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‘He Came of Yeoman Stock’
An Introduction to Ethan Allen by John Pell, Esquire, October 1929
© 2023 James LaFond
I normally eschew the modern lens upon old times, my policy being to neglect the reading of any introduction to a primary document. I here make an exception, for three reasons: the type is readable, the brevity of the introduction indicates that the author has not attempted to upstage or philosophize upon the subject, and this “Introductory Note” provides excellent context for the primary source. This certainly has to do with the fact that Pell wrote before the Curtain of the All-Lie fell over the American Mind in 1945. Actual inquiry and preservation of reality, rather than its continued jingoistic distortion, are hallmarks of histories, excellent and otherwise, before 1939.
The propaganda virus that infected the English language and the American Mass Mind at that time, has made actual inquiry by academics impossible and by popular authors improbable. It falls to a semi-retarded high school dropout to mine the distorted and disfigured record of our past for facts in search of the truth. In this toil, Mister Pell’s small assistance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you, Sir and blessed you are not to have witnessed what has become of your hallowed nation.
-JL, Portland, Oregon, Wednesday night before Thanksgiving
A selection of Pell’s fine brief, to be amplified in the footnotes:
“Ethan Allen, it is commonly supposed, was a pioneer, backwoods chieftain and extempore soldier who suddenly emerged from the wilderness at the head of a band of uncouth adventurers, captured a fortress, shouted an epigram and disappeared again into the obscurity of mountain caverns and first growth trees.” [0]
“He came of Yoeman stock. Before emigrating to America with the Dorchester Company in 1632, the Allens owned land in Essexshire. They were Church of England separatists… Four generations averaged ten children each and lived in eight different places.” [1]
“...Ethan was born there [Litchfield, Connecticut] January 10th, 1737 (old time). [2] Less then two years later he was carried in his mother’s arms across the hills to Cornwall, the new town on the Housatonic. His childhood was spent in that log cabin frontier settlement. Dogs and pigs ran loose in the mud lane. Wolves howled in the forest nearby. There were Indian massacres in neighboring villages [3]—even a witch, Moll Cramer, shunned and feared, living with her child in a solitary cabin not far away.” [4]
“Debts, crop failures, mistakes and misfortunes are continually forcing men and women from the old settlements out beyond the frontier to start life over again in the wilderness…” [5]
“...he formed the Onion River Company and obtained from the New Hampshire Proprietors hundreds of Rights (a Right was usually 360 acres) of land in the vicinity of what is now Burlington, Vermont. When the New York grantees of the disputed region began to press their claims, Ethan organized among the settlers who had bought the land which they had cleared and improved from the New Hampshire Proprietors, a band of minutemen who called themselves Green Mountain Boys and who for several years withstood the Yorkers’ attacks. [6]
“Their leader was outlawed and posted. He escaped attempts to kidnap him, offered a reward for the capture of the Attorney General of New York Province and built a block fort to insure the validity of his land titles.” [7]
“When hostilities broke out between the King’s troops and the farmers of Lexington, Ethan had at his command an organized army all ready to follow him to the King’s forts situated at Ticonderoga and Crown Point—so dangerously close to the Onion River Company’s land.”
“The Connecticut Courant at Hartford, the Massachusetts Spy at Worcester, the Pennsylvania Packet at Philadelphia, printed accounts…” [8]
“His later life (like his early years) was devoted to maintaining the independence of the New Hampshire Grants and the validity of the Onion River titles. He had to face the opposition of the British Army in Canada as well as the New York delegation in Congress. [9] The upshot of his efforts was the State of Vermont, admitted to the Union in 1791, two years after his death.”
“His last days were spent on a farm, studying and writing philosophy.”
-0. In Plantation America, prior to the establishment of any formal military organization, the ranks of Captain, Major and Colonel were assumed by men, who would today be derided in the globalist media as strongmen. Chieftain is the most accurate portrayal of his status. “First growth trees,” strikes a chronistic chord.
-1. The European agricultural social scheme, ignoring the merchant or mechanic class, had nobility, peasantry and serfs. The serfs were bound to the nobility as chattel. Peasants were taxed by the nobility and owned their own slaves and in England, aspired, and sometimes gained, nobel status, generally be enclosing “common lands,” driving away the poor with the assiatnce of their slaves. The American “front” “tier” of civilization was an extension of this enclosure process. In England, possibly due to the many tiered conquest structure of society, admitted a Yeoman class who was taxed like a peasant and was treated with more respect in exchange for his breeding as many sons as possible trained in war to supplement the nobility/conscript army. George Oglethorpe, as depicted in Advent America, founded Georgia as an attempt to establish a Yeoman class of farmer in hallowed imitation of the Hellenic Hoplite of Antiquity and the Longbowmen of Agincourt. While a peasant will have a number of slaves equal to his sons, a Yeoman is encouraged to limit slave staff to attendance upon his heroically breeding wife, who will need a maid, a wet nurse and a man servant as well as a boy. The problem with the Yeoman class is obviously the existence of an economically self sufficient warrior class in waiting and was the problem with Plantation America. The Yeoman became the Puritan, the frontiersman, rebel, patriot, minuteman, rancher, farmer, and ultimayely the U.S. G.I., outbreeding, outworking and outwitting tribes and empires alike. The combined USG efforts of the Great Depression and WWII brought him to heel and the last generation to breed and bleed, “the Greatest Generation,” brought them to assisted living facilities and their descendants into the embrace of an almost universal drug addiction and negative birthrate.
-2. The English year, began in March, rather than January up until the 1750s.
-3. In which freemen were killed, adult slave men were left alone and women and children were captured and either adopted or held for ransom, as depicted in Search For An American Spartacus. Note that a woman, below, managed to live in the woods alone with child.
-4. How Moll Cramer earned the status of witch is unknown. It may have been related to either a bastard birth and her exile after being whipped. This is unlikely, as bastard children were usually taken from the mother before she was whipped and adopted out. It is most likely that she was a widow and refused to remarry and in fending for herself was feared and shunned as living outside of the normal social contract.
-5. How is it, that with the most available land per person, of all European nations before the conquest of Australia, that only America ejects people from existing communities under debt and crime pressure? Today, this is mostly done by importing government subsidized criminals. In Allen’s time, the mechanism was debt. The postmodern American typically leaves the “community” of his birth to avoid rape, robbery and murder at the hands of Tyrone Crow. If you were to live under debt tyranny, any of those reading this, who still owe a mortgage payment, a credit card payment, a car payment or a utility bill at month’s end, would be sold into slavery. This was the world that enabled Allen to recruit an infamous private army.
-6. The self naming of “Boys,” suggests that these men were fugitives from another province and were assigned property status, as only a property owner could be free in Plantation America, perhaps as ghost buyers for Allen and his partners, in return for militia service. Boy meant slave. Elsewhere in Allen’s narrative they will be referred to as “a scourge and a terror” suggesting that Allen organized vagabond and rogue class men with no master under the banner of the Onion River Company, elevating them to the lower rung of his own aspirational class. New York was notorious for corruption, with pirate captains fencing goods with governors, suffering two slave revolts, and one coup that unseated a governor. Pennsylvania would accept an entire community of rebel German slaves who had successfully revolted against the Governor of New York.
-7. “New York Province,” not “Colony.” Accurate portrayals of Plantation America Reality continued to find their way into print publication through the 1930s, to be replaced by fanciful sketches of “Colonial America,” once America became Proprietor of Planet Earth in 1945. Imagine a world were such creatures as Gates, Trump, Musk, Tillerson, and Bazos published rewards for the abduction of one another!
-8. Even in the titles of these early periodicals, the mechanic class of the small Plantation Towns and Cities admitted their conspiratorial origins and nature.
-9. An early, even foundational expression of the unique cannibalistic nature of USG, which would result in the Civil Wars of 1861-64 and of 2016-31.
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