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The Irish Holocaust
Christopher Fogarty on Our Interesting Times Podcast
© 2016 The Ever Interesting Guest!
Christopher Fogarty joins the show to discuss his book Ireland 1845-1850: the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it 'Perfect.' We talk about how Ireland's "famine" was not due to a potato blight but rather was the result of British policy that deprived the native Irish of their land, reduced them to slavery, and prevented them from accessing other forms of food. We also discuss how Ireland's Great Hunger was not the result of mere indifference but was a genocidal policy perpetrated by the British Establishment.
Thank you so much for this, Don Guest. Let us not forget that the 19th century Irish Genocide was merely a post-apocalyptic event. Most of the Irish were shipped off into slavery along with my first American ancestor 200 years earlier.
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Jeremy Bentham     Jul 20, 2016

….I spent nearly six weeks in Dublin, and the scenes I there witnessed were such as to make me "blush, and hang my head to think myself a man." I speak truly when I say, I dreaded to go out of the house. The streets were almost literally alive with beggars, displaying the greatest wretchedness—some of them mere stumps of men, without feet, without legs, without hands, without arms—and others still more horribly deformed, with crooked limbs, down upon their hands and knees, their feet lapped around each other, and laid upon their backs, pressing their way through the muddy streets and merciless crowd, casting sad looks to the right and left, in the hope of catching the eye of a passing stranger—the citizens generally having set their faces against giving to beggars. I have had more than a dozen around me at one time, men, women and children, all telling a tale of woe which would move any but a heart of iron. Women, barefooted and bareheaded, and only covered by rags which seemed to be held together by the very dirt and filth with which they were covered—many of these had infants in their arms, whose emaciated forms, sunken eyes and pallid cheeks, told too plainly that they had nursed till they had nursed in vain. In such a group you may hear all forms of appeal, entreaty, and expostulation. A half a dozen voices have broken upon my ear at once: "Will your honor please to give me a penny to buy some bread?" "May the Lord bless you, give the poor old woman a little sixpence." "For the love of God, leave us a few pennies—we will divide them amongst us…"

…The spectacle that affected me most, and made the most vivid impression on my mind, of the extreme poverty and wretchedness of the poor of Dublin, was the frequency with which I met little children in the street at a late hour of the night, covered with filthy rags, and seated upon cold stone steps, or in corners, leaning against brick walls, fast asleep, with none to look upon them, none to care for them. If they have parents, they have become vicious, and have abandoned them. Poor creatures! They are left without help, to find their way through a frowning world—a world that seems to regard them as intruders, and to be punished as such…”

“…During my stay in Dublin, I took occasion to visit the huts of the poor in its vicinity—and of all places to witness human misery, ignorance, degradation, filth and wretchedness, an Irish hut is pre-eminent. It seems to be constructed to promote the very reverse of everything like domestic comfort…”

From Frederick Douglass letter to William Lloyd Garrison, describing his visit to Ireland, 1846.
James     Jul 21, 2016

Back-talking Freddie has been one of my icons for a decade now. He was a Marylander, lived and worked and got beat up on the job in Baltimore, just like me, and was exactly half Caucasian.
hillcountry     Jul 20, 2016

might help elucidate the hatred and ruthlessness
James     Jul 21, 2016

Thank you so much, Sir.
Grasspunk     Jul 21, 2016

I have a grandmother who was the only one of ten siblings to survive until adulthood. She was Irish, but the family had moved to England before she was born. I always wondered what the conditions were in Ireland that made England a better option. Jeremy's quote of Douglass helps.
Sam J.     Jul 21, 2016

The same thing happened in Scotland but nobody talks about it. They filled the land up with sheep and evicted all the Scots. They moved them to the coast and told them to take up fishing. You can imagine how well that worked. When they moved them they burnt down their houses so they couldn't come back. Kind of like Cambodia.

Here's the breed sheep that displaced the Scots.

Sheep used to be smaller before refrigeration. I was looking at miniature sheep one time is how I found this out.

I know this getting way off topic but look at these sheep. Neolithic sheep raised on an Island.

I ended up with some goats but had to get rid of them. Goats are so stupid as to defy the imagination. I didn't have fence so I made a long, 200 foot or better, leader rope off the ground and looped a smaller, ten foot, rope to the goats so they could move along the longer line. They would get so tangled up that sometimes I was baffled as to how they even got that way. So twice a day I would untangle them. It didn't help that there was little girl that would come let them loose and I would have to chase them around the woods. It's funny now but it wasn't at the time.

I wish I had some livestock but I don't have 2 or 3 thousand dollars to buy fencing and even with a fence they get out. Sigh...
James     Jul 22, 2016

Sam, I talk about—or wrote a book about it—but, alas, I am nobody!
Sam J.     Jul 22, 2016

"Sam, I talk about—or wrote a book about it—but, alas, I am nobody!"

Ha Ha. I didn't you were a nobody James. :)


might help elucidate the hatred and ruthlessness"

A really good link that I haven't seen before. Wow that answered a lot of questions for me. A lot. I've always wondered why the nobility of Europe never stood up for the people against foreign elements. Now I have an answer. We need to do some serious genetic testing on these people and see just who they are.

If you look at the bottom of a lot of rottenness you will extremely frequently find a Jew there. Now the Jews will say that they are involved in a lot of things so it shouldn't surprise you that you find them in the rottenness also but notice there was never a crowd of Jews around Mother Teresa. Jews are never around those selflessly doing good.
guest     Jul 23, 2016

Fun fact:

"According to the Census, there are 34.5 million Americans who list their heritage as either primarily or partially Irish. That number is, incidentally, seven times larger than the population of Ireland itself (4.68 million). Irish is the second-most common ancestry among Americans, falling just behind German."
Jeremy Bentham     Jul 25, 2016

Yeah, that’s right. The Irish and the Germans ARE the largest ethnic groups in America now. They even edge out the Anglo-Saxons, the descendants of the original English colonists. Well then, let's hear it for the Irish and the Germans and all white folks! Everybody now…dance… “I’m Shipping Up to Boston” by The Drop Kick Murphy’s - Warrior’s Code Album

...and sing! Panzerlied (Tank Song) - Battle of the Bulge Movie

“Whether it rains or snows or the sun beats down on us. The days burning hot or the nights freezing cold. Dusty are our faces, but happy are our hearts…Our tank roars forward with the storm wind!”
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