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‘Against the Homeland’
A Weekend in CNN Hell at Various Layovers in Postcard America
© 2014 James LaFond
As the global security surprise which could have surprised no one who was alive in the early 1970s and paying attention, spread across the news world I was stuck viewing the Communist News Network. As I sat there shaking my head, seeing ISIS rolling into Iraq like the NVA rolled into South Vietnam, amid entirely predictable tales of puppet officers and politically appointed generals—who apparently will not even answer the phone—abandoning their men to death squads I could not help but wonder at the ignorance of the news casters.
Then, when the experts showed up and never bothered to mention that there is a history of American client states folding as soon as the marines pull out, and that only an idiot would not have predicted this, it became apparent that I was not looking at analysis but an augmented national brainwashing session. I now began to examine the brainwashing techniques employed by the deceiver drones.
The bogus analysis was kept on a technical basis, never addressing the core of the struggle which is one of the material versus the spiritual. This is a subject worthy of discussion as such struggles have historically gone either way. The purpose of the so-called experts was to convince the American people that they needed to get behind a total war package and reject half-measures. This, I suppose, is calculated to build support for future military initiatives.
The experts are soulless creatures who never-the-less remained interesting enough that a meaningful discussion might have been had. But the real overarching agenda came apparent when the toxic ghost of America Past was wheeled out in the cadaverous form of Douche Bag Senator Tom Casper. The aptly named undead senator used the terms ‘lone wolf threat’ and ‘The Home Land’ with uncomfortably soviet relish even as he emasculated himself by stating that he was not afraid of Islamists, but rather declared, "I’m only afraid of my wife.”
Well Senator Douchebag, the Islamist are afraid of that woman too. That’s the entire point.
Tom Casper is tragically the Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs. He played his functionary role quite well as he used football and baseball metaphors to describe the current global conflict, and then went on to praise the cowardly Iraqi Prime Minister as “an inclusive sort of fellow.”
I can only imagine how I would feel as a U.S. serviceman viewing the personification of wretched banality that is surely the least of our Dark Lord’s ring wraiths. Politicians have often struck me as undead beings, but rarely with such moldering moral decay as Senator Tom Casper.
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Jeremy Bentham     Sep 29, 2014

Yep, we're only afraid of our wives. The Islamists can see that. That's why they're fighting against us tooth and nail. They don't want their women and children talking back to them like ours do to us. LOL! I imagine it must be befuddling to the Islamists that such a bunch of pussy-whipped fops as we are can be such effective fighters on the battlefield. There must be black magic behind this. Clearly the infidels are in league with the Devil. Well one must admire the courage and conviction of the Islamists; they not only have a religion they are willing to die for, but one for which they are willing to kill! I believe the West would be in serious trouble if not for the Islamist propensity for both buffoonish incompetence and counter-productive internecine warfare.

As far as what American servicemen think of what is going on, it might astonish you to learn how many people in the military probably voted to elect our current President. There are many more Liberals in the Armed Forces than most civilians realize. I was in Iraq during the 2008 election and enjoyed many discussions with both Americans and people from other lands about what they expected our new President to accomplish. It would be great fun to be able to do a follow-up with some of those folks, Americans and foreigners alike, to learn what they think of him now. Post-election I assisted Iraqi colleagues who asked for my help in applying for residency in the USA. It was easy to foresee that any Iraqi’s who had worked for the Americans were likely to find themselves in great peril in the near future. As they say, you don’t need a weatherman to tell you which way the wind is blowing.
James     Sep 30, 2014

Thanks for the Iraqi service insight.

I believe that the great luxury that western women have to dictate homeland sensibilities is derived directly from the fact that the bastards they married have consistently slaughtered foes in numbers so disproportionate to their losses that they have less pressing concerns than, let's say an Afghan wife who must look skyward with great dread when she hangs out her laundry.
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