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‘Of Ignoble Means’
The Meaning of the Warrior Element for the New Europe by Julius Evola
© 2018 James LaFond
Originally published March 1941, reading from pages 110-117
In this essay, with the war now raging which would extinguish any hope for Arуan traditions to survive in Western Europe, Evola reviews the elemental forces that warred for supremacy as he wrote:
1. The “masonic” “global” order in which the the warrior is subordinate to the civil authority and has no moral duty other than obedience.
2. The “obscurantist residues” of tradition, in which the man of war has moral duties beyond blind obedience, but which were derided as merely militaristic instead of holistic, while the media narrative of the New World Order globalists are not derided as merely economic.
3. The masonic powers had reduce warriors to police and war to an economic calculation.
4. The traditional powers, vastly outnumbered, fought for a restoration of decency.
Interestingly, in post war media, the narrative has been distorted to present the tiny, traditional powers fighting for regional autonomy as globalists, indicating that the global powers were well aware that most humans do not support universal enslavement to an economic engine.
Evola was convinced that the warrior becomes in a sense purified by his experience and that the winning of the war by the traditional powers [Italy, Germany and Japan, who had zero chance of defeating the economic might of the enslaved world] would bring fourth heroes, men who had become better than they were through the crucible of war and suited to lead a new, “restored” Europe. Evola framed WWII as nothing more than a revolution against degenerate, modern liberalism. To Evola, the liberal, masonic view of life represented not what was essential but what was an accessory, a diversion, whereas the hope of the traditionalist reactionaries, if realized, might bring forth:
“…a simplicity, clarity and harshness, a directly experienced meaning of existence, without expressionisms, without sentimentalisms, a pleasure for commanding, obeying, acting, conquering and overcoming oneself.”
Unfortunately, in this reader’s view, Evola falsely believed in more than one kind of civilization as extolled by these two competing systems, one of expanding degeneracy and one of backward-yearning commitment to a transmaterial purpose, against which the worship of ease embraced in the mid-1800s had inoculated the modern mind. Evola’s vision of a moral world of harsh, truth-seeking and honor-bidden men was as doomed by the squalor of the masses as the Axis powers were to fall before enemies that produced a hundred war machines for every one they made.
However, despite his blinkered hope expressed here, as his homeland went to war, Evola does express the core values of the Arуan warrior, values that have been ruthlessly purged from the societies and militaries which sprung from this great conflict:
“Warrior spirit is characterized by direct, clear and loyal relations, based on fidelity and honour and a sound instinct for the various dignities, which it can well distinguish: it opposes everything that is impersonal and trivial.”
Is the current world order, which the goon-fisted Fascists and National Socialists failed to defend against, better described as anything other than trivia-minded masses shepherded by the most impersonal of social machines?
And what, could best describe what the current Deep State—which has been shown in Trump’s presidency to be the true ruling power of the world—is not than the following:
“…that obedience which does not humiliate but exalts, that command or leadership which commits one to superiority and a precise responsibility.”
There is a suggestion that the present abomination which rules us was what the Axis powers once fought against.
Is not humiliation the guiding light of our current civil society?
Is not deniability, or the lack of precise responsibility the very core of postmodern governance?
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