demeanor, as well as the events of Charlottesville, highlights the problems the white nationalist movement appears to have. Too many Little Napoleons, self-appointed experts, radical individualists and special snow flakes in their ranks. Too many people who are overeager to make some kind of dramatic statement..."

There's some truth to this but this is the same with ANY group that has ideas out of the mainstream. The people who see things this way are by definition stubborn or they would believe what everyone does by fiat. As for "my demeanor", what does that mean? I believe that a bunch of assholes are destroying the country and that we should bitch about it constantly. I also believe that those that realize that the country is being destroyed should at least not give comfort to the enemy by telling others not to bitch about it. What's wrong with that?

You complain about the special snowflakes on the right while the left is filled with people who don't even know what sex they are this week. Talk about firing into your own ranks. What exactly are you trying to accomplish by constantly bitching about people who generally share your philosophy than these "rainbow warriors"? I know as well as you that the majority of the Nazis and KKK at rallys are plants but for the ones who are not...they don't bother me. The KKK isn't after this White boy or the Nazis. As long as they're criticizing the State we have now I don't care who they are. Many people disagree with this. They look at the past where the Jews ran the Nazi party and it gave the right a bad name but I keep reminding them, "we don't live in that world any more". People can see in alternative press that the KKK/Nazi mess is really a bunch of lies. People don't believe the press. The more the press goes after Nazis the better they look.
Sam J.     Sep 3, 2017

"... many in the dissident right, WN’s et al, are extremely naïve about the kind of smack-down the Leftist Deep State is able to inflict on them now..."

They've never had less power. They're losing the narrative. Look at James site. How many people do you think would have heard of James writing without the internet?

"...pressuring PayPal into refusing to do business with them when PayPal has become such a vital service in Internet retail commerce, and so on..."

Before they would just kill you and no one would know. Paypal is already being replaced by newer financial services. The whole internet is being taken out of the control of the Jews see,

Every single one of your complaints about the Alt-Right go super double for the Left yet for some reason the Left to you is some uber winning team that we should hush ourselves and not even comment about. They're ten feet tall and the perfect organized bunch. I think they're a bunch of wackos. They do have a bunch of smart Jews with money running them but I bet there's not an infinite supply of these whackos that will get out and fight. In every area where they force them to remove their mask they do...NOTHING. So wouldn't time be better spent complaining about people illegally wearing mask and attacking people than turning around and shooting at your own team? Why are you building up the Left and attacking the Right? What's the game plan for this? Now it makes perfect sense to tell people not to go to rallies as you might get hit with a stick but it always seems to be paired with all this negative stuff about the Right while pretending that the Left are all well adjusted folks just afraid of the (actually Jew) Nazis. I also don't see why you criticize me for cheering for my team. I'm for the Whites even if some of them are fucked up because I know the other sides fucked up people are even more fucked up than my people.

I think these rallies are a HUGE win. So far we have one Lefty dead, a few Right in jail, some busted heads and MASSIVE publicity. The car killer we come to find out is a Jew. I'm betting he was a (fake Nazi) and panicked when the left surrounded him. I see that as a win. At other rallies, free speech, pro Trump, the Left has acted predictably and shut down all free speech and bashed regular tea party type folks. The normal people see this. I bet it washes away all the Nazi flags when they see no matter what you say if you're White you're a Nazi. Big win.
BingoBoingo     Sep 4, 2017

lol @ "

I've vastly slowed down commenting and will probably slow more or stop. People saying I'm an agent has really made me think a little. I'm obviously not explaining myself well so my comments are counterproductive and a waste of my time and yours. "

Wow. Also why bring up the broken thoroughly USG.MIT products like Ethereum and ignore Bitcoin.

Anyways a big reason movements left, right, and bowel have so many snowflakes is... agents.
PR     Sep 4, 2017

For the record, I think beating-up on Sam J. is pointless and counterproductive. The Left wants us all fighting with one-another. Sam J. hasn't done anything real bad and he's not against us, so he's for us.

I think organized Jewry in this country has done real harm and I'm exasperated by its attack on people like me though my ancestors have given theirs the best home they've had in thousands of years. I don't want them marched off to gas chambers, but they need to amend their ways or go to IsrŠ°el where Baruch can try to fix them (good luck).

Nevertheless, Jews are far less damaging to us than we are to ourselves. We could've repealed the 1965 immigration act foisted on us by 2 Jews and some Micks, but the truth is Boomers and The Greatest Generation seem to love this diversity crap. How do John McCain and Lindsay Graham keep getting elected? Why do our state and city governments do nothing about illegal immigration? I think the reason can only be because we all like eating at restaurants staffed by Mexican cooks, having our cars washed and fixed by them and our lawns mowed by them. The ability to hire cheap servants is the reason we still have this problem.
Sam J.     Sep 4, 2017

I'm listening to James interview with Rebel media. I don't get it. I just got to the part were he says how wonderful Baltimore would be if they had two Men like Big Ron on each block who would defend the neighborhood and where," would need a society that wouldn't condemn them, vilify them and sic the cops on them for taking care of business". I don't condemn them, vilify them at all. Not a bit. I don't get it. I don't get it at all. Why is it when I say the same thing I'm "an agent", "promoting violence", "stupid, don't understand, and on and on". I support exactly this but not just at a local level. The policies that are being carried out are from the top not the bottom. Without changing these the bottom will continue to rot. What I might ask is so confusing about this? I notice that all these questions I ask are followed by telling me why I'm not doing this or that right or not understanding this or that but never are any answers offered. Maybe I'm wrong but moving to a cabin in Idaho is not going to change a damn thing.

James your description of Hamilton is a nightmare.

That's a good idea about the "Industrial White Guys, etc.".
Sam J.     Sep 5, 2017

Yeah I know commenting that I'm going to slow commenting is a bit ridiculous but it seems reasonable to defend myself.


Wow. Also why bring up the broken thoroughly USG.MIT products like Ethereum and ignore Bitcoin..."

The things I linked are different sorts of technology. Some of them include digital currencies but that's not their main point. Their main virtue is that they go around the centralized internet. Much more like BitTorrent and magnet files are for file sharing. They make censorship of the web extremely difficult if not impossible. Many include various forms of encryption so that to stop their services you would have to shut off the whole web, Kill off all the Girls cat pictures and then you would really see a revolution.
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