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Modern Agonistics
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Training Heavy Extension Weapons
A Crucifix Post Video
JUL/16/17 | TheCrackpotPodcast
James LaFond demonstrates training techniques suitable for long, heavy extension weapons. Filmed by DL.
The Umbrella Block
Modern Agonistics Training Video
JUL/14/17 | TheCrackpotPodcast
James LaFond demonstrates variations of the umbrella block for stickfighting. Filmed by DL.
Training Like a Gladiator
Notes on a Modern Version of the Palus
JUL/11/17 | TheCrackpotPodcast
James LaFond describes the construction and use of his crucifix for training with the stick. Footage courtesy DL.
'Funny Stories, Vicious Fights'
A Modern Agonistics Q&A with Lynn Lockhart
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
A compilation of a training session earlier this year. 00:00 Stick & Shield 02:13 Knife & Shield 04:16 Stick Boxing
Lancaster Agonistics
Training in Southern Pennsylvania with Sean Glass
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
An introduction on the proper way to punch by James LaFond. For more information on combat and culture please visit: For books written by the James Lafond click the link below:
Goon Surfing
A Time and Measure Drill with Focus Mitts, Not Punching Mitts
Block-Head Jab Drill
Learning How To Deal with the KO Puncher in Your Bag Work
‘Why You Don’t Lead With a Power Jab’
A Video Primer on the Jab
What Knuckles Do You Punch With?
An Introduction to the Use of the Fist
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
One of many different Jab drills to work. For more information on combat and culture please visit: For books written by the James Lafond click the link below:
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
A review on the Roof Block and its applications in the street and in competition. For more information on combat and culture please visit: For books written by the James Lafond click the link below:
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
A video focused on one of the most important strokes in stick fighting. For more information on combat and culture please visit: For books written by the James Lafond click the link below:
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
Part 2 of basic knife defense skills For more information on combat and culture please visit: For books written by the James Lafond click the link below:
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
Basics of knife defense. For more information on combat and culture please visit: For books written by the James Lafond click the link below:
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
One of the best drills to practice for self defense is the spear drill. This is a must have for anyone that wants to defend themselves in the street and is vital for women and smaller guys to be able to do quickly and efficiently. For more information on combat and culture please visit: For books written by the James Lafond click the link below:
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
James gives a breakdown on one of the most underutilized boxing and self defense techniques the Jab. Topics include how to, street applications, and variations. For more information on combat and culture please visit: For books written by the James Lafond click the link below:
‘Football with a Stick’
The Roof Block Drill: Training to Defend against the Overhand with a Stick
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
A review on various extension weapons and their applications. For more information on combat and culture please visit: For books written by the James Lafond click the link below:
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
A review of stick fundamentals, powerpoints, and specific applications. For more information on combat and culture please visit: For books written by the James Lafond click the link below:
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
Defending the Twerp attack For more information on combat and culture please visit: For books written by the James Lafond click the link below:
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
A video on how to keep your weapon from getting taken and general guard principles. For more information on combat and culture please visit: For books written by the James Lafond click the link below:
Punishing Foe-Meat
Dehumanizing the Antagonist in a Primal Way, With the Stick Slash
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
A good self defense drill to practice moving out of the combat zone For more information on combat and culture please visit: For books written by the James Lafond click the link below:
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
A burnout best of 5 axe/shield session at the end of training which includes a destructive elbow shot!
Shanking Arуas
A Demonstration of Primitive Single-Edged Knife Use Against an Unarmed Attacker
The Spear Drill
Defending against the Knife Stab with No Weapon: A Video Contact Drill
MAY/05/17 | SevierKnoxAgonistics
Showcasing the skills required and preferable strikes when using a heavy extension weapon such as a cane. Check out for more on self defense, culture, history, and more.
Defending against the Twerp
Realistic Size Relationships Between Antagonists
‘The Meat of Your Hand’
An Extension weapon Review for Jeremy Bentham
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