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‘A Raw Indomitable Wilderness’
The Forgotten History of America by Cormac O’Brian
© 2018 James LaFond
Little Known Conflicts of Lasting Importance from the Earliest Colonists to the Eve of Revolution
2008, Crestline, NY 2008, 304 pages
With the first paragraph of his introduction, O’Brian delineates a truth denied those of us who have lived the centuries old Lie that was Plantation America, the Lie that lives on in our myopic mind’s eye as Colonial America:
“The American Revolution did more than forge a nation. It also, by its formative nature, created a watershed that seemed to co-opt the significance of all that preceded it. The result, unfortunately, is a kind of temporal inversion. If 1776 marks a beginning, it is also seen as a portal in reverse, where the look backward into America’s ‘before time’ begins.”
O’Brian goes on to lay down the fundamental truth that is denied by current politically correct narrative, which was actually the only fundamental founding myth of English-Speaking America which was not initially inserted into our national consciousness as a deliberate lie. We are now, living in a society which has now committed itself utterly and completely to The Lie, by taking our only traditional myth founded in truth and denying it. O’Brian thesis that many wars that mattered to the eventual formation of the United States occurred between 1498 and 1776, is viewed from the vantage of the last and most truthful of our foundation myths:
“Both of English America’s legendary founding settlements, Jamestown and Plymouth, established their initial footholds—I 1607 and 1620, respectively—with the aid of native peoples, who chose, at least at first, to accept their new neighbors rather than simply drive them outright into the sea.”
I must apologize to O’Brian for using his work towards a purpose he, as has every historian I have read, danced around, which is the racial makeup of Native Americans as of 1607, when the first English Speaking settlement to survive its founders, was Planted at Jamestown. The Forgotten History of America is chock full of rare art illuminating the appearance of early Native Americans from the Plantation Era. Likewise, O’Brian’s insightful grasp of conflict dynamics in a cultural context more than make up for his blind acceptance of the Lie of African Slavery and White Supremacy, as he details the following struggles, all of which are central to questions of race and servitude in pre-revolution English America:
1. The Navarez entrada: 1528
2. French and Spanish Florida: 1565
3. The Pequot War: 1637 [outstanding]
4. Exiles in Puritan New England: 1637
5. Rise of the Iroquois Empire: 1654 [a superb study]
6. Anglo-Dutch War: 1664
7. Metacomet’s Revolt: 1675
8. The First Successful Indian Fighter: 1675 [excellent treatment]
9. Bacon’s Rebellion: 1675
10. Urban Revolt in Boston: 1689
11. Queen Anne’s War in New England: 1704
12. Bloody South Carolina: 1715
13. Scalp Hunting in New Hampshire: 1725
14. Seven Years War in Pennsylvania : 1754
15. Seven Years War New England: 1758
16. Rogers Rangers: 1759
17. Pontiac’s Rebellion: 1763
Cormac O’Brian, by having the remnant copies of his excellent 2008 book consigned to the discount bin at Barnes & Noble, has unwittingly become one of my many guides into our intentionally hidden history.
Support research into the Secret History of Plantation America at the Patreon link below, where, later this march of 2018, I will post an exclusive article on disease in Plantation America and the second chapter in the novel Sold.
To support this project and view some graphics go to:
Stillbirth of a Nation: Caucasian Slavery in Plantation America: Part One
‘I Am Brown’
plantation america
‘Of A Colonized Mind’
barbarism versus civilization
dark, distant futures
sons of aryаs
solo boxing
your trojan whorse
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