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The Fruit of Incalculable Moral Mischief
Ron West on Actionable Insanity & Our Criminal Rulers
© 2018 James LaFond
Hello James
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Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime"
“It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime” -Thomas Paine
“I don’t think history has witnessed this level of deceit before or perhaps it is that with changing times and trends the ‘works of deceit’ have been made more sophisticated” -Zara Ali
Throughout the short history of, there has been a concern on my part that I would not be judged kindly. Allow me to explain. It was never my intent to take the road in life this website reflects. It covers subject matter I’d never any predisposition to delve into, a world of grotesque lies and contorted pseudo realities so profane, one should as a matter of fact presume to have a dirtied soul as matter of consequence. However I would suppose, but not with superior confidence, there might be someone or two great personalities could penetrate the manifold layers of deceit and never be dirtied however that is not me. If I don’t enjoy the dirt and yet discover a visceral laugh, time to time, in myself that seems evil, reveling in injuring evil, I might suppose there is a special place in Hell for persons who become addicted to the geopolitical contest to point of living this aspect for entertainment sake. Gratefully, I can also say this is not me. Even at my most profane, what I attempt to do, and hopefully I am not deceiving myself, is reflect what I see, and what the reader should see is a reflection which does not necessarily implicate myself, but is a filtered refraction that works to remove the mirage and gain better insights to the nature and structures of the evil we are confronted with.
But even when working to make people laugh with my satires, a means to break the grip of, and dis-empower that evil over our lives, one should not lose sight of the fact there is an ugliness taken over our world that is unprecedented in history; with the power to cross nearly every frontier unchecked. Wicked gossip, for all of the problems it had created throughout human history, were never so profane and evil as the intelligence operations seen in today’s world, especially the information operations in our western world or, one could say empire mass media of the digital age.
Not being of the western civilization, culturally speaking, one might suppose I could sit back and enjoy watching Christendom tearing itself apart like a pack of dogs turned on itself. But when was it ever different to this? Europe has been attacking itself throughout modern history, and even before that. Western civilization, to the times preceding Homer, are a story of the sword. Now, in the era of nuclear weapons, this historical, and one could consequently argue, innate aggression, signals a collective suicide is inevitable. How is it this culture can, in the meanwhile, view itself as humanitarian and altruistic, is beyond the pale of sane reason, it is a peculiar insanity in and of itself.
But it is the culture, especially today’s Christian culture sprung from Europe, it is not some biological factor, that threatens to end us all in the present moment. Other cultures, particularly those the Christian culture extirpated, never posed the threats we see today.
In the ‘half-civilized’ European based culture called American, where the jails and asylums of Europe had been emptied, and religious fanatics banished to, all stirred into a hybrid vigor, superstitious Slovenian villager Melania Trump has scores of pastors and priests trouping through the White House, exorcising the premises and pouring oil on and hopefully blessing ‘the donald’ as that moron flails hopelessly in the custody of generals whose real loyalties are difficult to pin down; in a mishmash of corporate board future of promises related to wealth, present self-important strut-mincing for posturing sake, and not least, rabid fundamentalism so extreme as to be Christian Taliban, a point of ‘faith’ they share with commander-in-chief-in-waiting Mike Pence, an American Himmler if ever there were such a creature determined to be unleashed upon us by the fates.
This preceding is nuclear armed cocktail creating its own ‘raison d’ être.’
Relevant to this, for over a year this blog has made the case there was never a ‘Russian DNC hack’ that was actually an insider leak by the assassinated Seth Rich, and now a former admiral has published at the Washington Times what amounts to identical argument made at here; the entire 'Russians did it' business is being sustained by corrupt process by criminals at the FBI and above. Interestingly, the admiral suggests Mike Pence’s fraternal brother, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is not up to the job when he concludes:
“The Trump administration must take charge and get a competent attorney general to pursue these crimes”
He’s right. But what he may not realize is, the traitors surrounding Trump include (but are not limited to) John Kelly, ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, H.R. McMaster, that is the generals, not only Mike Pence & Jeff Sessions.
None of these preceding are standing in the way of Trump being taken down by corrupt process, lies as it were, it was John Kelley denied Trump opportunity to meet with Dana Rohrabacher and break the facts of the DNC leak into the open. Why would a recently retired Marine Corps general, who happens to be White House Chief of Staff, sabotage reporting of fact to the President of the United States, facts that should defuse tensions with Russia by removing false accusations, but instead shields criminal culpability engineering aggression? They’re playing for time, to give Robert Mueller opportunity to bring charges altogether unrelated to the purported Russia caper, a failed CIA endeavor, instead holding out for indicting Trump on his historic mafia ties, going back to the days of Roy Cohn. The dirt is there. And DoJ is in the game at this point, merely to save their own asses. The game has been flipped on these CIA stooges and the CIA is in turned being gamed.
Mike Pence is the generals deep state player of choice and Pentagon insurance policy from the time of Trump’s nomination and choice of running mate. In the internecine war between the neoliberal deep state players embedded at CIA versus the Pentagon, vying for the upper hand at the White House, it is the generals who’re winning (to now.)
Vladimir ‘The Innocent’ (in this circumstance) had recently laid out a very reasonable case for how the USA has, over two decades, positioned itself to militarily confront Russia, broke their promise not to move NATO east, aborted the ABM treaty, used subterfuge, refused cooperation, and more, all pointed to underhandedly seeking dominance over Russia’s area of strategic interests. The result had finally been Russia unmasking new strategic weapons the USA is ill prepared to counter. Having announced the new systems, President Putin stated:
“No, nobody really wanted to talk to us about the core of the problem, and nobody wanted to listen to us. So, listen to us now!”
I fear Mr Putin has over-estimated the rationality of these ‘nobodies.’ It may well be they’re incapable of listening. They have weapons mass of destruction and they’ll lie to themselves concerning any mismatch of capabilities and ultimately decide they have developed sufficient strategy to ‘test’ those weapons in some circumstance other than a game. In other words, the American generals are legitimately insane. If you don’t think so, you’re suffering a form of denial or insanity too.
By definition, people who lie to themselves as a matter of habit, should be considered mentally unbalanced. It follows, when your institutions and leadership pervasively lie to the public (because they are organically incapable of being honest with themselves) and actually believe this lying is a ‘good thing’, after all, these people do go to church, you have a ‘larger than life’ problem, Jesus saying ‘everything that is concealed will be revealed’ notwithstanding.
Meanwhile, our media having run with these lies, despite ample evidence there’s not an honest man in the lot of these cowards who rule us, points to outcome beyond the comprehension of a public incapable of absorbing facts they have little access to. When this charade falls apart, as it must, it may be well too late for any resolution within the bounds of reason. By then, the criminal element will have upped the ante to outright actionable insanity, because leopards don't shed their spots and criminals don't voluntarily surrender their business models. They'll take whatever action they think necessary to avoid going to jail and if that means a serious enough war justifying suspending civil liberties and declaring martial law at home, that is precisely the direction things will take, short of some courageous statesman, at the state level, leveling with the people, and getting media to go along. What are the chances of this civil salvation? Slim to none and growing more remote everyday.
Thank you, Ron.
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