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'The Immortal Soul'
What the Bible Says About Life and Death?, by The Watchtower, NO. 4 2017
© 2017 James LaFond
As others veer away when the Jehovah's Witnesses come to the bus stop with their pamphlets, I eagerly take on. As with Catholics and Mormons, Jehovah's Witness members are not considered Christians by many denominations of protestants and most non-denominational Christians. However, the case for the immortality of the soul being a Hellenic—Aryan—concept, introduced into Judaism through the Essenes and Nazarenes and into Christianity via gnostic traditions out of Egypt and Hellenic traditions, which may have ultimately had Egyptian origins, is something that I have found in my own research into ancient boxing.
The historical boxers God-born, Grace-speaker and Grey-fish were all said to have been fathered by a god or elemental spirit and have been the product of "virgin" births, and Grace-speaker was believed by some Hellenic-Egyptians to have ascended and avoided death.
Many atheists are of the opinion that religious belief means belief in an immortal soul. Yet this is rare in human societies and was most pronounced in Аrуаn traditions and may have been key to Аrуаn warriors having consistently given better than they have got in war across the ages.
The Watchtower staff present their case with quotes from Herodotus, Genesis, fPaul, John, the Hebrews, Malachi and Josephus, a Jewish traitor who worked for the Romans, and most in matter-of-fact terms from Ecclesiastes:
"there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave."
The authors instead make the case for a collective rising of the dead after the Second Coming and that mankind was designed to live forever, not just "70 or 80 years" and that the sin of Adam and Eve in partaking of the fruit of knowledge is what damned us to mortality.
Such questions of faith do not have an objectively arguable answer. However, this reader believes it is no accident that those ancient and modern Аrуаn warriors—among them millions of Christians over the ages—have generally sustained themselves in combat with more resolve and to better effect, especially in hand to hand combat, than those who do not believe that life continues in some other way after they are slain, while noting that there are other methods of mental discipline for to encourage self-sacrifice on the part of a combatant.
Horror readers might also wish to consider that the rising of the dead that is key to one of the competing zombie apocalypse concepts, and which predated the disease model, is obviously inspired by one or more biblical passages, such as John 5:28, 29.
"the dead are in the grave, awaiting the resurrection."
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