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The Unmoved Mover
History, Ethos, Pathos, Logos & Civilization: Notes on the Skewing of Perspective
© 2018 James LaFond
The best example of skewed historic perspective is the word history itself, which, in the time of Herodotus, meant Inquiry and his famed histories, were to his mind, Inquiries. Our common grasp of history in postmodern times is skewed by our slave perspective as passive consequences of an extinct chronology, a spent force. The allergic reaction to any politician or slave citizen when asked to apply history to current society is proof positive that this idea of history being solely a thing of the past, comprises our guiding principal. The postmodern person, particularly those whose psychological stability is based on such enshrined lies as:
And other corrupt civilized notions, which at once twist and ossify the extensions of our souls in thought form, sees history as a spent force and himself as a spent projectile or scattered shard deposited by that force at the terminus of a lineal trajectory. There is very little idea of cyclicity imbedded in the slave mind of our time. Thus slaves of the past, who knew themselves and their wretched lives to be acted upon by cycles—internal, small, great and cosmic—were, despite their low intelligence, far less the fool than the modern CEO, politician, general or lesser form of slave mind. For instance, in America, our central myths are two:
1. That only one type of person was ever enslaved and they exist now as 40 million lost and entitled souls bereft of agency,
2. That only one race has ever been the object of extermination and they exist now as a unique and chosen martyr race equipped with a unique, two-fold agency
Aristotle might have called this the death of logos, which was coined by him as the use of words in search [or as Herodotus might have said a century earlier, inquiry] for the truth, for God’s heartbeat if you are religious or the pulse of the cosmos if you are an atheist. Logos, the logical use of words spoken in good character, in quest of the underlying reality of life, or, as Aristotle posited “the unmoved mover” and “the cause uncaused,” was central to the ancient legacy that managed, like a thin but unbroken thread, to link the ancient and modern worlds.
However, just over 2,400 years after Aristotle’ monumental inquiry into the cosmos, using his mind like an investigative tool, rather than in Herodotus’ mode of satisfying man’s primal curiosity through the relation of tales and traditions, we now know Logos as “The Word of God” implying that our pygmy minds have found and understand that which is infinitely beyond us, a simple conceit as extinguishing of inquiry and original logos as victimology is of morality and agency. When one understands that The Philosopher understood logos as the use of the word in search of God, it follows that once man has found, defined, attired and confined God in his own apish dungeon of the mind, that the logical use of the word would die and that words would become lodestones of pathos [emotion] used as the yokes upon the slave mind masquerading as ethos [character]. This leads to the death of character and the perpetuation of the soul-destroying cycle of Civilization [a cycle denied by most civilized people, as a central condition of Civilization is the blinding of the mind], of its inevitable fall into feral pseudo-barbarity the moment it achieves dominance and is cast as a concrete lie.
Ask any confidence man or criminal, for a lie to sustain itself it really has to live; it has to be malleable.
Two advanced symptoms of this are:
1. The sterilizing of logos into insular reasoning, preserving the function and jettisoning the purpose [transcendence] as seen in social materialism, manifested by its priesthood as atheism and its philosophers as libertarianism, capitalism, communism or whatever ideology serves as the justifying mechanism for the operation of the materialistic society.
2. The ossification of words into stilted truths used to brand enemies [in which cause the words themselves may be assigned new meanings by a new priesthood] and to arrest inquiry rather than facilitate it, words, once the tools of investigators into our condition now serving as demons in the hands of the exorcists of truth in their quest to sterilize our minds and erase our souls.
Before continuing with a discussion of the false notions of our decadent Civilization, I will return to Aristotle with the second part of this framing exercise—which is my attempt to order my active thoughts and free the tools of mind rendered inactive by my subjugation to this process, as I have long been a slave—in The Cause Uncaused: Logosphobea, Xenophilia and the Betrayal of Race.
Our masters and would be overseers insist that we are driftwood on some domestic shore, broken apart, driven and deposited by forces long since spent, blessed with the opportunity to be acted upon by forces wearing human faces, and that our failure to embrace our invisible chains might unleash now-dead History [now understood as a spent force, not as the mechanism of understanding society] once again. We are told, in essence, to lodge and petrify, to fear that this sea of change might reawaken and float us free—we are reminded with every slain and enshrined word sacred to Civilization to beg for piers and cables to forever strand us in this sterile place, so distant from our nature.
1 The Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order, identified in the Gospel of John with the second person of the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ.
2 In Jungian psychology, the principle of reason and judgment, associated with the animus. Often contrasted with Eros.
3 Ancient Hellenic, the honest use or words, spoken in good character [ethos], to adduce and deduce the truth of the human condition
The Lies That Bind Us
The Foundational Falsehoods of the American Dream
A Bright Shining Lie at Dusk
A Partial Exhumation of the American Dream
I Wonder
the man cave
‘The Greatest Luxury of Life’
honor among men
under the god of things
within leviathan’s craw
when you're food
dark, distant futures
songs of arуas
on combat
Bob     Mar 1, 2018

Worse in Europe where magistrates decide history and miscreants do time. Just like Orwell said, who controls the past...
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