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Electric Dan
A Tradesman Wants to Know What the JL Dumbell Routine Consists Of
© 2018 James LaFond
What does the JL dumbbell routine consist of and how often do you perform it?
I love the podcasts with Lynn. She has a good sense of humor like her “ I’m sure you’ll get good results from that.”
-On your going Paleo by circumstance.
I looked up some of the false flag things you referenced on Youtube and the next day my phone was signed out of my account which has never happened before, odd coincidence?
I am a Union Electrician by trade (25years so far) so I think it’s interesting that tradesmen are drawn to your writing. I also just joined a Pekiti Tirsia Kali group to have people to train with I had practiced Escrima for a few years but the school closed.
Fighting Tradesmen
Dan, unlike cross-fit, power lifting and body building, the three type of weight training that are in vogue now with men of the white collar type trying to resurrect their masculine frame, I abandoned these things at age 18 due to injuries, which were exaperated by working as a laborer. More skilled tardesmen like yourself, have even more to lose in aggressive weight training due to your more specific repetetive motion patterns. My weighttraining routine—which saw me through over 600 stick fights—is really a therapy and muscular balance program for minimizing and recovering from injuries.
Stay away from machines and barbells.
Men who work with their hands are strong enough to fight. They need skill, will and immediate viability.
As a kali man and electrician you are in danger of tearing up your flexor tendons and developing other prolems involving your hand, forearm, elbow and cervical spine.
Be careful pushing advanced power training with the stick.
Do warm muscle stretches for your forearms, mild balistic and static.
My best stick and knife man is a union elctrician and has always had a hard time peaking for competition. It gotto the point were we only fought him when he was laid off—and he's younger than you are, so be careful.
Use a T-ball bat for balncing your forearms by working the bag with it and twirling it, slow at first. On Lynn's channel she has a video of me working one on the post.
Dumbell Routine
Depending on how fatigued I am, I do 1-4 supersets [a 1970s system for chaining complimentary exercises in rotating sets] of the following cycles. I like doing a warm up set, and increasing reps each set, taking the last to failure. Super sets are good for fighting and poor for power sports because they permit no rest and also give you 20 plus minutes of cardio without exposing you to hoodrat combat.
I prefer to do the push and pull sets combined when well rested, once a week and split once, making 3 sessions per week. When beat I just do one set each, on different days for maintenance. Ideally, for gains, I was taught to do:
-Monday: pull
-Tuesday: push
-Wednesday: drilling [shadowboxing, shadowstick]
-Thursday: pull
-Friday: push
-Saturday: sparring
-Sunday: drilling
If you must chose a set, go with the pulling if you are just a fighter. However, if you have a pulling trade, do the pushing to counterbalance your repetitive stress.
You can spilt or combine this routine.
When injured avoid using direct resistance on that muscle and drop it from the set.
For combat training and recovery the pull over is the best exercise, so use it to replace dropped movements while injured. I prefer doing it with just one dumbbell, which is not much resistance but is a great breathing exercise for [rib] cage repair.
I don't use weights for my legs, just my body weight. I like developing lower leg power through mobility drills and I built up my thighs [my only really good body part] by trashing my back dragging 2 ton pallets with a pallet jack. If you aren't dragging pallets I would use a rope and a heavy bag to do semi squat drags. Meatheads in weight gyms just encourage so much risky behavior with squats and deadlifts that I avoid such places and handling heavy barbells is not safe alone. You do not want risky resistance training.
-one armed rows
-alternating curls
-double rows
-double curls
-bent laterals or standing rear delt laterals
-concientrated or reverse curls
-pullovers [very important for cage expansion]
-shoulder shrugs
-lateral raises
[front delts are overworked with fight training so avoid, front laterals, bench press, military press and pushups]
-tricep extension
-French curls
-scoop flies [for lower peck, preferably declined]
-prone dumbbell press
-dog and cat [yoga]
-psoas press [from hands and knees push one knee back as the lower leg curls back to your butt] to work the long interior muscle that attaches your lumber spine to your thighbone
Meathead Alert
The meatheads of the world will tell you that building muscle and/or power is the goal, but such creatures rarely convert that latent weightlifting power into punching or stroking power. Having made a career of beating down muscle men with stick, blade and fist, I'm of the opinion that weights best serve as injury prevention, rehab and joint stabilization exercises.
Being a Bad Man in a Worse World
Fighting Smart: Boxing, Agonistics & Survival
Twerps, Goons and Meatshields: The Basics of Full Contact Stick-Fighting
Meaty Matters
modern combat
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your trojan whorse
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Electric Dan     Feb 24, 2018

Thanks for the detailed answer. I will definitely take your advice.
Bob     Feb 24, 2018

I use wide rubber bands for strengthening the hand extensor muscles and avoid tendonitis:

For finger dexterity, a pair of 2" solid steel ball bearings, the *quiet* Baoding!

8 or 10lbs shot put balls instead of dumbbells for grip strength.
James     Feb 25, 2018

I used my rehab rubber bands until they wore out after I got them for rehabbing my shoulders.
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