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‘God’s Dog’
Coyote & Cougar by Dave Smith
© 2014 James LaFond
Reading from pages 33-44 of Don’t Get Eaten: The Dangers of Animals that Charge or Attack, 2003, The Mountaineers Books, Seattle, WA
It seems from reading this book that attacks by non-domestic animals on humans have been increasing exponentially since 1981. I suppose we can thank some tree-hugger organization for that.
Having been repeatedly preyed upon by one animal listed in the table of contents I skipped right past bison and checked out the cougar listing, only to discover that sex-starved middle-aged women are not stalking hiking trails on the left coast, but their totem animal is snuffing the liberal hikers out there instead.
I cannot admire big cats enough. It is simply amazing that a 120 pound cougar can break the neck of an elk [an animal the size of a small horse] with the muscles in its own neck. I am rooting for the cougars in their battle against left wing encroachment on their habitat. Hell, they are making out better than conservative humans!
The Coyote, ‘God’s Dog’ has been the target of eradication efforts by professional and recreational hunters for over 100 years, and is even hunted like the Taliban from helicopters. Coyotes seem to be chiefly a danger to human children and canine pets. However, when Dave Smith notes that 5,000 coyotes are thought to reside in the City of Los Angeles, you have to admire the little bastards. It seems as if the only animal capable of keeping them in check is the wolf, and we got rid of them so the coyote has been filling in.
Somehow it is comforting to know that animals are still on occasion hunting us. Threats from animals seem to have long ago contributed to what we are and it is nice to know a few of the hairy meat munchers out there still care.
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