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Asphalt Obsession
Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles by Jon Foy
© 2014 James LaFond
This 2011 documentary is a compelling look at one man’s obsession with a mysterious man’s expression. Justin is a pigeon keeper and former runaway from Philadelphia, who noticed a mysterious tile in the asphalt at a crosswalk when he was working as a foot currier. The four line tile begins with the line ‘Toynbee idea’, continues with a movie reference, and concludes with a plea to ‘resurrect dead’ on ‘Jupiter’.
Justin became obsessed with the presence of this same tile in various Philadelphia locations. He eventually found that these tiles appeared up and down much of the East Coast, and even in some South America locations. He was joined by two friends, Steve and Colin, who formed an informal research group with him. The research of this small band of curious Philadelphians pointed to Philadelphia as the epicenter of this odd form of artistic expression. Additional side panels appeared on some tiles, hinting at a conspiracy of some kind.
The documentary itself had a curious quirky air to it with an upbeat but melancholy original soundtrack. There were also softly colored sketches of some episodes in the three decade mystery of the Toynbee Tiles. The quest to contact the creator of the tile uncovered a handful of classic white working class Philadelphians, such as ‘Sevy the Birdman’ and ‘Railroad Joe’. A 1980 Larry King radio show call in, a 1983 play by David Mamet, a shortwave radio broadcast, and problems with a local Philadelphia TV news broadcast, provide the viewer with the a peeling away of one mysterious man’s introspective angst, and the resolution of another’s mania to unravel a nagging mystery.
The ending was wistfully upbeat.
For more information go to
‘What Has Survived’
video reviews
‘Bodies For Recyce’
thriving in bad places
the greatest lie ever sold
broken dance
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Maureen     Dec 3, 2014

Previous comment notwithstanding I do love your site. Many hours of happy reading ahead for Maureen! I also reblogged you on my blog.
James     Dec 4, 2014

Nice to get reacquainted with you Maureen, though I am afraid that I do not recall our meeting—you aren't the Jewish babe that got drunk next to me down at Mother's and asked me to carry you home are you?

If you are, I had a great time, politely forgot your street address, and am sorry for stepping on the cat on the way out...

You can say it sweetie—with three Ss if you like.

Thanks for checking out the site.
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