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John Bolton
On Trump’s National Security Advisor Replacement by Ron West
© 2018 Ron West
Hello James
On Trump’s National Security Advisor replacement; online with illustration and live links at:
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime"
^ Trump’s National Security Advisor
In this author’s preceding assessment, ‘A Criminal Magic Act’, it had been proposed:
“Every Trump firing at the national security level, to now, has seen replacements consolidating the dominionist position and increased the threat of civilization ending event. If it is true Isrаel could not exercise impunity without support of the Americans, it is equally true these American dominionists could never have come to power without decades support of Isrаel via AIPAC”
It would appear this scenario has held up once more; Bibi has his preferred choice of a Christian Zionist (dominionist) replacing H.R. McMaster. McMaster wasn’t a problem for Bibi as much as for Trump; with the general’s Russia animus and refusal to back Trump in the phony matter of ‘the Russians did it’ collusion. In any case this is an even more extreme Iran hating Christian Zionist replacing an Iran hating Christian Zionist, pointing to no change at all per policy of upcoming wider war in the middle-east with Iran in focus, a longtime pet project of Netanyahu.
How on earth Trump thinks he can back Isrаel attacking Iran without drawing Russia into a wider regional war, leading to World War Three, let alone pursue his oft stated desire of rapprochement with the Russians, is a question best left to the psychiatrists. Meanwhile, meet the deep state associates of the queer* John ‘nikki’s fetish’ Bolton:
Deep State: Meet The John Bolton Chapter
from wikispooks:
Le Cercle is a deep state milieu which was set up around the same time as the Bilderberg, but is smaller and more secretive. It is attended especially by idealogues including spooks, deep politicians and editors. Members promote their hawkish agenda by otherwise subverting the democratic process, possibly going as far as brokering weapons deals and setting up false flag attacks. Their warmaking is also ideological – distributing propaganda to stoke fear of communism, promoting the “war on terror” etc. [Exposed past & present members include John Bolton]
• James Alan Abrahamson
• Konrad Adenauer
• Jonathan Aitken
• Georges Albertini
• Alfredo Alcaino
• Rupert Allason
• Richard Allen
• Julian Amery
• Hooshang Amirahmadi
• Michael Ancram
• Bruce Anderson
• Robert Anderson
• Giulio Andreotti
• Magdeleine Anglade
• Richard Armitage
• Kaulza de Arriaga
• Bernard Asso
• Nadhmi Auchi
• Shaukat Aziz
• Franz Josef Bach
• Norman Bailey
• Pat Balestreri
• John Barron
• Margaret Beckett
• Alfredo Sánchez Bella
• Erik Bennett
• Jeff Bergner
• Wayne Lee Berman
• Benazir Bhutto
• John Biggs-Davison
• Brian Binley
• W. Michael Blumenthal
• Crispin Blunt
• John Bolton
• Benoît de Bonvoisin
• Cornelis Bossers
• Pik Botha
• Colonel Botta
• Raymond Bourgine
• Maurice Brebart
• Paul Bremer
• Harold Brown
• John Browne
• Monsignor Brunello
• Zbigniew Brzezinski
• Francisco Bulnes
• David Burnside
• Mario Buschemi
• Ian Butterfield
• Peter van der Byl
• Umberto Cappuzzo
• John Carbaugh
• Margaret Carlisle
• William Casey
• Anthony Cavendish
• Andrew Cavendish
• Paul Channon
• Winston Churchill II
• James W. Cicconi
• Alan Clark
• William P. Clark Jr.
• Marcel Clement
• Robert Close
• William Colby
• Etienne Copel
• Miles Costick
• Percy Cradock
• James Critchfield
• Brian Crozier
• Alexandre Ribeiro da Cunha
• Florimond Damman
• Hans van Dalsen
• Armand de Decker
• Jean-François Deniau
• Paul Dietrich
• Laura Jordan Dietrich
• Hans-Lothar Domröse
• Yves-Marc Dubois
• Alan Duncan
• Lee Edwards
• Iain Elliott
• Nicholas Elliot
• Philipp Vander Elst
• Audna England
• Fritz Ermarth
• Evo Fernandes
• Edwin J. Feulner
• Charles Fincham
• Brand Fourie
• Wyche Fowler
• William François
• Charles Alan ‘Pop’ Fraser
• Louis Freeh
• Charles Freeman
• Yegor Gaidar
• Pierre Marie Gallois
• Indira Gandhi
• Marie-France Garaud
• Monique Garnier-Lançon
• Jean-Claude Gaudin
• Robert Gascoyne-Cecil
• Rolf Gärtner
• Jeffrey B. Gaynor
• Reinhard Gehlen
• Conrad Gerber
• Frans Alphons Maria Alting von Geusau
• Alberto Giovannetti
• Álvaro Gomez-Hurtado
• Enrique Gomez-Hurtado
• Philip Goodhart
• Rolf Graage
• Alan Greenspan
• Ronald Grierson
• Aline Griffith
• Eldon Griffiths
• Alain Griotteray
• François de Grossouvre
• Otto von Habsburg
• Chuck Hagel
• William Hague
• Stefan Halper
• Robert J. Hanks
• Stephen Hastings
• Tsutomu Hata
• Bruno Heck
• Neil Peter Van Heerden
• Basil E. Hersov
• Dirk W. R. Hertzog
• Franz Heubl
• Alistair Horne
• Alfons Horten
• Samuel Hoskinson
• Michael Howard
• David Howell
• Hans Graf Huyn
• Rosemary Graf Huyn
• Fred Iklé
• Ion Iliescu
• Manuel Fraga-Iribarne
• Henry Jackson
• Donald Jameson
• Lisa Jameson
• Tedo Japaridze
• Philipp Jenninger
• Pierre Joannon
• Alun Gwynne Jones
• Jacques Jonet
• Peter Jungen
• Alain Juppe
• Alexander Karageorgevitch
• Crosby Kelly
• Nicholas de Kerchove
• John Killick
• Lane Kirkland
• Guillermo Kirkpatrick
• Jeane Kirkpatrick
• Henry Kissinger
• Václav Klaus
• Robert H. Knight
• Friedrich König
• Sven Kraemer
• Victor Kuvaldin
• Ernst Kux
• Francis Lacoste
• Norman Lamont
• Stephen Lander
• Timothy Landon
• John Leahy
• Michael Ledeen
• Ronald Lehman
• Edward Leigh
• Julian Lewis
• John Lichowski
• David Lidington
• Winston Lord
• Gerhard Löwenthal
• Fred Luchsinger
• James Lucier
• Philippe Malaud
• Charles Malik
• Nikolai Malomuzh
• Alexandre de Marenches
• Werner Marx
• Daniel Mazuera
• Richard McCormack
• Robert McKinney
• Neil McLean
• George Meany
• Pierre Méhaignerie
• Constantin Menges
• Dan Meridor
• Alois Mertes
• Herbert Meyer
• George Mitchell
• Jean Monnet
• George Montgomery
• Thomas E. Moorer
• Robert Moss
• Federico Silva Muñoz‎
• Chester A. Nagle
• Karl-Heinz Narjes
• John Negroponte
• Richard Nixon
• François d’Orcival
• Frans Otten
• Urmas Paet
• Filippo Maria Pandolfi
• Charles Pasqua
• Richard Perle
• Carlo Pesenti
• Peter Petersen
• Robert Pfaltzgraff
• Jost Pfeiffer
• Antoine Pinay
• Jaime Nogueira Pinto
• Carlos Robles Piquer
• Fritz Pirkl
• Giulia du Plooy
• Robert du Plooy
• Alain Poher
• Günter Poser
• Charles Powell
• Jean-François Probst
• Jues Pujo
• Sultan Qaboos
• Walter Raymond Jr
• Walter Raymond Sr
• Gavin W. H. Relly
• Henri Renard
• David Rockefeller
• Nelson Rockefeller
• William V. Roth
• Anton Rupert
• Luc Beyer de Rycke
• Hans Rühle
• Donald Rumsfeld
• Jan Sabbe
• Captain Santino
• Turki bin Faisal al-Saud
• Antonin Scalia
• Dieter A. Schmidt
• Adolf W. Schmidt
• ‘Schmidthuber’
• William Schneider
• Joseph Schuchert
• Gerd Schulte-Hillen
• Franz-Josef Schulze
• Robert Schuman
• Christian Schwarz-Schilling
• Norman Schwarzkopf
• Ted Shackley
• Natan Sharansky
• Arkady Shevchenko
• Marshall Shulman
• Arnold M. Silver
• Ron Silver
• Manmohan Singh
• Thomas Roy Spencer
• Tim Spicer
• Antonio de Spinola
• Christian Freiherr von Stauffenberg
• Frank Steele
• Richard Stilwell
• Franz Josef Strauss
• Steven Symms
• Frances Stockdale Symms
• Hussein bin Talal
• Geoffrey Tantum
• H. L. T. Taswell
• Peter Tennant
• Margaret Thatcher
• Hugh Thomas
• Julian Ogilvie Thompson
• Eymen Topbaş
• Thomas A. Twetten
• Jean-François Vallet
• Giancarlo Elia Valori
• Paul Vankerkhoven
• Jean Violet
• Paul Violet
• Paul Volcker
• Jürgen Warnke
• Philippe de Weck
• Paul M. Weyrich
• John Wilkinson
• William Wilson
• John Wodehouse
• Paul Wolfowitz
• Bernhard Worms
• Ardeshir Zahedi
• Robert Zoelly
*queer |kwi(ə)r|
1 adjective
strange; odd: Le Cercle members have a queer political orientation; it follows, John Bolton is a rather queer fellow.
2 verb [ with obj. ]
spoil or ruin (an agreement, event, or situation): Bolton was brought onboard to queer the deal with Iran:
Relating to NAZIs (the video), it should be noted the founder of the CDU (Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats), that is Konrad Adenauer, was sitting together at Le Cercle with Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s eastern front intelligence chief, a major NAZI war criminal rescued from justice by the Central Intelligence Agency. For those interested in pursuing the Adenauer/Gehlen developments resulting in authentic NAZI influence of today’s Germany in relation to intelligence agency crimes, have a read HERE
Among the Americans, beyond former financiers like Volker, and murderous criminal creeps Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger & Richard Armitage, also noted is the membership of CIA criminal extraordinary Ted Shackley, as well, two former CIA directors, William Colby & William Casey, and a former head of the FBI, Louis Freeh.
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