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What Would A Caveman Do?
Tony Cox Peers into Our Lie-Lit Future
© 2018 James LaFond
After much recent meditation on the subject and nature of masculinity, I have come to be of the mind that, to reflect or try to dissect such a thing is a fool’s errand. The lion on the savanna does not ponder his place in the world, or think of such trifling things.
But, as I am constantly reminded, we do not live on the wild plain, and this complex society we must inhabit seems to steer us farther and farther away from those wild places that some of us would feel much more comfortable calling our home.
While before, I laughed sublimely at the stunted attempts of writers and men of words to try and define the masculine, I now shudder in horror when I imagine a future, but a mere 50 years (or less) off, where a small boy will look to his grandfather, who is today a child, and try to glean from him some sliver of meaning from this wretched world.
Society is erasing men’s souls for the price of a comfortable life. This human surplus so tragically fails to see that their every breath is now a surrender, their very life is now treason.
No book could ever explain masculinity, much less how to be masculine yourself. This is a spiritual matter, transcending words, and learned only by instinct or example.
I must assume that this is what the men of words mean when they write of the modern day extinguishing of the masculine spirit, and though I confess to having read very little on the subject, I now appreciate at least one of those who shine a masculine light into the castrating darkness.
Every morning when I rise, I stand and face the sun as if it were an enemy. It may as well be, as surrounded by enemies as I am.
My ancestors managed to fuck, fight, and outthink all of their countless enemies for the last couple of hundred thousand years, you know. It’s kind of a family tradition by now.
Those castrating forces of which I spoke earlier, have at their disposal the latest technology and psychology, all of it designed to influence your mind and shut down your self preservation instinct. Take a quick survey of my peers, and I’m sure you’d agree, it’s doing a wonderful job. It’s already turned off their ability to reason, long, long ago.
And to think, this great weapon is nothing more than a parlor trick. You see, these tools of manipulation only work on those with a limited amount of experience in real world chaos, the sissies with chick blood in their veins, the ones who’ve played it safe all these years, with never a thought or a care for their brothers who’ve stood as men, much less their own martyred sons.
This system perpetuates itself, by constantly over-amplifying negative consequences for the very slightest of risk taking behaviors.
Remember, not everyone gambles. Only those of us who matter.
The proud humans who have faced life and death perils, accepted death and moved on, it is they alone who possess the power to think critically, it is they who are not easily swayed by images on a computer screen or television set. They don’t need to look for a meaning that’s not there. It is they who spot the truth and disregard all else.
To hell with your college education! The wisest men I have ever known wore the simple clothes of a laborer. True clarity of thought is only possible when death is a possible outcome.
Smart men have always used their enemy’s weapons against them. Someone smarter than me will no doubt do the same.
I maintain my stoicism, neither the ruling class nor the fools seem much of a threat to me. For every law there is a way around, for every fool there is a way to fool him. Fear not, young man. You will find your way.
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Bob     Mar 26, 2018

The post-Christian West, with its god of the material, has amplified the fear of loss of possessions and life. Sex is totally demystified and yet most people have never seen someone die, or even a corpse.
Anonymous     Mar 27, 2018

I would also argue, that the division of labor - one of the few genuine wealth creators - in its present-day form is artificially broad. For example, subsidies for transport and infrastructure make low-scale, local production less profitable than national or international. These (artificial) economies of scale make for hyper-specialization. A smaller market makes for less division of labor and creates more generalists. You can think back to the Depression. The guy who lost his job as a mechanic probably could grow a potato, hunt and fish, and build things with his own hands. This self-reliance and autonomy breeds self-confidence.

The specialist of today can't painlessly trade depth of knowledge with breadth of knowledge and that makes him more a hostage to the System's fortunes.

Anyone feel confident that their form-filler family doctor could also deliver the baby? Reset a broken limb?
rick shaw     Mar 27, 2018

James, you stated, "True clarity of thought is only possible when death is a possible outcome."

Have you considered this: 'True clarity of thought is only possible when death is a certanty.'

Some successful samauri warriors were reputed to have advised, "Choose death" .

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