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Steak & Scrimp Shortage Coming?
Retired Ghetto Grocer Update
© 2018 James LaFond
James, what’s your take on this? How will the dindus get their steak and scrimps?
Jeremy, I suspect that this food stamp cut is going to hit poor whites the hardest. There is noise about attaching work stipulations to the program, stipulations that were recently relaxed over the last decade. Although I don’t know, after lobbying is done I suspect that people who work will be denied stamps and that only unemployed mothers—the incubators of our criminal class—will stay on stamps. This is merely my suspicion, based on previous successful lobbying efforts I have seen by my employers, and the fact that those employers are now dwarfed by the big players mentioned in the article below.
First, let us not forget that The State’s purpose for welfare is the destruction of the family. That means that the governmental interest lies in giving benefits only to fatherless broods.
However, the lobbying is going to come from retail food giants and grocer associations for keeping the food stamp dollars primarily in the hands of single mothers.
Why, specifically?
-Single mothers have lower IQs and make poor purchasing decisions.
-Single mothers usually have multiple children, which means larger lump sums of money being spent at one time, which reduces the application of available IQ to purchasing decisions and increases impulse buying.
-The highest percentage of single mothers can be found amongst blacks, who believe that it is their right to loot as a Reparations Recovery Act. If food stamps are cut in the ghetto than inner city retailers will close as their shelves are raked clean by daylight looters.
-Amongst single white mothers most food stamps are converted into drug money at 50 cents on the dollar. This money is used by middle class folk to buy high profit party goods for sports parties and such. No food purchases are lost over all as the grandparents feed the children of singe white mother dope fiends.
-Most importantly, the largest retailers with the most clout, gain the most from all of the above as they are set up as high inventory bulk suppliers.
I would like to compare the bill once passed to its current proposed form.
In the end, if you cut some $100 monthly food stamps that supplement a minimum-wage, part-time, grocery store clerk’s attempt to survive as her feet flatten and her knees swell, she’s just going cry while she eats her instant mashed potatoes.
But if you try to tell a Wakandan Queen that she needs to work as a stipulation of receiving her $500 plus per chyle a month, then you better arm the barricades, because she and her sisters will be beating the war drums from Harm City to Chicongo.
Trump's food stamp crackdown could wallop Walmart
Business Insider
Dennis Green5 hrs ago
A million people could lose their SNAP benefits if the Trump administration successfully pushes Congress to renegotiate a $900 billion piece of legislation known as the Farm Bill — and that could be bad news for retailers like Walmart.
The bill, which is set to expire in September, allocates 80% of the funding for SNAP, which is commonly known as the food-stamp program, according to the Wall Street Journal.
The Trump administration is seeking a 20% reduction to spending on SNAP from its current budget of $63 billion. That would shave off nearly $130 billion over a decade and would remove some one million people from food stamps, according to House Democrats. Republicans reportedly plan to impose stricter limits on who is eligible to receive benefits, including introducing more stringent work requirements.
These changes could stymie the funnel of cash that goes from the US Treasury to retailers' bottom lines. US Department of Agriculture data shows that $33 billion of SNAP benefits are spent at big-box stores like Walmart and Target as of 2017. Supermarkets get the lion's share of the rest of the $63 billion yearly budget.
On a more granular level, that means Walmart gets about $13 billion yearly from customers using SNAP alone, accounting for about 18% of the program itself. That only counts SNAP dollars spent and does not include customers who receive SNAP benefits, but buy things other than food during the same shopping trip.
A loss of SNAP benefits for those customers could mean they spend less at Walmart, come in less often, or shop somewhere completely different. That could punch a hole in Walmart's yearly revenue, which is estimated at around $500 billion a year.
Mass-market retailers like Walmart and Amazon have been waging a quiet war for low-income shoppers, which have traditionally been a stronghold of Walmart's. Amazon is implementing programs targeted directly towards this subset of shoppers, like discounts on Prime membership for SNAP benefit holders and trials using SNAP benefits online. Walmart is also participating in the online SNAP program.
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