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Emasculation of the Police in America
Anarcho-Tyranny Update from Radio Free Dindustan
© 2018 James LaFond
“We are all ready to be savage in some cause. The difference between a good man and a bad one is the choice of the cause.”
-William James, 1842 -1910, American Philopsher and Psychologist.
"The killing of a bad man shouldn't trouble one any more than the killing of a rat or an ugly cat or a vicious dog."
-James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok, Frontier Lawman
“When bad people are beaten by good people, they deserve it.”
-Mao Ze Dong, “Thoughts of Chairman Mao”
“It is one of the great weaknesses of reasonable men and women that they imagine that projects which fly in the face of commonsense are not serious or being seriously undertaken.”
-Margaret Thatcher, Statecraft P. 325
“Until you accept that the aim of Leftists is to hurt, not help, none of their actions makes sense.”
-John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.) Brisbane, Australia, Dissecting Leftism BlogSpot.
“And as the observance of religious teaching is the cause of the greatness of republics, similarly, disdain for it is the cause of their ruin. For where the fear of God is lacking, the state must necessarily either come to ruin or be held together by the fear of a prince that will compensate for the lack of religion.”
― Niccolò Machiavelli
“…We need to recruit people for their ability to control themselves under stress and their mental fitness to do necessary harm to others. A lot of agencies deliberately hire folks with no capacity for violence in hopes it will solve their use of force problems. This never works as these folks end up overreacting since they are scared. Police officers should have an immense capacity for violence – a capacity exceeded only by their ability to control it and apply it in a lawful and moral context. (There are agencies which refuse to hire anyone with an interest in firearms – this is the exact wrong approach).”
Interesting discussions on the emasculation of the police in America by Greg elliritz and guest authors.
The Left is always wont to tell the rest of us there is no going back to “Leave it to Beaver”, meaning that there is no returning to the morality of the past. Of more innocent times like the 1950’s, when everything seemed simple, straight forward and reliable. Especially when it comes to issues like premarital sex, pornography, divorce, broken homes, out of wedlock births, single-mothers, homosexuality, transgenderism, juvenile delinquency, drug use and etcetera, etcetera, ecetera. The genie is out of the bottle, the horse is out of the barn, the toothpaste is out of the tube and all that. There is no going back, so we’ll all just have accept things the way they are now and deal with them as they are now.
American society of the Leave it to Beaver era was racist, sexist and homophobic anyway. The only people who had a good time back then were heterosexual white males, the members of the ‘patriarchy’. So it’s just as well as we cannot return to those days, They are best forgotten.
HOWEVER, at the very same time the Left DOES purport to believe it is possible to return to ‘Andy of Mayberry’ style policing, doesn’t it? They seem to believe such a ‘kinder, gentler’ policy will work even in our most chaotic and crime-ridden cities. If police make themselves respected rather than just feared people will be more willing to cooperate with them. Right? Right! Anybody with any sense though understands that once crime and violence are allowed to get out of hand as much as it has in America’s big blue cities there is no gentle and painless way to restore order. Naturally the Left refuses to accept this reality. A reality they themselves have created. They especially refuse to accept any law enforcement policy that will result in more minority criminals being arrested, convicted and imprisoned. Precisely because it is ethnic minorities that are committing the over-whelming majority of the crime and violence in America.
One needs to keep in mind that the ultimate goal of the Globalist Left is to remake society into their vison of a Utopia based on Marxist redistributive social justice. To accomplish that they must first destroy the society that exists now. Tear it down, tear it apart, tear it limb from limb, raze it to the ground, disenfranchise and dispossess whites who promote the old order, so a new more just society can be built on the ruins. Consequently, no matter what the Left says in public they want to accomplish, we can expect that they will never really be interested in fixing any of our society’s current problems. With the Left the ‘issue’ is never the real issue or objective as they say. Everything is just a ploy, a means of enabling the Globalist Leftist elite to gain and hold political power wherever they choose to rule.
Commentary on Contemporary Policing
When Cops Shoot an Unarmed Kid
Old White Guys and the Chuck Norris Rule by David Cole, Taki’s Mag
Welcome to Harm City, White-Boy
Dawn in Dindustan
Conducting the Moral Autopsy 0f a Nation
Equidistant Drowning Babies: Confessions of A Virulent Race Traitor
Dyke Squad
harm city
Look Up
honor among men
the combat space
PR     Mar 10, 2018

"“…We need to recruit people for their ability to control themselves under stress and their mental fitness to do necessary harm to others. A lot of agencies deliberately hire folks with no capacity for violence in hopes it will solve their use of force problems. This never works as these folks end up overreacting since they are scared. Police officers should have an immense capacity for violence – a capacity exceeded only by their ability to control it and apply it in a lawful and moral context. (There are agencies which refuse to hire anyone with an interest in firearms – this is the exact wrong approach).”"

This is exactly it. Strong men who are capable of violence use it far less often because everyone else can see that messing with a strong, violent man gets you hurt, badly. Consequently, strong, violent men are much calmer in situations that could end violently and are prone to use scaling for rather than go "Yosemite Sam" and end everything in a hail of gunfire like these SWAT officers who've been in the news lately. As our police force becomes more like the military, namely less selective in candidates, hiring women and weaklings, and more prone to use US military doctrine of sallying forth from a 'green zone' to 'kick ass', the violence will only escalate. All this makes for enormously bad optics for police forces, causing them to lose on the moral and strategic levels.
Bob     Mar 10, 2018

Emasculated, but as the leg-puller video showed, reduced physical prowess of police often translates into greater use of force-multipliers. (I haven't got the statistics, but I've a suspicion that women officers shoot tasers/guns more often than men).

Ordinary police are deployed increasingly less to protect whites' safety, but at the same time, militarized units will likely be used against white neighborhood watch groups or political organizers, and to guard favored clienteles.
Shep     Mar 11, 2018

For what it's worth, I agree with every word the guy said in "Commentary on contemporary policing". If it's OK, I'd like to add it to the comments section under my article, just to keep the "evidence" together.
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