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‘This Genius Thinks We Came From A Monkey’
Big Daddy? By J.T.C.
© 2014 James LaFond
My favorite comic author is back at it with a schoolroom drama between a frothing at the mouth screaming evolution fanatic of a teacher, and a mild mannered fact-armed Christian student, reversing the traditional roles.
The student offers various proofs for intelligent design with the key evidence being the JTC version of the ascent of man table spread across pages 12 and 13. The table presents 9 specimens 3 of which are known hoaxes, and cites the well known case of the arthritic Neanderthal as the only Neanderthal find, and most egregiously omits Homo Erectus except for the mention of Peking Man. The author does use some sourcing footnotes that are worthwhile checking out.
While I do not buy intelligent design, I also have a big problem with the religious fervor with which evolution and other scientific theories are presented as indisputable and unalterable as state religions used to be. Numerous scientists have recently gone on record on film as admitting that what they don’t know is expanding faster than what they do know.
Big Daddy? was fun, with some good counters to some tired examples sometimes used by anti-religious science proponents. But the best part was the big chimp eating a banana on the cover next to the title.
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