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Notes On Adapting Narrative To Character From SPQR: Selek, Washington, 1/18/24
Posted in Blog on Jul 22, 2024 — 372 reads
In These Parts Sidebar 3: Two Brothers Speak Of Fight Times: 12/25/23
Posted in Blog on Jul 17, 2024 — 641 reads
In These Parts Sidebar 2: Three Men Speak Of Wild Times: 12/25/23
Posted in Blog on Jul 15, 2024 — 726 reads
In These Parts Sidebar 1: Two Brothers Speak Of He They Lost: 12/25/23
Posted in Blog on Jul 12, 2024 — 955 reads
In These Parts Sidebar: Ken Speaks Of Times Gone Wrong: 12/25/23
Posted in Blog on Jul 10, 2024 — 1,094 reads
In These Parts #5
Posted in Blog on Jul 8, 2024 — 1,199 reads
A Shamerika Survey For The Dark Side Of Leap Year 2024: Selek, Washington, 6/28/24
Posted in Blog on Jun 28, 2024 — 1,823 reads
Tags:   Fake&Destroy
Posted in Blog on Jun 16, 2024 — 2,344 reads — 1 comment
The Metaphysical Igloo Office Of A Kept Hoodrat, Portland, Oregon: 11/5/23
Posted in Blog on Jun 10, 2024 — 2,704 reads
In These Parts #1
Posted in Blog on Jun 7, 2024 — 2,704 reads
Tags:   In These Parts
Recollections Of Kelley B., As Told To James LaFond
Posted in Blog on Jun 5, 2024 — 2,651 reads
Tags:   In These Parts
Testosterone Positive TV Shows
Posted in Blog on May 7, 2024 — 4,009 reads — 1 comment
Posted in Blog on May 6, 2024 — 3,843 reads
Part One: Childhood Lessons And Responsibilities
Posted in Blog on May 1, 2024 — 4,046 reads
The Working Life Of Bob Johnson
Posted in Blog on Apr 29, 2024 — 4,220 reads — 1 comment
James Anderson: Portland, Oregon, November 15th, 2022
Posted in Blog on Apr 23, 2024 — 4,250 reads
Tags:   Guest Authors
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, Yakima Nation, Washington
Posted in Blog on Apr 22, 2024 — 4,182 reads
A New Reader Is Curious About A Sequel To Of Lions And Men
Posted in Blog on Apr 21, 2024 — 4,076 reads
Observations On Updating Agrarian Civic Controls: 8/29/2023
Posted in Blog on Apr 17, 2024 — 4,482 reads — 2 comments
Pondering The Last Sustainable Work Of A Slavish Life: 8/20/23
Posted in Blog on Apr 8, 2024 — 4,716 reads — 1 comment
Youtube: InTheseGoingsDown
Posted in Blog on Apr 7, 2024 — 4,674 reads
Tags:   Video Reviews
Musings Of A Crippled Writer Concerning Post-Modern Mesmerism: 8/10/2023
Posted in Blog on Apr 5, 2024 — 4,940 reads — 2 comments
Some Thoughts On The Soundtrack Of Our Lives: 7/14/2023
Posted in Blog on Mar 29, 2024 — 9K reads — 1 comment
Crackpot Contact News
Posted in Blog on Feb 20, 2024 — 6K reads
Novelist, Poet, Historian, Rugby Player, Knucklehead, Broadsword Fencer, James Anderson
Posted in Blog on Feb 4, 2024 — 6K reads — 1 comment
The Master Of The Esoteric Cafe Has Translated A German Language Infoteric Classic
Posted in Blog on Feb 4, 2024 — 6K reads — 1 comment
On Dramatic Post-Covid Changes In America: 5/26/2022
Posted in Blog on Feb 2, 2024 — 7K reads
Jeth Randolph Discusses Our Orphan Nations: 8/28/2023
Posted in Blog on Jan 22, 2024 — 7K reads — 1 comment
Can The Crackpot, Fight, Train, Work Or Walk?
Posted in Blog on Jan 21, 2024 — 7K reads
Achilleas And The Crackpot Discuss The Sissy: 8/1/2023
Posted in Blog on Jan 19, 2024 — 7K reads
Baltimore, 7/30/2023
Posted in Blog on Jan 17, 2024 — 7K reads
Musings On Misogyny: Baltimore, 5/12/2023
Posted in Blog on Jan 12, 2024 — 7K reads
Tags:   The Man Cave
Notes On Climate From Colorado To Jersey: 5/22/2023
Posted in Blog on Jan 11, 2024 — 7K reads
From Chicongo To Joliet, To Chicongo And Pittsburgh By Train: May 1-2, 2023
Posted in Blog on Jan 10, 2024 — 7K reads
Training And Visiting With Electric: Joliet, Ill, April 29 To May 1 2023
Posted in Blog on Jan 9, 2024 — 7K reads
Emmeryville To Chicongo By Train: April 28-29, 2023
Posted in Blog on Jan 8, 2024 — 7K reads
Opening The Winter He Mail Box This Once: 1/4/24
Posted in Blog on Jan 4, 2024 — 7K reads
A Dialogue With Achilleas
Posted in Blog on Jan 4, 2024 — 7K reads
Grendel Hall Muses At The Murkin Beast In Its Feed Stall
Posted in Blog on Jan 4, 2024 — 7K reads
San Jose To Reno By Bus & Train: April 27-28, 2023
Posted in Blog on Jan 4, 2024 — 7K reads
Feeding The Relentless Writing Beast: January 2, 2024, Selek, Washington
Posted in Blog on Jan 3, 2024 — 7K reads
Penetration By Ingo Swann: 5/6/2023
Posted in Blog on Jan 3, 2024 — 7K reads
Tags:   Book Reviews
How Is Your Reading Money Being Spent?: 12/12/23
Posted in Blog on Dec 31, 2023 — 7K reads
A Weird Year Comes
Posted in Blog on Dec 31, 2023 — 7K reads — 2 comments
Posted in Blog on Dec 28, 2023 — 7K reads
Observations Of Weather And Wildlife: San Jose 4/27 To Pittsburgh 5/3
Posted in Blog on Dec 22, 2023 — 7K reads
Hobo Nutritional Notes: San Jose, CA, 4/26/2023
Posted in Blog on Dec 21, 2023 — 7K reads
San Jose, California, April 24, 2023
Posted in Blog on Dec 20, 2023 — 7K reads
The Sending Of Super Soldier Joe: 4/22-23/2023, Coastal Starlight #11
Posted in Blog on Dec 19, 2023 — 7K reads
A Rogues Gallery Of Post Shamdemic Transports: 4/22-23/2023, Coastal Starlight #11
Posted in Blog on Dec 18, 2023 — 7K reads
Notes On Post Shamdemic Transportation: 4/22-23/2023, Coastal Starlight #11
Posted in Blog on Dec 15, 2023 — 7K reads
How Much Writing Can A Crippled Sped Complete In A Year: 12/13/23
Posted in Blog on Dec 13, 2023 — 7K reads
Crackpot Activity Accessibility Update: 12/12/23
Posted in Blog on Dec 12, 2023 — 7K reads — 1 comment
What Is Newslaw?: Context #2: San Jose, 4/26/23
Posted in Blog on Dec 8, 2023 — 7K reads
Vaxx Zombie De Gualle Wonders About Elite Aspirations: San Jose, 4/24/2023
Posted in Blog on Dec 7, 2023 — 7K reads
Dialogues By Phone On The Coastal Starlight: 4/22-23/2023
Posted in Blog on Dec 6, 2023 — 8K reads — 1 comment
Musings From The Cancel Culture Waste Bin: San Jose, 4/25/2023
Posted in Blog on Dec 5, 2023 — 8K reads — 2 comments
Treading The Lie In Muddled Sight: San Jose, Shamerica, Sol 3: Primate Experiment, 4/26/23
Posted in Blog on Dec 4, 2023 — 7K reads
Boomer Retard Writer News
Posted in Blog on Oct 4, 2023 — 11K reads
Guest Commentary By Grendel Hall
Posted in Blog on Oct 1, 2023 — 11K reads
Tags:   Guest Authors

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Harm City
Modern Combat

A historical focus on Аrуаn relationships with domesticated animals and monsters, the Bronze Age Collapse and Thucydides, with a mythic focus on Genesis and Beowulf. 2021, 346 pages.
History of the Future
Gibbon Summations
Upon The Earth Plantation America The Combat Space Harm City to Chicongo The Man Cave