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Table Scraps
Brian, Ishmael, Clued, Liz, Carbon Mike, Bart and More
© 2018 James LaFond
In These Goings Down
US Special Forces celebrity Tim Kennedy yearns for heroic leadership.
1) Not sure if you've heard of Edward Luttwak, but he has some interesting ideas (and an interesting, though murky, biography. How much of the murk is self-generated is open for discussion.) Some videos I thought you'd like:
2) If you remember John Taylor Gatto, he wrote some interesting stuff about education. Here's Jordan Peterson name-checking him in a conversation with Molyneux:
If you want to watch yourself, you can use my email address to sign in. The password is [deleted]
Save the $8.95. You kicked ass on there. Motherfucker got jokes! Was fun to watch. You’re a psychopath, the degree of confidence you show on camera. You had the air of one who has already figured out how to kill everyone in the room.
I drank about 3 forties of mickeys this morning and finished proofreading Mangearing. There’s a lot of original ideas and observations in that book, shit that left me questioning what I think I know.
I wrote that piece about the crazy guy this morning, had it all perfect, really liked it, and then deleted it by mistake. What I sent you was an even drunker shell of what I originally wrote.
I would really like to write that novella with you. Tonight while I drive I’ll be thinking of possible outlines.
Tony Cox
Please see the link below; this will take you to my newest blog entry, which I just posted a few hours ago.
Have a great weekend,
Brian Jewell
More on what were up against overseas
Carbon Mike
Thanks James. I go to your website every few days and have enjoyed your writing.
BTW I've never been in a street fight. All my fighting has been in dojos or tournaments. I'm in my 60's and still practice tai chi every day., but haven't done any hard style stuff for years.
While I have you here, let me recommend to you Allan Odnash's Paper Tigers. He's a Pennsylvania based Hung Gar/White Crane instructor who has written about what he thinks is wrong with the way martial arts are taught.
This blog I frequent has been writing a lot lately about what they call world war G. Feminism, it's problems and what we can do about it. Thought you might be interested.
Hi James,
It was nice meeting you today!
Thanks for chatting with me.
Come visit again!
-Liz, Compound Media
When Your Job Sucks
The Ghetto Grocer Kindle Edition
From Niger with Love
guest authors
The Fable of the Boars
the first boxers
search for an american spartacus
the greatest boxer
the year the world took the z-pill
let the world fend for itself
taboo you
Bob     Apr 18, 2018

@ Carbon Mike:

Tommy Robinson is one of many faux nationalists, little more than an actor. He's not against mass non-European immigration per se, only against Islam, and his m.o. is not productive even in that. His backers have an agenda hostile to native Britons.
Bob     Apr 18, 2018

Stephen Christopher Yaxley, aka Tommy Robinson, English (inter)"nationalist":
Bob     Apr 18, 2018

And with this, a trifecta of Robinson lies and bad faith. He can't even be straightforward and honest with his recently-forged allies of Islamic moderates.
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