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Mike Pompeo, Christian Punk, Puke, Prick
Flat Earth Politics with Ron West
© 2018 James LaFond
Hello James
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Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime"
In the upside down world of spy versus spy, has Sputnik’s ‘Loud & Clear’ been duped into becoming the Central Intelligence Agency’s extreme fundamentalist Christian leadership’s limited hangout? Or is this a case of John Kiriakou’s inadvertent professional suicide? If I were the Russians, my face would be beet red and Loud & Clear host John Kiriakou would be fired on the spot. Either way, there’s no way ‘former’ CIA officer Kiriakou shouldn’t have known the facts concerning what follows:
Loud & Clear:
“CIA director and nominee for secretary of state Mike Pompeo may not be the worst potential leader of US State Department when it comes to the well-being of its diplomatic corps as they struggle amid pressure from Donald Trump’s White House, which seems bent on destroying the department by cutting its budget and leaving key posts unfilled”
“…his [Pompeo’s] apocalyptic religiosity and Manichaean worldview. Amid the fire hose of lunacy that is the Trump transition, however, Pompeo’s extremism has been overlooked. It’s worth pausing to appreciate … a man who appears to view American foreign policy as a vehicle for holy war”
Loud & Clear:
“”Should he be confirmed as secretary of state, I would hope that he would be a person that would try to build back up the capabilities of the State Department, which we are definitely going to need on the issue of North Korea, the pending issue on whether the Trump administration is going to deep-six the Iran nuclear deal,” anti-war activist Ann Wright, a retired colonel from the US Army, told Radio Sputnik’s Loud & Clear program on Monday”
The Young Turks:
“Weinstein told TYT his group has received complaints from CIA personnel about Pompeo’s introduction of overtly religious behavior into the workplace, including Rapture references. “He is intolerant of anyone who isn’t a fundamentalist Christian,” Weinstein said. “The people that worked under him at the CIA that came to us were never confused—they never had time to be confused. They were shocked and then they were scared shitless””
Loud & Clear:
“If you ask CIA people, which I have, they say that, politics aside, he’s actually been a good manager, in that he has done all he can to back his people up and to argue their case before the oversight committees,” said Loud & Clear host John Kiriakou, a veteran intelligence professional”
“Pompeo’s specific brand of evangelical Christianity, with its insistence on seeing Muslim-Christian relations as an apocalyptic holy war, makes him an unnerving choice for such a senior foreign policy position”
Then, consider all those surrounding Trump who’ve failed to raise their voice … and then think about people close to Trump who can be identified as sympathetic to the views of the CIA’s Pompeo. These would include (but would not be limited to) ‘First Lady’ Melania who has invited dozens of religious figures into the White House to perform exorcisms and lay hands on ‘The Donald’, Vice President Pence whose longtime spiritual guru, Doug Coe, has compared Jesus to Hitler in a positive light, Chief of Staff Kelly, Defense Secretary Mattis, and Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Dunford, all of whom have refused to clean up forced proselytizing of the military’s rank and file by Christian extremists in command structures, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats who has described journalist Jeff Sharlet, when investigating this mess, as an “Enemy of Jesus”, and National Security Advisor John Bolton.
Michael Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, which represents “hundreds of clients belonging to the USA’s intelligence community”, and “most of those clients are CIA”, further states:
“In the intelligence community, we see supervisors wanting to hold Bible studies during duty hours”
Right, Loud & Clear’s Kiriakou, just what a badly damaged Department of State needs to rebuild its morale and become effective at diplomacy, extreme Christian fundamentalism shoved down the throats of its staff.
Now, to the satirical element: Is what follows what we’ll see moved over to the Department of State? It is actually widely known Mike Pompeo has an aversion to negroes, towel-heads, queers and ‘wimmin.’ In fact, Pompeo has instructed that he never be scheduled to attend or speak at a CIA ‘diversity’ event; as people inside the CIA have been watching that organization rapidly morph into a religiously ignorant, ‘good ol’ boys’ network (as opposed to the ivy league fascism of yore), a ‘Catholicized’ White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant criminal leadership model somewhat resembling a severely dumbed-down Allan Dulles era.
The problem with this is, example given, when you need a Black-lesbian spy, ideal to penetrate an ongoing hostile operation in Liberia, Africa, and you don’t have one, making up the CIA Director’s favorite sex-object-secretary, in blackface, just isn’t going to get the job done.
Or because, when you need a guy in Tehran and you don’t have anyone that didn’t go to Pat Robertson’s Regent University and doesn’t break out in a cold sweat in the presence of Muslims, you’re screwed.
These days, it would seem, marching in circles around Jericho, blowing horns, is what’s actually underlying the CIA’s geopolitical model:
^ a (very short) future Department of State planning session?
Except for Syria’s ‘walls’ didn’t ‘come a-tumbling down.’ Small wonder we’re screwed, every direction one looks, one discovers a wrecked circumstance, that is everywhere the CIA has been in action.
Thanos for President!
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