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The Complication of Trump
Current Events with Ron West
© 2018 Ron West
Hello James
Here’s a compendium of news pointing to this world’s ‘worser’ mischief for February, enjoy!
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime" -Voltaire
Moon of Alabama blog lays out how the 'Russians did it' operation Mueller indicted was nothing more than a money-making 'clickbait' scheme:
Journalist who first reported on Russian clickbait operation tears into Mueller's indictment:
Aaron Mate at 'The Real News' gives CIA troll John Sipher coverage to claim the clickbait operation is actually Russian intelligence directed by Putin but Mate's tepid questions force Sipher to admit this a 'faith' issue. Does the 'real news' do truth a favor by running a CIA troll's narrative? You decide:
Kim Dotcom states he is informed concerning the DNC mails leak (not a 'hack'), had his lawyers write to Mueller at DoJ, no reply:
Manafort hit with new money laundering charges in the tens of millions, never mind Hillary's hundreds of millions of laundered dollars (Clinton Foundation) seem to be on the back burner, with little to no DoJ attention; the best educated guess from here is, DoJ will drag out the Clinton/Uranium One case until a new, 'deep state friendly' administration head is in place (possibly Pence, and sooner rather than later), when the Clinton case will be quietly euthanized. Meanwhile the 'small fish' Manafort was an idiot for aligning himself with Trump, providing opportunity for corrupt prosecutors to use his criminal activity for propaganda purposes:
The USA's new international narcotics trafficking top cop profiles like a CIA plant from top to bottom, don't be surprised when a former employee of Porter Goss is just one more cop who doesn't take on the agency:
NATO's Turkey threatens to overrun portions of Greece and is on track to resurrect Islamic portions of the Ottoman empire according to President Erdogan:
Turkey warships threaten Italian drilling ship off Cypress:
"Operation Mockingbird did not end" -CIA officer Kevin Shipp, in two parts, brings a (very condensed) history of the CIA (primarily) that I don't entirely agree with, up to present, inclusive of his interpretations of the present circumstance surrounding Trump. However, what Shipp does that's really quite interesting is, cede the idea the Steele 'dossier' was actually obtained from senior Russian intelligence contacts and then proceeds to rip apart this proposed fact from a counter-intelligence point of view; in short, makes the point of 'why would Russian intelligence provide any information other than something to make the MI6 & CIA look like fools (or worse) when it all turned out to be bulls**t.' Shipp basically admits he is still on the learning curve while skating over certain topics where he leaves the government metadata line intact (notably, but not only, 9/11) but all in all he gets most of his stuff right and appears to be on the up and up. Well worth the 2 hours watch for those looking for reasonably accurate outline of what has happened to the USA behind the curtain:
Related articles at
If the CIA did indeed use Christopher Steele as a 'cut-out' to fish for dirt on Trump from Russian intelligence (I'm still inclined to believe CIA made this s**t up themselves, never expecting the complication of Trump winning the election), however that might seem like a 'beyond the pale' level of stupidity, the leadership over at CIA has in recent years demonstrated they are perfectly capable of behavior that should be consigned forever to the category of 'greatest dumbshits acts in history'
Insofar as the DNC mails, this blog continues to maintain it was a leak by the assassinated Seth Rich, nothing has surfaced to the contrary to convince otherwise, rather the body of evidence only grows:
The lengths so-called 'alternative media' (embedded mockingbird operatives) will go to prop up the CIA's DNC 'hack' line is actually kind of creepy:
CIA and international narcotics trafficking is ongoing old news, CIA plants in agencies tasked with policing should come as no surprise:
Spain and the Catalonia independence movement; renown French journalist Jean Quatremer points to resurgent Francoism in Spain, compares Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy to Turkey’s President Erdogan:
USA reported to be stirring hostilities up in Ukraine before the Germans and Russians can get UN peacekeepers in place:
Florida shooting story doesn’t match up with student account:
Trump administration argues it can withhold, at will, any and practically all documentation on how the USA’s Food and Drug Administration decided to approve genetically modified salmon:
CIA argues it has the right to selectively leak to its media assets and deny the same information to reporters it doesn't like:
Non-Russian criticism of ‘the Russians did it’ Mueller grand jury indictments fairly typical of people outside of the USA’s propaganda loop:
Per the immediate preceding, my own observation would be, even if the Special Counsel allegations were to be credible, the people bringing them destroy all credibility; when your lead investigator/special prosecutor’s history is framing people for crimes they didn’t commit, sandbagging & sinking criminal investigations into international narcotics & arms trafficking, protecting related money laundering & hired killers, and providing cover for the perpetrators (intelligence agencies) … why would any reasonably honest & intelligent person give two cents credibility to, and possess a rat's ass level of sympathy for, 'special' counsel Robert Mueller? Why be concerned with anything other than the likely fact the entire process is a case of fatally poisoned 'justice.'
Related articles at
Personal experiences and political observations, having lived in Catalonia:
The (still unexplained) ordering a swat team away from an active shooter:
On Robert Mueller's history of protecting criminals:
Yasha Levine at the Baffler on internet surveillance (it's way bigger than Oakland)
American contractor/former SEAL (read assassin) arrested in Serbia
Superstitious Slovenian villager Melania Trump is a hyper-religious fruitcake at the White House getting 'the donald' prayed over by hordes of evangelist freaks
Justin Raimondo at makes a case (I agree with) Trump is held hostage by his Mike Pence aligned generals
The Russian military publicizes intelligence pointing to the Oscar winning 'White Helmets' preparing a staged thespian event supporting coming al-Qaida chemical attack (to be blamed on Assad, of course)
Vanessa Beeley on the The Guardian, propaganda and the real nature of the White Helmets
Articles concerning Syria and chemical warfare at
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