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The Most Off The Hook Racist Comic Ever Drawn by J.T.C.
© 2014 James LaFond
As a nominally black white man I have to say I’m tired already of it being ‘against the news’ to be racist. Hell, it’s nearly against the law. Some of my best friends, white and black, are racists. They make me laugh. They make me smile. My Uncle Robert was mixed race and he got along fine with my racist Uncle Bernie, and that was in the 70s! What gives?
Well, when I saw this Christian flip-comic on the shelves at work with oops! for a title and two hysterically laughing black satyrs with caricatured black features I felt—well, like the press agent for an embattled NBA owner! OMG! [That was not a racial slur. I first heard it uttered by a little white girl.] I love J.T.C., may he rest in peace. But what was he thinking? His other attempts to target black heathens for conversion were fairly smooth: black hero cop, the grim reaper saying ‘Whuz up?’ to a black iron worker, etc. But this looks like it was commissioned by Uncle Ruckus for a Boondocks episode!
Okay Yo, here it go, a off da top a da head first read-summary bein’ da James LaFond dot m-f’n com remix a dis racist joint…
P 2: The all black cast gather around Bobby who overdosed on speed as he is taken away in an ambulance.
P 3: The neighbors mourn his passing, all except an evil looking do-ragged somebody who obviously sold him the drugs.
P 4-5: A man in a white suit comes forward and questions Bobby’s place in eternity, stating that if he did not know Jesus than he is now damned forever. A man laughs, “Here come de [that should be ‘da’ whitey] judge.”
P 6-7: The laughing skeptic points his finger at the holy roller, lights up a cigarette, and declares that God is Love and that men wrote the Bible.
P 8-9: The holy roller responds that the Bible is ‘God’s inspired word’. The skeptic gets angry and wants to leave but the little friend of the skeptic wants to hear more before they ‘cut out’. A lengthy block of preachy text declares the heavenly stipulations.
P 10 -11: The skeptic gets angry and points his finger. The holy roller hands him a J.T.C. comic that is printed with "You must be born again’ and says, ‘2500 years from tonight, you will remember this meeting."
Wow, wow you. Time fo a break. Now obviously Bobby already in Hell. But dis prayin’ somebody, he be creepin’ me out, like he, Oh, oh…en the fool take it don’t ya know!
P 12-13: The skeptic elbows the holly roller in the back sending his comics scattering to the sidewalk. He then tears up the comic, calling it propaganda, and walks off with his friend, who is not comfortable with the violence.
P 14-15: The skeptic and his friend drive off down a country road toward a train track—Yo, look out. Look out, here it come!
P 16-17: The skeptic urges the conflicted driver to cross the track ahead of the speeding bullet train and ‘Yaaaaaaaa!’
P 18-19: The conflicted driver and the skeptic wake up in Hell, with their clothes intact, and now the skeptic is sounding like he knows a little too much about this joint and does not seem worried at all about the flames!
P 20: The conflicted friend points at the skeptic and says, “You were wrong, you goofed!”
P 21: The skeptic says, “No little buddy. I wasn’t wrong!” as he peels away his Danny Glover-looking face…
P 22: …Oh snap, dis joint is hell en he da Devil en ain’ even white!
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