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A Matter of Politicians & Tomahawks
Ron West on Modern Heroism
© 2018 Ron West
Hello James
Been a bit busy (Spring planting) but pulled this one together, you can have at it. Online with illustrations and live links at:
The German politicians nuts are in a vise if this information ever finds traction -
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime"
What Can Be Known Versus What Will Be Known
Likely, it will only be a matter time before the CIA editors at Wikipedia will change the recently updated information in the above (cropped-enlarged screenshot) Wikipedia article last updated 4 April 2018:
“Erdem also claims that sarin-gas was transported through Turkey to Syria, later used in the Ghouta chemical attack in 2013,[4][5] as well as later ISIL-attacks against civilians.[6] Erdem showed before the parliament a case where investigations leading to the arrest of 13 potential Turkish ISIL-members were made, but later inexplicably dropped.[7][8]
“Erdem faces treason charges in Turkey for his leaks.[5]“
What is Turkish Member of Parliament Eren Erdem on record as having stated? Speaking of a copy in his possession of the Adana Prosecutor’s criminal case 2013/120 that was quashed by Erdogan’s people:
“There is data in this indictment. Chemical weapon materials are being brought to Turkey and being put together in Syria in camps of ISIS which was known as Iraqi Al Qaeda during that time
“These are all detected. There are phone recordings of this shipment like ‘don’t worry about the border, we’ll take care of it’ and we also see the bureaucracy is being used
“About the shipment, Republic prosecutor of Adana, Mehmet Arıkan, made an operation and the related people were detained. But as far as I understand he was not an influential person in bureaucracy. A week after, another public prosecutor was assigned, took over the indictment and all the detainees were released. And they left Turkey crossing the Syrian border
“The phone recordings in the indictment showed all the details from how the shipment was going to be made to how it was prepared, from the content of the labs to the source of the materials. Which trucks were going to be used, all dates etc. From A to Z, everything was discussed and recorded. Despite all of this evidence, the suspects were released
“And the shipment happened, because no one stopped them. That’s why maybe the sarin gas used in Syria is a result of this
“When I read the indictment, I saw clearly that these people have relationships with The Machinery and Chemical Industry Institution of Turkey and they don’t have any worries about crossing the border
“For example in Hayyam Kasap’s phone records, you hear him saying sarin gas many times, saying that the ateliers are ready for production, materials are waiting in trucks which were supposedly carrying club soda
“For example the chemical attack in Ghouta. Remember. It was claimed that the regime forces were behind it. This attack was conducted just days before the sarin operation in Turkey
“It’s a high probability that this attack was carried out with those basic materials shipped through Turkey. It is said the regime forces are responsible but the indictment says it’s ISIS. UN inspectors went to the site but they couldn’t find any evidence. But in this indictment, we’ve found the evidence. We know who used the sarin gas, and our government knows it too
“All basic materials are purchased from Europe. Western institutions should question themselves about these relations. Western sources know very well who carried out the sarin gas attack in Syria. They know these people, they know who these people are working with, they know that these people are working for Al-Qaeda. I think is Westerns are hypocrites about the situation”
What more can be known?
1) The German Parliament’s leadership (all political parties), as well the German Federal Prosecutor, had been apprised of the preceding by yours truly on 2 December 2015:
Dear Members of the German Parliament
I wish to draw attention to recent information regarding your NATO ally Turkey. Last month it had been revealed by two courageous members of Turkey’s parliament that in fact it was Turkey’s federal intelligence services were behind the August 2013 Sarin gas attack, killing more than one thousand ordinary Syrians, an attack NATO nations had blamed on the regime of Basher al-Assad. Your own Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) should have been aware of this fact from very nearly the beginning, as they have been proactively engaged in Syria and the Syrian conflict, as well as spying on Turkey.
What’s more is, state actor Turkey initiating the Sarin attack is not some undocumented allegation. As you can see from the attached reporting, there was a proper investigation by Turkish authorities with developed evidence and indictments. I regret to inform you in this case, President Erdogan personally initiated the prosecution that last week saw the editor of the newspaper reporting put in jail.
This raises strong questions of possible BND criminal complicity considering Germany’s support for certain NATO nations directly in relation to the Syrian conflict. What did the BND know and when? Has the BND, when passing intelligence on Syria to Assad’s opposition through its NATO allies, supported the actors who gassed the Syrians? Is Germany’s supportive relationship to the Erdogan government a lawful one, in light of this evidence? Has the BND contributed to the geopolitical disinformation blaming Assad for the August 2013 Sarin attack? Has your parliament been deceived in this matter, particularly your intelligence oversight committee?
Clearly the Sarin case, considering Germany, as a knowledgeable or complicit actor in Syria, should be pursued against the Turkey via the legal mechanism of Völkerstrafgesetzbuch, as well as domestic prosecutions of those German officials, noting the BND particularly, who’ve failed in their reporting requirements and/or conspired to conceal a war crime or crime against humanity.
These should be questions and demand you will present to the federal prosecutor.
Ron West
2) Germany’s foreign intelligence service (BND) lied to the German parliament’s intelligence oversight committee:
(Translated, highlighted text) “Berlin – The Federal Intelligence Service (BND) supports the assessment of the Americans that the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is behind the poison gas attacks on suburbs of Damascus on 21 August. In secret classified statements for security politicians, BND President Gerhard Schindler said a clear proof is missing. After an in-depth plausibility analysis, however, his ministry assumes that the regime is the culprit”
At Der Spiegel English:
[T]he country’s foreign intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), agrees with the US position which holds Syrian President Bashar Assad responsible for the poison gas attacks near Damascus on Aug. 21. In a secret briefing to select lawmakers on Monday, BND head Gerhard Schindler said that while there is still no incontestable proof, analysis of the evidence at hand has led his intelligence service to believe that Assad’s regime is to blame.
In the briefing, Schindler said that only the Assad regime is in possession of binary chemical weapons such as sarin. The BND believes that regime experts would be the only ones capable of manufacturing such weapons and deploying them with small missiles. The BND believes that such weapons had been used several times prior to the attack on Aug. 21, which is believed to have killed more than 1,400 people
3) We can know BND knew better because of intelligence officers who were too stupid to keep their mouths shut. In fact BND is not only competent in Syria, BND is dedicated to the overthrow of Assad:
The report quotes a US intelligence agent as saying: “No Western intelligence service has as good sources in Syria as the BND does.”
A member of the BND told the newspaper that the intelligence service was “proud of the important contribution [it] is making to the overthrow of the Assad regime.” The official was not named in the report
What will be known is, this is all information had been put before German parliamentarians and has been in their possession for the past two years, even as Angela Merkel parrots the intelligence agencies “Assad did it” no matter Assad didn’t do it, has never done it.
What is ugly is, German politicians whose cowardice is so great (unlike the courageous Turkish Member of Parliament Eren Erdem) they accept being lied to by their own intelligence agency while keeping their mouths shut and sitting on their hands as NATO nations provoke Russia to war over Syria:
^ Palace of Cowards ^
And, let’s not forget the sarin gas precursor chemicals were originally sourced or originated IN EUROPE, prior to transiting Turkey via a NATO nation’s intelligence agency (with complicity of intelligence agencies, plural, BND has covered this up), and delivered into the hands of al Qaida & Islamic State.
What should this covering up facts of a crime of poison gas recall? Angela Merkel’s political party’s origins with Adenauer welcoming Nazis into the Christian Democrats’ ranks? The BND founded by the CIA’s rehabilitation of major war criminal Reinhard Gehlen? Is it true Germany has never shed certain Nazi spots? One would expect Die Linke (The Left) should stand up to this. Will you hear me now Gregor Gysi?
“Leaked wiretaps of ISIS agents show Ankara routinely ignores terrorist cross-border activity”
“Calling (Again) for Proof: 2013 Sarin Attack at Ghouta”
“Turkish MP faces treason charges after telling RT ISIS used Turkey for transiting sarin”
“Explosive claims about where ISIS obtained chemical weapons from”
“Sarin gas materials sent to Isis from Turkey, claims MP Eren Erdem
“Post Palmyra Liberation: The Islamic State (ISIS) Still a Threat. Washington Seeks the “Partition of Syria””
“Erdogan’s son-in-law ‘linked to Isis oil trade’ | The Times”
“IS and Russia Could Exploit Turkey’s Political Divisions”
“Turkish journalists who reported on alleged arms smuggling to Syria terror groups have trial adjourned
“Top Turkish ‘traitors’ according to Erdogan and Davutoglu”
Open Letter to Die Linke
A former Special Forces Sergeant of Operations and Intelligence, Ronald Thomas West is a retired paralegal/investigator (living in exile) whose work focus had been anti-corruption and human rights. Ronald is published in International Law as a layman (The Mueller-Wilson Report, co-authored with Dr Mark D Cole) and has been adjunct professor of American Constitutional Law at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (for English credit, summer semester 2008.) Ronald’s formal educational background is primarily social psychology.
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