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To Cuck, Or...
The Leveller, Shep, The Checkered Demon, Clued, Teutonic Fist and Manny
© 2018 James LaFond
Tough Eagle - Maggie's Farm
Think about boots for this sort of terrain.
-Sea Daddy
Honor book
Hey James, thought with your postings on honor you might be interested in this Bowman is one of my favorite historians, real great guy and writer al around I think..
Legal bare-knuckle fighting makes bloody debut in Wyoming
Jelly Bryce just hit 30,000 rpms. in his grave
Portland Police “Bureau” now uses the rainbow flag as its logo.
The guy in the Village People was a prophet.
Watch "Wyoming's Tom Lucas Making Sheep Horn Bows" on YouTube
Jury awards 4 cents to family of Florida man killed by deputy - Story | KRIV
A very british brawl
oi lassy, got a loisense for that gun tattoo?
-Teutonic Fist
The Irish Savant: Royal negrolatry
What a wonderful word: Negrolitry. I'm astounded this device typed it out. I shall keep an eye cocked for it forthwith. To much negrolitry goin' on around here!
The Irish Savant: Photos from the "Royal" Wedding
Aye, when you be wantin' the clear eyed unbiased view, you call an Irishman.
Maryland tunnel digger accused of killing pal feared North Korea missile attack - NY Daily News
Meanwhile near the Capital, no amount of Irishmen could suss this.
Is this satire? One of those ironic post-modern things I just don't get?
No back up for little shorty.
The blacks were siding with the vet against the fetal alcohol manboy. Like how the young guy filming is calling his ass out.
How did we miss this one? Don Frye the prophet with his John Wayne accent.
-The Leveller
A Once Great Medieval City: 2016: Impressions of Baltimore Maryland
Let the Weak Fall: A Guide to Urban Strife for the Misanthropic Man
Harsh Reality Check
harm city
Mud Man Versus Squirt Boy
the greatest lie ever sold
song of the secret gardener
time & cosmos
fiction anthology one
when you're food
on combat
z-pill forever
PR     Jun 6, 2018

I'm mad jelly someone claimed "The Leveller" as a pseudonym on here.
PR     Jun 6, 2018

Sea Eagle,

Boots be damned - you're not getting up there without being in crazy good shape. Mad respect to sheep hunters.
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