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A 300-Lash White Wash
A Criminally Incompetent Article on the Slave Soldiers of 1777
© 2018 James LaFond
Sitting in some hoagie shop in the old money Quaker area outside of Philly I happened upon this in print form. So many ironies and so much glossing over in this little throwaway article that its not even funny. The 4th Georgia comprised men who had been impressed into both the British and Colonial forces. Talk about a shitty hand in life.
Take care,
Thank you my friend.
It is well known by any who wish to investigate that poor Caucasian men in English-speaking America [the bottom 30% to 80% of the race, depending on the colony and era] spent their time in a four stage rotation, which comprised the following states mixed in varying order depending on their circumstances:
1. Slave labor [30-40 lashes for discipline]
2. Runaway
3. Slave soldier/sailor [100-400 lashes for discipline]
4. Captive awaiting conscription, auction or execution
Note how little of the article linked above makes sense and must simply be chalked up to the evil character of the poor white soldiers, who were actually characterized as slave owners. The only slave owners fighting in the Revolution would do so as officers. Any simple farmer who was wealthy enough to own a servant [which is what owners called their white slaves, though the slaves called themselves slaves] would have a choice of two options:
1. Go off to war, leaving his wife with his man slave, having no idea if that slave would run off, rape his wife, set himself up as the de facto master, or
2. Send the servant to fight in his stead.
Based on Washington’s description of these “farmer” soldiers as cowards they were obviously, predominantly poor men just getting by, whose family farm would fall fallow and his wife would starve or take up with a deserter or runaway, or they were the men who did most of the farm work, Caucasian agricultural slaves, an unfree farmer sent off to war by a master who had little choice but to go himself while his home and family went to ruin, or send off the man who had cost him a year’s wages to buy for a 7 year term of servitude.
The Revolutionary War was fought on behalf of the superrich colonial slave masters of the planting class against the King’s various offices, which included magistrates and other officials who tried to limit how cruelly a man might beat his human property. The only consolation the small farmer had who was forced to send off his white servant—for small landowners could not afford the ultra-expensive negro slave for life, who coast 40-120 pounds to 5-20 pounds per white man held for seven years—was that the white slave, if he survived the war, would be returned to finish out his full term! Wow, I wonder why those guys deserted in droves.
Thankfully, when historians, such as the slave master apologist of the article above, amateur or professional, lie by omission or blunder blindly along the false narrative, they forever leave the tools to unravel their own Gordian Knot.
The author states that Georgia had 55,000 residents, with a third of these being slaves. Since he is a standard narrator, than to him slave can only mean negro. That leaves roughly 37,000 whites. We will divide that by 6 to arrive at a conservative number of military age males and discover, round that number down, and arrive at a figure of at least 6,000 military age males. An Indian tribe would have fielded 12,000 men out of this many people, but whites were not often martial folk in Plantation America.
Of 6,000 available men the author claims that only 878 were mustered into ranks!
So we are to believe that Georgia could only find 1 in 7 men willing to fight and these were cowards?
The fact is, in a slave society, with Indian enemies nearby, one had to keep the best fighters in their districts to defend against Indians and to round up runaway negroes and servants.
If Georgia was like the other states South of Pennsylvania [where fully half of the white population was in bondage] and had, like Maryland, a population that was One third negro, one third free white and one third bound white, than how many white slaves did Georgia probably have on hand, who would need to by guarded chased and even officered as district militia as they were played off as pawns against Indians and insurgent negroes?
A reasonable and conservative estimate of the number of unfree whites in Georgia in 1777 is between 10 and 20,000, most likely around 16,000, with 13,000 of these being women and children and only 3,000 military age men. Thus, of the available military age men, half were free and half bound.
As with Bacon’s Rebellion, where a population of 45,000 in 1675 Virginia never mustered more than 2,000 combatants on both sides, the soft underbelly of Plantation America is glaringly obvious even from our far remove. It is no wonder that 100 Iroquois warriors terrorized and defeated 60,000 English in Maryland and Virginia in 1675 and that a mere 300 such warrior were able to maintain their independence in New York for another 100 years. What is unseen and unsaid here, is that such Indian nations, bordering these slave societies, captured the strongest and smartest servant boys off the plantations and accepted fit runaways and deserters in order to maintain their combat effectiveness despite demographic decline.
As indicated by the article sent by my dear friend, American History is a curtain, behind which hangs a veil of shame, another veil of guilt and another of silence, and behind these obstructions lies Plantation America, a lost continent cocooned in the silk fantasies sung by the ever-spinning keepers of the secret of our nonsensical origins, rendered ever more effective in their fanciful efforts by the fact that they have drunk from the same well of blindness and forgetfulness that their forbearers have partaken of for two hundred misbegotten years.
To support this project and view some graphics go to:
Stillbirth of a Nation: Caucasian Slavery in Plantation America: Part One
‘Miserable, Desolate and Discouraging’
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