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Harsh Reality Check
By WellRead Ed
© 2018 James LaFond
Working in Knife and Gun Club Hospital ER in North Dindustan, there were plenty of opportunities to educate and enlighten the Dindus. Usually, such education happened during the course of treatment for injuries sustained by the violence that the Dindus casually meted out to each other with remarkable frequency.
Leroy was a young Dindu male that had sustained a gunshot wound to his abdomen. While serious, and inevitably needing surgery, Leroy was alert, oriented, and outraged that he was being treated by white people. After EMS brought him in and deposited him into our Resuscitation Module I, as an ER Tech, cut his clothes off and assisted the Nurses with whatever task was at hand.
As I was attending to the removal of his clothes, Leroy spewed an endless stream of recriminations:
“Y’all fuckin’ up my clothes! You doin’ this cuz I’m BLACK! Y’all muthafuckas LIKE fuckin’ up a niggas clothes! Y’all doin’ this cuz you WHITE.”
The night had already been long, tedious, and Leroy was the third or fourth GSW of the evening. I admit, I was tired from too many sleepless days (I worked the Graveyard Shift), too many long nights, and a shit diet of fast food and beer. Listening to yet another litany of the crimes White People had inflicted upon the poor and downtrodden made me reach my boiling point and I faced Leroy from the foot of his Gurney:
“Hey! Leroy!”
He turned his angry gaze to me.
“Did you see the guy that shot you?”
“Yeah! HELL yeah!”
“Was he white?”
Dead. Silence.
“That’s what I thought; now shut the fuck up and let these people save your life!”
Ironically, Leroy calmed down and was almost civil for the rest of his stay in our ER. I can only surmise that I had broken through his prejudice and helped him to realize that the greatest threat to his existence were people that looked like him.
Either that or he had exhausted his vocabulary.
Dawn in Dindustan
Conducting the Moral Autopsy 0f a Nation
harm city to chicongo
Black Gangs, Rick Ross & MS-13
menthol rampage
the sunset saga complete
within leviathan’s craw
orphan nation
when you're food
your trojan whorse
the year the world took the z-pill
PR     Jun 4, 2018

THere's a lesson in this for white people. Are the immigrants really our enemies or is it other white people? The faces I see on TV calling for an end to my rights are all white. No, Bob, they're not just Jewish either. White. The fags suing Christian bakers are white. The people bringing the immigrants here are all white liberal Protestant and Catholic cat ladies.

This is why I'm not a white nationalist.
jacob     Jun 4, 2018

Pr; Specifically freemasons and jews. "whites" have just been under attack for a longer period than others and have thus been neutered better.
Bob     Jun 4, 2018

Well, yes, of course Jews always have to work coalitions, they're a miniscule fraction of the population. AIPAC conferences are full of whites, gentiles all too ready to accept the riches and power of high office and betray the interests of the white majority. In exactly the same way, Jews ran the NAACP and the civil rights movement until the '70s, and look at the black community now.

Idem for Jews in Muslim countries. Working with the elites, even if hated by the populace.

Jewish activists have been at the forefront of the push to de-Christianize America. The "Xmas" tree is not allowed on the White House lawn, a giant Menora, is. Second Vatican Council was a sea-change in Vatican's relationship with Jews, and this was heavily influenced by Cardinal Bea working with Jewish groups. The Scofield Reference Bible another example of how Jewish activists transformed religious doctrine to suit their group ends, this time with the Protestants.

Jews don't identity as whites. The "my fellow white men" that precedes some lambasting relies on crypsis to be effective.
Bob     Jun 4, 2018

Ruling gentile elites have invariably used Jews cynically against the interests of the gentile majority. Tax-farming, monopoly liquor and other commercial franchises, money-lending, etc. were most useful to a greedy and disingenuous non-Jewish ruler who could always blame Jews while concealing or minimizing his own self-serving agenda. It's never just the Jews. And not all Jews, either.
Sam J.     Jun 6, 2018

"... “Did you see the guy that shot you?”

“Yeah! HELL yeah!”

“Was he white?”..."

That's one hell of a line. It brought a big smile to my face. It astounds me that Blacks talk like to this to people trying to save them.
Sam J.     Jun 6, 2018

HAHA it amuses me to see all this cozying up to "the poor Jews". In case you haven't noticed they are the ones that spent all the money to change the laws for mass immigration.

"...Ruling gentile elites have invariably used Jews cynically against the interests of the gentile majority. Tax-farming, monopoly liquor and other commercial franchises, money-lending, etc. were most useful to a greedy and disingenuous non-Jewish ruler who could always blame Jews while concealing or minimizing his own self-serving agenda. It's never just the Jews. And not all Jews, either..."

Sure they did that but did anyone twist their arm? Were the Jews forced to? Hell no we know better. That's like saying,"well officer I needed some money so I joined a really big gang to rob the bank". I can see the judge now, "poor Jew, had to join up with bad Whites to rob the bank. Damn those evil White people". I suggest it's much the other way around. Jews come up with ways to entice rulers in various vile evil doings and hook them on these vices. This is very much what they do now. Why would anyone suppose it was different then, unless it's just to pretend the Jews are just harmless little fluff bunnies mislead by Whites. Please. The Jew cries out as he strikes you.

You HAVE to see Jud Suess by Goebbels. Goebbels always said the best propaganda was the truth. He laid out Jewish techniques of entrapment in this film step by step. Not much has changed. It's all there in this movie. The whole story of the Jews.
Bob     Jun 6, 2018

@ Sam:

No. Jewish group identity relies on seeing non-Jews as hostile and inferior beings. I agree, Jud Süß captures the corrupt gentile ruler and his Jewish financier/advisor in cahoots against the common folk.
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