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Bozo’s Federalist Society Speech: Part 3 Of 3
Napi Mephisto pages 102-105 by Ron West
© 2018 Ron West
Senate hawks Bob ‘cracker’ Grahm and Richard ‘confederate general’ Shelby, Florida and Alabama respectively, ok, perfectly straightforward right wing honkies, to be expected, no surprises there either
Congressman Porter ‘former director of CIA’ Goss, I’d be surprised if he had NOT been named, and whadda-ya-know:
If ever there were a doubt Nancy suffers ‘acquired ego-priapism syndrome’, I think it is safe to say now the diagnosis has been confirmed… AEPS, pronounced APES, as in ‘apes’ cowardly male behaviors… Nancy is the surprise add to the list of war criminals the USA is obliged to prosecute according to our constitution’s ‘supremacy clause’ …“any treaty made shall be the supreme law of the land” unless of course Obama is going to jettison either our constitution or the torture treaty the USA is signed to
So, constitutional law professor Obama, as Attorney General Holder plows through his medieval Anglo-Saxon medicine chest, looking for remedies to treat the migraine of a plausible ‘writ of mandamus’ in his forced grand jury referrals and preparation of criminal indictments under the torture treaty, did you really want to protect Pelosi from war crimes culpability like Pelosi protected Bush from impeachment (suddenly, totally understanding Pelosi was covering her own war criminal ass)
And to the question of pardons, how fortunate a person is innocent until proven guilty under the USA legal practice, meaning Obama cannot constitutionally pardon anyone prior to a trial and conviction
House Republican leader John ‘boner’ Boehner has described a report pointing to the dangers of right wing soldiers as a future threat to domestic security offensive and called on the government to apologize to veterans. As a veteran, I call on Representative ‘Boner’ to apologize to all Americans for the acts of our future Timothy McVeighs represented in un-prosecuted special operations war criminals being released back into our society
My ‘bozo boner’ awardees, whose political lies and/or rhetorical stupidities can often be found in my blogs, in order of lie or stupidity’s magnitude: Barak Obama (to Turkish Parliament “USA is not at war with Islam”), George Bush (”People who are allowed to worship freely in society, are people who are going to be peaceful citizens” as our Christian extremist led military pursues holy war he started), Supreme Court Justice Alito (”Marauding Indians” in a firearms decision, OMG, Geronimo!), Senator Kit Bond in a Senate hearing, (”you can’t believe what you read” about CIA torture), Attorney General Eric Holder (too many to recite), Nancy Pelosi, Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton (because I think the ‘girlz’ who behave like ‘boyz’ deserve to make the ‘boyz’ list
Closet republican morality disclaimer, also known as the Senator Larry Craig clause: for the purposes of this audience, the term “boner” is the first (1) given in the Oxford Dictionary, however any Barney Frank-o-philes are permitted to imagine it is the second (2), in which case any prurient lampoons should be ‘tasteful’ boner |ˈbōnəәr| noun 1 informal a stupid mistake. 2 vulgar slang an erection of the penis. ORIGIN after House Republican leader John ‘Boehner’ the quintessential prick
Here is how a ‘Barney Frank-o-phile’ (‘hitting’ on the liberals) lampoon could work:
Instead of walking out on Iranian President ‘mouthy’ Mahmoud, at the UN forum on racism, when ‘mouthy’ truthfully called Isrаel “cruel and repressive”, why didn’t one of those western diplomats, instead of disappearing like cowards, stand up and shout out “Fair enough, now, what I want to know, is there a ‘boner’ involved when Iran puts it’s women to death, for adultery, by stoning?” Of course that would make worldwide headlines and Iran would realize it had REALLY ‘pulled a boner’
Here is how a ‘closet republican morality’ (‘nailing’ the conservatives) lampoon could be ‘pulled off’
The UN Rapporteur on racism has stated “defaming religion” should be dis-allowed, wow, I suppose that means the office in Rome called the congregation for the doctrine in the faith will be ‘coming out’ of the closet, to be called the holy inquisition again, and anyone who stands up to torture will be charged by the prosecutor Gonadius [worse than ‘pig’ Latin, eh? gonad + ius], with the crime of having ‘pulled a boner’ (of course that can only mean ‘made a stupid mistake’) Subtle difference, you think?
And of course, there is always the morality neutral or ‘ethics free’ example (getting digs into the ‘I’m in it for me’ sociopath public figure), in this case a ‘half-truth’ :
Rahm Emanual: “The Republicans are the party of no ideas”, neglecting to mention he is the ‘wormtongue’ (wet tongue?) in the ear of a Democratic president with braindead ideas
And so it all goes to: “Know thyself” –the pedophile Socrates, executed for “corrupting the youth of Athens”
It seems fitting this should degenerate into a legal treatise designed to constitutionally box in the ‘boyz’, and as such, is apropos to pick on Chief Justice John ‘boy’ Roberts, who went from ‘Waltons’ family lawyer to chief executive at the violent pornography industry of Anglo-Saxon law
John ‘boy’s’ court had been recently accused of ‘pulling a boner’ [a cowardly legal decision] by much more principled conservative judges than the dwarves on the conservative wing of this Supreme Court… who have been accused by those more principled men of legal ‘mealy mouth’ in a recent ‘right to bear arms’ or 2nd Amendment case, and called it a right wing Roe v Wade for mincing around the ‘hard’ facts
Just like the all male Roe court could not ‘bear’ to give women the 4th amendment’s protection of “privacy in their papers” :
‘Dear diary, today I had to choose between raising a child in poverty for a father I’ve discovered would never be there for us, or terminating…’
No differently, John ‘boy’s’ court could not call a spade a spade and admit the founders meant “the right of the people to bear arms” to be a clause against a coup of the power corrupt over our rule of law… this could have been intelligently addressed by BEING HONEST and calling the right to bear arms what our constitution meant it to be, a militia of the people that does NOT shoot “marauding Indians” at casinos, giving states a bit of control over assault rifles (that actually cannot be constitutionally taken from the people so long as the 2nd Amendment and a modern arms military both exist), like one assault rifle per militia member which is any person of good legal standing in the community, no record of domestic violence and with brains enough to pass an 8th grade constitutional ethics test, weapon stays locked up in the home… and use of ANY firearm in a crime could consequently be made a statutory case of domestic treason for violating a fellow citizen’s civil liberties
But naw, self serving cowards can’t pull their heads out from where the sun never shines, because the idea I just proposed would preserve our constitution AND DRAMATICALLY REDUCE the number of assault rifles and ALL other firearms on our streets as well as shut down the weapons exports to Mexican drug cartels, too bad that would hurt the gun lobby
Now, where do you suppose John ‘boy’ will come out on torture? Will he allow prosecutions of his corporate class peers??
Since now days the 4th Amendment appears to only protect the privacy of the papers held as corrupt corporate class state secrets concealing crimes, the prognosis is not good, but I have an idea!
Uncle Sam has this Latino dude named ‘Stare Decisis’ in his honky law library, he is the bouncer, all his work is about is, there should be stability and quiet in the case-law or, that had been the way it worked and so that is the way it generally should be
Now John ‘boy’s’ honkies have been ganging up on this Latino dude recently, so Stare Decisis brings a knife to work to defend himself. Returning to the Silvergate nincompoop’s ‘let’s all duck responsibility with a honky defense’ rationale, I do believe the Latino dude can take out a certain Anglo-Saxon’s ass, that is, the whole idea surrounding ‘I knew it was wrong but thought it was legal’ as a legitimate ‘no criminal intent’ defense
Here is how it could work: Anglo-Saxon right wingers (includes dark rye ‘cracker’ Clarence ‘anita’s bad hair day’ Thomas) like to kill people, that is easy to see in John ‘boy’s’ conservatives putting retarded and insane people to death… and honky states like to force anti-psychotics into defendants so they become fit at trial to understand why they are going to die for something they could not understand when they did it
So if John ‘boy’s’ ‘boss-hog’ federal court has let those state decisions stand, bingo, suddenly Stare Decisis, the Latino dude, whips out his knife! And he goes beserk from being picked on!!
The Supreme Court takes anti-psychotics to understand what is happening in the real world and the Anglo-Saxon no criminal intent ‘I knew it was wrong but thought it was legal’ defense is knife wounds like the slashers in the movies make (oh, our lovely 1st Amendment) across their blindfolded bitch’s Anglo-Saxon body of no criminal intent law, Stare Decisis just cut her to pieces!!!!!
Your averaged IQ of 90 could puzzle through the shit in that process’ result- Whoa, check it out, THAT BITCH IS DEAD!!!!!!!
With eyes mere slits, Chief Justice John Roberts proposed Bozo had passed the Federalist Society rite of initiation and be awarded membership. Bozo, feeling his ingratiation with the fascists would further his career opportunities, and therefore smugly pleased, sat for his official photo on a tall stool wearing the borrowed Federalist Society member George W Bush’s dunce cap which was actually a modified Klu Klux Klan headdress, presented by a Grand Wizard
With Bozo’s middle finger shoved up his nose as though digging deep for a booger, the preferred pose of society members for photos, John Roberts, Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito pulled from beneath their robes Thompson Sub-Machine guns, stolen for the occasion at Dick Cheney’s direction by Federalist Society house niցցers Clarence Thomas and Condoleezza Rice: from the Al Capone exhibit at the FBI museum
The Thompson drum clips having been filled with unjacketed aluminum alloy hollow point 45 caliber ammunition provided by Xe Corporation, the three justices fired precisely 150 rounds, at point blank range, into the biggest buffoon ever to claim expertise in law as a member of the California State Bar Association
A few hours later, the night shift janitor with a ‘four zero’ security clearance who’d been told to bring a body bag to work, was grossed out. Bozo had been basically pureed, his remains little more than a large congealing puddle with a few big chunks
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Anonymous     Apr 19, 2018

For all you Timothy McVeigh fans here's documentary video a guy shot at Camp Grafton, North Dakota 03 August 1993. No scripting, the guy doing the documentary was just going around filming. At this time the Federal Government says Timothy McVeigh was out of the service working gun shows. Who do you see at 0:45 in this video?

Longer versions for more info and context.
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