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Bozo’s Federalist Society Speech: Part 2 Of 3
Ron West's Napi Mephisto, Pages 98-101
© 2018 Ron West
Roger returns to sensibility, dealing with peace in the middle east, recovering the pseudo of his manhood, but from here out I am going with Maureen Dowd over Roger’s PMS and mood swings, you just can’t know what to expect from Roger, I’ve been checking out Maureen and she is HOT! A better writer altogether, she has superior courage and took up the theme Roger had abandoned in his panic attack, Maureen, in her much more direct editorial “Cheney grabs a 3rd term” writes how it appears Cheney and Rumsfeld are making policy for their “boy toy” Obama ( good one ;o) Maureen Dowd earns a beauty, courage and truth award
Hamas leader Khalid Meshal on Obama: “His language is different and positive” earning Meshal a honorable mention ‘a sucker is born every minute’ award
Meshal (who to now the Obama administration will not include in any mid-east peace process at the insistence of Isrаel) and Ronald West share the dubious distinction of having survived bungled intelligence service assassination attempts, Meshal poisoned by mossad at the orders of the Isrаeli prime minister Netanyahu.. multiple attempts on West at the orders of the mossad/CIA/Department of Defense combined ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ rogue intelligence agents ‘in the service of our religious extremist super-friends alliance’… mossad/CIA and religious extremist super-friends alliance earn a Corporate-Star-Chamber/Curia-Borgia bungler assassins award
“As long as they don’t exclude any option, let the United States select the order of things,” Nobel Peace Prize winner Isrаeli President Shimon Peres states while dictating terms it’s banana republic USA may employ in exploring a new relationship with Iran… Peres making the point a bombing Iran “option” belongs to the USA first and then Isrаel will start the war the USA will have to fight [with USA armies on the flank of Iran] if the Americans won’t blow up the ayatollahs… after an Isrаeli dictated ‘what the USA policies will be’ meeting on nuclear weapons with Obama and we all know Isrаel will be using American weapons and money and any Isrаeli attack would be no different that the USA initiating hostilities from Iran and the entire Islamic world’s point of view- Nobel Peace Prize selection committee gets ‘pulled a boner’ award [made a stupid mistake]
USA hog farming giant Smithfield Corporation murders ‘Wilber’ of Charlottes Web, since they have moved into Romania, Smithfield has run roughshod over the environmental laws ill equipped to deal with the new mega-hog’s super-barns… as well in a mere four years they had driven the number of Romanian small pig operations from 477,000 to 52,000… with the impact felt as far away as African pig farmers who cannot compete with the sharp and sudden influx of cheap pork. Shareholders swine flu off-shore-tax-haven award, meanwhile, speaking of some real pigs:
Defense Secretary Gates’ ‘open fly’ boys, piloting bombers sporting JESUS SAVES logos on their ‘cock’pits, shred scores of kids and women in Afghanistan, like Mickey Mouse taking on 7 giants at a single ‘blow’, AGAIN… even as Gates’ religious extremist generals are busted by Al Jeezera TV for lying about concerted effort in command structure promoting Christian proselytizing of Afghans… led by the U.S. Army Chaplains and fundamentalist friends working on saving the souls of those
Muslim “children of Satan” in a military that consequently blows the idea ‘Jesus loves the little children’ to bits with air strikes when the kids say ‘no thanks’
Now, considering United States had planned, authorized and implemented torture, violating treaties we are signed to (never mind just how creepy that is) and that torture will now be altogether excused by our Department of ‘Just Us’ fundamentalist Christians no problem with the cover-up and denial of the USA’s ‘holy war’ crime that goes on, eh Commander-in-Chief Obama? Any guess why the Afghans might prefer the theology of the Taliban to the ‘liberation’ theology of your military?? Commander-in-Chief Obama ‘I’m still standing behind my Christian Crusaders’ war crimes award
It’s come back to ‘I knew it was wrong but thought it was legal’ no criminal intent Anglo Saxon law at Attorney General Holder’s Justice department… where waterboarding is torture but there is no crime involved… The Department of Justice, investigating itself, the same method the Isrаeli and American militaries use to insure they cannot discover evidence of war crimes or religious extremists and hate crimes that exist in it’s ranks... now the Justice department internal inquiry draft report finds ‘lapses but no crimes’ relating to the people preparing the ‘torture is legal’ memos, Obama’s Justice Department is determined EVERYONE will get off the hook, includes those who systematically planned, authorized, and implemented war crimes in the treatment of captives… welcome to the United States of Mugabe, Robert ‘tonton macoutes’ Gates in charge, all of Gates’ harem ‘boys’ curtsey to their polyandrous spouse… Gates- earns a Bugs Bunny in drag ‘gay wabbit’ award (that was a cruel rabbit, just ask Elmer Fudd)
‘queen’ Condoleezza (mirror, mirror on the wall) tells a student at a forum torture is: “legal by definition, if the president authorizes it”, and you just have to wonder at the Isrаeli philosophy of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ because theirs has become a case of ‘with friends like these, who needs enemies?’ It is likely gonna be déjà vu for American Jews, not only the Jews in Isrаel, the American knee-jerk support for Isrаeli policy, no matter how self destructive, is looking more and more like a case of the chickens headed home to roost when these “perfected in God’s sight Jews” [Ann Coulter, citing St Paul] fundamentalist Christians’ coup is complete and the “Christ killers” [U.S. military’s Officer’s Christian Fellowship ‘passion’ theology sobriquet for Jews] are told on ‘the water-board’ to convert because Mel Gibson’s Latin ‘rite’ wing Pius X “pray for the Jews” is back in vogue at Rome where waterboarding makes sense, because the church can save the Amazon this way, which the Pope has said is equally important to saving the world from homosexuals, rather than waste wood burning the Gays, Jews, Secular Humanists, Witches, women generally, kids that don’t behave, especially alter boys that talk, people who sue the church.. Condoleezza awarded the ‘president authorized it’ ‘Gangrene Heart’ lapel pin
Another spook gets it, ex-CIA Kabul (Afghanistan) station chief Graham Fuller’s New YorkTimes “Out of Afghanistan” editorial, where he makes the case the 40 million ethnic Pashtun divided between Pakistan and Afghanistan are turning to the Taliban more as an expression of Pashtun power and independence under pressure from American military policy of “drone bombings and assassinations” rather than any great love for Taliban politics… pointing out “Pashtun are among the most fiercely nationalist, tribalized and xenophobic peoples of the world.” I hope Obama reads the paper because his Defense Secretary Gates’ fellow fundamentalist Christian and Obama National Security Advisor, former Chevron Board Director and Marine Corps General James ‘the reverend jim’ Jones, won’t be telling Obama these truths.. and Obama needs to think about the modern day number of FORTY MILLION of the same Pashtun Alexander the Great could not defeat with superior weapons and training, and since Alexander had failed, no one has ever defeated the Pashtun, Soviet Union included… Fuller wins a rehabilitation to truth award, a rare honor for CIA
Speaking of CIA “drone bombings and assassinations”, I’d neglected to mention awhile back the Zirdari photo in the New York Times, Zirdari grinning like the cat that ate the canary with his wife out of the way, flanked by photos of Benazir Bhutto as though those photos were feathers of a bird clinging to the corners of his mouth… Zirdari sucks up to the CIA in ways Benazir never would have… Zirdari wins a ‘sucks up to the CIA at any price to bring me to power’ award
Obama’s National Security Advisor, Chevron Board Director and Marine Corps General James ‘the reverend jim’ Jones, continues using the press to step out of the shadow and draw attention away from the discredited Department of Defense relating to airstrikes that kill scores of kids and their moms… “we can’t fight with one hand tied behind our back”… gee, he just admitted he can’t nearly as effectively kill kids and women without airstrikes… meanwhile ‘Campus Crusade’ General David ‘a jihad for jesus’ Patraeus appoints a “one star general” to ‘study’ the airstrike massacres “problem”, you know ‘one star’ only has to please his fellow Christian extremist generals and ‘one star’ will become two… while a Pope who has rehabilitated the anti-Semitic extremist ‘passion for pius x’ calls for tolerance even as the ‘passion’ inspired American special operations generate holy war… as Defense Secretary (de facto commander-in-chief by default actually)Robert ‘tonton macoutes’ Gates calls for a major revamp of our military to beef up those very special operations forces which are ideal for committing war crimes under cover… Bonanza of torturing Bozos award
Constitutional law professor Obama takes the coward’s moral midget road and moves to block the release of war crimes photos ordered released by TWO courts, on behalf of his recent bosom buddy, the war criminal Defense Secretary Robert Gates, oblivious to the ONLY means of defusing holy war with the Muslim world which is: to come clean and prosecute… while the New York Times reporters continue to suck up to the incompetence in Afghanistan, writing on the war as though it were not yet the total fiasco it is, giving the war credence by quoting generals who make an unwinnable war even more in winnable than necessary… no one is asking the hard questions, ignoring how to win peace, like clearing out the religious extremism… meanwhile Congress “grumbles” as it prepares to ante up the hundreds of billions upon wasted trillions to keep it all going downhill… cluster of tortured boners award
The homophobic Boy Scouts of America’s “Explorer Scouts”, some as young as 14, are given anti-terror SWAT training by police who have to take online anti-sexual abuse courses, as though that would stop a pedophile, on account of past civil and criminal cases concerning police sexual abuse of the Explorer Scouts… Boy Scouts earn a closet pedophile ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ award
Supreme Court Justice Scalia says he does not believe in legislative intent… now I really hate to spill scalding coffee on the bulge in Scalia’s lap, but if this is the case as he states, Scalia has a problem. There is this ‘thing’ in our Constitution called “unenumerated rights” and if Scalia can only read the language of the law itself without taking into account the legislative intent, those “un-enumerated rights” must be forever “un-enumerated” in which case they can never be “rights”… congress sent an idiot to the bench award
Sociopath CIA agent in denial Sabrina De Sousa is wanted in Italy for kidnap and delivery to torture… this dufus 53-year-old-4-year-old-in-denial sues the USA for diplomatic immunity she is not elgible for in her former consular work (lawyers will try anything for money, in this case the dufus Sabrina’s money), denying she was a CIA agent, the case draws the media’s attention and they of course go to their sources who are also CIA and the sources blow it for her by saying Sabrina is CIA… HOW STUPID WAS THAT SABRINA? The interesting thing here is the State Department (Sabrina’s cover) sources saying they are trying to get the Italian case involving Sabrina shut down, hell yes, they are because this is the case where an Italian intelligence agency defendant brought out the information Condoleezza Rice was in charge of the USA’s delivery to torture program called ‘extraordinary renditions’. Interesting, Ronald West states he recognizes Sabrina from her photo, their paths had crossed in Germany? (remarkable, a perfect stranger SMIRKS at you in Wiesbaden, duh, says Ronald) Sabrina gets CIA bungler award
Which brings us back to Obama and Gates trying to shut down the photographic evidence of abuse by Americans ordered released by our courts… Obama’s statement (parroting the denial of Bush era) indicating isolated incidence “carried out in the past by a small number of individuals” is a bald-faced, through the teeth lie. This is Constitutional law professor Obama’s assault on the rule of law in the tradition of John Yoo, because we know now this photographic evidence reflects only a few instance of a several agencies wide (CIA, Justice, Defense and State) program involving many hundreds of people and thousands of cases of war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo, Black Sites and proxies, which in part have been described by a judge in Spain as “an authorized and systematic plan of torture and abuse of people stripped of liberty, without charges and denied the basic rights afforded detainees” There is ONE WAY OUT of our war with Islam begun by Bush/Cheney, and that one way out is: GOOD FAITH PROSECUTIONS to stop the ONGOING religion motivated crime
NOW…. Here are the CIA briefed American leaders who approved, initiated and/or pursued carrying out the torture program. CIA briefers were then director George ‘torture’s’ Tenet and deputy director John Mc-Laugh-lin
Briefees included George ‘baby doc’ Bush, ‘big dick’ Cheney, ‘q een’ Condoleezza (mirror, mirror on the wall), Don ‘tin man’ Rumsfeld, and John ‘Muslims are the children of Satan’ Ashcroft, no surprises there
Colin Powell? Oops, his claim he was duped into presenting false intelligence info at the UN, justifying Iraq’s invasion, I think just turned into the kid run over by the ice cream truck
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