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The Cause Uncaused
Logosphobea, Xenophilia and the Betrayal of Race
© 2018 James LaFond
Before continuing with the dismantling of masculine-negating Civilized Notions, all of which are said to be at the very center of our moral social pyramid, without which decency could not be sustained, let’s consider where we got our skewed perspective from.
How did we go from peoples to nations?
How did we go from nations to megaraces?
Why are our falsely inflated civilized racial notions being replaced by a hive ideology?
I draw the line back to Plato and Aristotle, the first of whom advised at least one tyrant in a foreign land and the second of whom spent his entire intellectual career as such a man, an advisor to a foreign tyrant [tyrants are, in a masculine sense, morally superior to presidents, kings and most certainly legislators], the tutor to the man who slew a world and finally as an ages famed teacher in Athens. None of these duties were conducted in his small hometown among his fellow Stagarites. Aristotle, who did more to advance and shape our highest levels of thought than any other man, was a xeno, a stranger, as was the old colonel of the Ten Thousand, Xenophon or Stranger-friend to the Spartans who hosted him in his exile from bloody-minded Athens, the place where the most evil institution in human history was hatched: democracy, which is nothing more than the delusion of mob rule. Of course, mobs drawdown the intelligence of every member with each member which joins, eventually rendering it into a mindless mass controlled by instigators, agitators, masterminds, conspirators and other fiends which haunt the earthly hell of politics.
Such things are veiled by some very basic falsehoods, for instance that a people and a nation correspond to a genetic or otherwise cohesive body politic. Nations are nothing more than the result of one people decapitating the leadership of another people and enslaving that subject people. A nation, early in their evolution, involved at least three peoples. Athens had 10 tribes for instance. A more typical city state, such as Elis or Sparta would be comprised of two or three distinct ethnic strains, which, in olden days would have been regarded as races, until our ever-expanding economy made true specific identity less profitable. Rather than one of these folk negating the others through duplicity they all agreed to negate each other and lie in rotation, thus spawning democracy. This is why the Athenians at Marathon had 10 rotating generals.
Typical states like medieval England would be layered in as many ways as Athens was divided:
-Britons, fen folk and Cornish at the bottom
-Then Roman and Jute remnants
-Then Angles and the Saxons
-Ruled by the Norman French
At each point in English history we identify with the elite of that era, then their murderers, then their enslavers, then their creditors…
This is why religion is typically imposed from above and becomes syncretized in some way, both maiming the subdued and corrupting the rulers. When we identify with the upper class of our forefathers’ nation we are identifying with those who raped and displaced our ancestors, engaging in the most tenacious form of slavery, historical servitude.
Why are we so enamored of our chronological enslavement?
If we now look all the way back to Aristotle [Best-purpose] at the height of his achievements and understand he was not an Athenian, but a man serving his patron [Alexander] in a captive city, and that Xenophon, an exile from that sick, mob-infested city was a guest of the Spartans, whom he wished his sons to emulate, along with Cyrus the Mede [whose biography he wrote in the Cyropedia], we can see that we do identify, since we are both literate and slave-minded—with the best people in a given society and time. For such people these—such as Aristotle, who earned the right to finance the reconstitution of his genocided hometown through his service to Philip and Alexander of Macedon—had the duty, as the best among their kind, to interact with the best [wisest, Plato] and worst [most powerful, Alexander] of other folk, sorting one from the other for the good of his own. It has been the same in America, with Indian and European leaders often being adopted and marrying into the best families of allied folk.
However, having applied the alternately self-serving models of Oligarchy and Democracy extolled by the ancient Greeks to falsely labeled conglomerations of oft-conquered slave races, bred to alternately submit and well-up self-destructively at the fickle behest of their masters, we have, in the United States of America, the corrupted, cross-eyed monster of a body politic, perfectly suited for the destruction of the evil that is Civilization.
In this view, mass unsustainability is a godsend, giving a chance for true peoples to reconstitute or form anew, once the cannibalistic hive of postmodern humanity implodes and forms a topsoil for the planting and rebirth of a new humanity.
The “society” in its natural form, may serve as a safety net for the few remaining sane souls of a masculine kind. Before discussing that, which shall be the conclusion of this book, the chief afflictions of the civilized mind in the form of Civil Notions, will be explored in detail.
For now, though, understand that among the best most able people there is a strong tendency to reach out across cultural, religious, racial and gender divides and that this instinct is not without its perils, chief among them is the wedding of it to democratic and systemic [1] ideals. In the meantime our fear of logic and blind love of strangers dooms us to senseless relations with potential allies and enemies alike.
1. The imposition of artificial order for its own sake or for a specific corrosive purpose.
2. I explore the concept discussed in the final three paragraphs in the prequel to Reverent Chandler, Malediction Song.
Malediction Song: Rise of the Nords: The Prequel to Reverent Chandler and NightSong of the Nords
Reverent Chandler: The Saga of Fend
Bobby Gunn
the man cave
The Blue Room
songs of arуas
orphan nation
advent america
into leviathan’s maw
taboo you
z-pill forever
‘in these goings down’
on the overton railroad
Goose     Mar 17, 2018

JL: "In the meantime our fear of logic..."

I must have missed this being discussed in the article (or maybe it went over my head).

If anything, it seems to me our love of logical thinking - our the rationality to be exact - along with our willingness to put everything up for discussion, has been used to reason our society to a number of dead ends.

In contrast, the peoples who draw the line of discussion at the boundary of who they are - their beliefs, culture, customs and rituals - have been able to preserve themselves better through the ages.
James     Mar 18, 2018

In referring to Us I meant all 8+ billion mostly idiot souls.

My main point is that when all of us are programmed to be an Aristotle of Plato, rather than permitting such odd figures to serve as information vectors then you get what we have, a world where everyone is supposed to be the Stranger-friend when only a tiny minority of people have ever proven capable of being such. Most egregiously, the idea that stranger-friends should have the exact same privileges as citizens is socially corrosive and unsustainable, implanted in out collective mind by force and subterfuge to lead us into self-destruction.

Even as our failing fantasy society implodes we—in aggregate—still believe that every person is the same and should have the same privileges, because we relate only with Alexander, Aristotle, Xenophon and Plato, rather than the societies they interacted with. They were the problem children of the ancient world and we insist on ordering our norms according to their examples.
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