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The Near Future of Conventional War from Jeremy Bentham
© 2018 James LaFond
World War Update.
“Many First World countries, in an act of folly almost without precedent, have imported Fourth Generation war by the literal shipload as they admitted millions of immigrants and refugees from other cultures. Some of those immigrants and refugees will refuse to acculturate, often on religious grounds. Others might be willing to do so, but are arriving in numbers so great they overwhelm the acculturation process. These immigrants offer a base for Fourth Generation war on the soil of any country that receives them.”
- “4th Generation Warfare Handbook” by William S. Lind and Lt. Col. Gregory A. Thiele, USMC (2015)
Interesting. Looks like even the European Globo-homo elite is arriving at the conclusion that the NATO alliance may have become superfluous. Certainly the main reason for it’s founding was to deter the Soviet Union from seeking to take over all of Europe. In that the alliance succeeded completely, because the Soviet Union no longer exists. It hardy seems that the Russian Republic poses anywhere near the existential threat to the rest of Europe the former USSR did. Even given the Russian government’s occasional bellicose posturing, contemporary Russian armed forces are a mere shadow of the old Soviet ’Red Army’.
Of course the problem as the European rulers see it is that Trump is the NOT the sort of ‘tame’ American president with whom they have grown accustomed to dealing. A president who accepts the notion the USA should bear the largest part the burden in defending Western Europe and pick up the tab for most of NATO’s organization and operations. God-Emperor Trump is being very insistent that the other NATO countries pull their own weight and start spending the agreed upon 2% of GDP on their own national defense. That is something the Western European social democracy nanny states do not want to hear. Now that the membership dues are going up they are starting to question if it is still worthwhile to belong.
In the final analysis it seems unlikely that NATO/ the USA will be able to save the countries of Western Europe anyway, if their national leadership persists in the self-destructive madness of admitting millions of incompatible third world migrants to take up residence within their borders.
Prepare for break-up of Nato, EU leaders are told
Being a Bad Man in a Worse World
Fighting Smart: Boxing, Agonistics & Survival
A Place to go to after the next World War.
‘Kepler-186f’. Prime real estate. A good place for a colony? it’s only 500 light years away. Good thing the God-Emperor is standing up a Space Force, in case we have to fight for it.
Earth-like Exoplanet May Have Seasons, Stable Climate
A clever use of off the shelf technology.
Belarus Army Launches RPG From New Tank-Killing Quadcopter
World War Update.
Actually an American serviceman is statistically safer in combat then he is operating his privately owned motor vehicle on the nation’s highways and byways.
Additionally fully sixty per cent of military suicides annually never deployed to a war zone. ‘Clinical Depression’, a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes bouts of excessive depression in the afflicted person, is the leading cause of suicide at all times.
Active Duty Military Deaths Since 2006 Total 15,851, 28% in Combat, How About the Rest?
“The North has deployed about 1,000 artillery guns near the MDL. Some 330 are trained on the Seoul region, including six battalions of 170-mm self-propelled artillery guns with a range of 54 km and some 10 battalions of 240-mm multiple rocket launchers with a range of 60 km. The launchers are hidden in tunnels in ordinary times but can be moved out quickly to fire shells. A diplomatic source said, "This may be an attempt to maintain the momentum of the U.S.-North Korea summit."
N. Korea Offers to Remove Long-Range Artillery from Frontline
World War Update.
The main bone off contention between China and Vietnam is the oil rich Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. China, Vietnam and the Philippines all claim these islands as their rightful possession.
“Despite being two of the world’s three remaining communist states, China and Vietnam look to be on the verge of war. Vietnam is an obstacle to China’s ambitions for East Asian hegemony.”
China's Next War
The Bitter Legacy of the 1979 China-Vietnam War
June 18, 2018
By David Archibald
World War Update.
Cool story. Staff Sergeant Clifford Wooldridge looks like he came right out of central casting too.
Valor Friday: 8 years ago, this Marine buttstroked a Taliban fighter to death with the enemy’s own weapon
World War Update.
“As the Americans discovered in Iraq the M2A2S is still a potent weapon in irregular warfare, especially with well-trained and resolute crews. The U.S. shared their experience with the Saudis and now that the Saudis have had similar success with the M1A2S in Yemen, although with higher losses. What always makes the difference is the competence of the crews and the commanders sending into combat.”
Strategy Page reports on the combat performance of various tanks employed in Middle East conflicts. It appears that the T-90 is not a product improved version of the T-72 after all, but rather a made for export ‘monkey model’ (as the Soviets nicknamed such equipment). Nevertheless, the T-90 is still a formidable weapon and can perform well provided it is manned by a competent crew and lead by competent unit commanders. This is a perennial problem for Middle Eastern Armies. Middle Eastern armies typically are well funded and able to spend a lot of money on the latest hardware, but at the same time they are frequently reluctant to spend much of any time and money on training. The results speak for themselves.
The tank is still the dominant weapons system in land warfare; for that reason the world’s militaries invest tons of money and effort into devising new methods for destroying them. As it was back during World War II the tank/anti-tank engagement usually goes to the side that sees the enemy first, fires first and hits first. Much of the immense cost (and weight) of modern armored fighting vehicles (AFV)and combat aircraft today comes from the onboard electronics; however these cutting edge electronics add considerably to the survivability of the weapons system, the ability to detect and defeat the enemy, and therefore are largely considered indispensable. You wouldn’t want to go into battle without the situational awareness these computerized sensor systems provide you. The next predictable innovation in mechanized warfare then will be the increased use of robots and drones. Robots will replace and/or supplement many AFVs. Imagine being in an Abrams tank with an on board computer that controls dozens of robot vehicles and flying drones of various sizes and sends them out to search for the enemy. The robots will even be able to look through walls and see buried objects using thermal imaging and millimeter wave radar and report back to you what they find in real time.
Murphy's Law: Why T-90s Died In Syria -Strategy Page
World War Update.
"One of the first lessons that battle impresses upon one is that no matter how large the force engaged, every battle is made up of small actions by individuals and small units."
-General Lucian King Truscott Jr., 1895-1965
“Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter.”
-Winston Churchill, 1874-1965
Meanwhile the U.S. Army prepares to be able to dominate the land areas where human beings live, work and congregate and what lies underneath them. To close with and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver. Of course the equipment and extensive individual and unit training necessary for this sort of asymmetrical warfare will cost a bundle of money. How much will the government actually be willing to spend on it for conventional infantry forces during peacetime, absent an immediate combat need?
“U.S. Army leaders say the next war will be fought in mega-cities, but the service has embarked on an ambitious effort to prepare most of its combat brigades to fight, not inside, but beneath them.”
"Last year, the Army launched an accelerated effort that funnels some $572 million into training and equipping 26 of its 31 active combat brigades to fight in large-scale subterranean facilities that exist beneath dense urban areas around the world.”
“For this new type of warfare, infantry units will need to know how to effectively navigate, communicate, breach heavy obstacles and attack enemy forces in underground mazes ranging from confined corridors to tunnels as wide as residential streets. Soldiers will need new equipment and training to operate in conditions such as complete darkness, bad air and lack of cover from enemy fire in areas that challenge standard Army communications equipment.”
“….The Army's Asymmetric Warfare Group—an outfit often tasked with looking ahead to identify future threats—told U.S. military leaders that special operations forces will not be able to deal with the subterranean problem alone and that large numbers of conventional forces must be trained and equipped to fight underground, the source said. The endeavor became an urgent priority because more than 4,800 of these underground facilities are located in North Korea, the source said.”
Army is Spending Half a Billion to Train Soldiers to Fight Underground
World War Update.
“Americans in 1950 rediscovered something that since Hiroshima they had forgotten: you may fly over a land forever; you may bomb it, atomize it, pulverize it and wipe it clean of life – but if you desire to defend it, protect it, and keep it for civilization, you must do this on the ground, the way the Roman Legions did, by putting your young men into the mud.
The object of warfare is to dominate a portion of the earth, with its peoples, for causes either just or unjust. It is not to destroy the land and the people, unless you have gone wholly mad. Pushbutton war has its place. There is another kind of conflict – crusade, jihad, holy war, call it what you choose. It has been loosed before, with attendant horror but indecisive results. In the past, there were never means enough to exterminate all the unholy, whether Christian, Moslem, Protestant, Papist, or Communist. If jihad is preached again, undoubtedly the modern age will do much better.
-T.R. Fehrenbach, 1963, This Kind of War, Proud Legions, p. 406.
“The U.S. Army is refining a plan to extend by two months the service's 14-week infantry one station unit training, or OSUT, so young grunts arrive at their first unit more combat-ready than ever before.”
“Trainers at Fort Benning, Georgia will run a pilot this summer that will extend infantry OSUT from 14 weeks to 22 weeks, giving soldiers more time to practice key infantry skills such as land navigation, marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat, fire and maneuver and first aid training.”
Army Will Add 2 Months to Infantry Course to Make Grunts More Lethal
World War Update.
The U.S. army is getting back to basics. Yep, makes sense. I don’t see anything in the U.S. Code about enabling ‘transgender transition’, women’s issues, promoting ‘social Justice’ or any of those other Leftist/ Progressive tropes.
“Fighting will now take precedence over dealing with transitioning transgender troops, drug abuse and other issues as the Army seeks to overhaul its training regimen to hone its soldiers’ battlefield skills.”
“In a series of servicewide memorandums approved by Army Secretary Mark Esper and Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and obtained by The Washington Times, service leaders are making optional previously mandatory training on issues such as transgender transition and drug abuse. The move, Army leaders argue, is designed to relieve stress on the overburdened troop training regimen and refocus on soldiers’ ability to fight in combat.”
United States Code, Title 10, Subtitle B, Chapter 301, Section 3001.
(a) It is the intent of Congress to provide an Army that is capable, in conjunction with the other armed forces, of—
preserving the peace and security, and providing for the defense, of the United States, the Commonwealths and possessions, and any areas occupied by the United States;
supporting the national policies;
implementing the national objectives; and
overcoming any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the United States.
In general, the Army, within the Department of the Army, includes land combat and service forces and such aviation and water transport as may be organic therein. It shall be organized, trained, and equipped primarily for prompt and sustained combat incident to operations on land. It is responsible for the preparation of land forces necessary for the effective prosecution of war except as otherwise assigned and, in accordance with integrated joint mobilization plans, for the expansion of the peacetime components of the Army to meet the needs of war.
Army training will now focus on actual battlefield skills, not social issues
Being a Bad Man in a Worse World
Fighting Smart: Boxing, Agonistics & Survival
The 2nd American Civil War
modern combat
Proud Boy
ball of fortune
blue eyed daughter of zeus
on the overton railroad
menthol rampage
logic of force
sons of arуas
Bob     Jul 1, 2018

Segueing from Churchill and a de-emphasis of NATO: b
Bob     Jul 1, 2018

The future role of non-kinetic weapons can't be over-emphasized. "Star Wars" got renamed, didn't die with Reagan.
Bob     Jul 1, 2018

Sonoma County's a good place to appreciate the precision of non-kinetic weapons.☺ Ideal for highly-populated urban zones where minimization of collateral damage is the brief.
Bob     Jul 1, 2018

Reminds me of some distinctive satellite photos I saw 17 years ago.
Bob     Jul 1, 2018

That's some pretty fine ash.
Sam J.     Jul 2, 2018

I was going to say that lasers are silly and was going to prove it but...I got to looking around and maybe they aren't. The key here is that they aren't magic and if the target is far off the spread of energy, spreads fast in the atmosphere, means that a concentrated hit, like a bullet doesn't happen. So it may hurt bad but not kill you. The weapon in the video sounds like a microwave to me. I think that would be the best thing to substitute for a infantry type weapon. James if you ever write nay sci-fi with energy weapons this may come in handy.

What I did was look up the energy that weapons have and compare to lasers and beams. So first we have this page that shows the Muzzle_energy, ft-lbs. or even better Joules of energy that is available in bullets.

5.56×45mm NATO 1,767 Joules (1,303) (Ft.)(Lbs.)

That's a lot. Look at the anti-tank round.

M829A3 anti-tank round 12,100,000 Joules,(8,900,000) (Ft.)(Lbs.) WOW.

Well what does this mean. How can we make sense of this energy? So I looked up Joules

One Joule is a Watt * Second, so one watt for one second. We look back at the 5.56 round and see it's 1,767 Joules so that's about like two cheap microwave ovens, 800 Watts each(1,600 watts), focused in a point 5.56 mm around for one second. I imagine you really would only get maybe 1/10 of a second instead of a second to fire so you would need a 17,670 Watt Mazer, (microwave laser), for 1/10 of a second to get the same results as a 5.56 NATO round. Tough to carry the power supply for this. Could be done though.

The thing to see is that the numbers needed for a practical laser jump up REAL HIGH real quick. because of the time needed. A bullet dumps all it's energy at once so doesn't need to run a 1/10 of a second. The bullet carries it's energy too the target without losing so much. AN unfocused laser just sputters the target. This is why lasers aren't everywhere. Here's a site I found discussing lasers that looked interesting.
Don     Jul 2, 2018

The big problem with lasers versus people is people are mostly water. Takes a lot of energy to get from 98.6F to boiling.

So a laser equivalent to a 5.56 would basically give you a surface burn, but wouldn't burn deep in the 1/10 second window. Unless you hit an eye. Plus clothing would soak up some of the heat.

Microwaves that would heat a man inside out might be better but again, power requirements would be high and time on target fairly long.

Gunpowder and bullets are going to hang in quite awhile yet.
Bob     Jul 2, 2018

@ Sam J.:

I'm not sure that the Californian fires this year aren't naturally caused (I haven't seen any damage to structures and the trees do appear to be alight), but the 2017 Sonoma County fires were inexplicable. The technology used in Sonoma County is beyond me, but lasers in general aren't at all fanciful. It's in the public domain.
Bob     Jul 2, 2018

Sounds pretty real to me:
Bob     Jul 2, 2018

Rafael seems to be on the cutting edge, so to speak. There are accusations that DEW was used on Gaza in 2014.
Bob     Jul 2, 2018

The argument about power requirements presumes too much. Whatever technology has been used doesn't seem to emit an enormous amount of radiated heat. Car glass and metal melt and house parts like porcelain toilets and basins sinks vanish but this occurs in close proximity to pristine plastic recycling and trash bins and pine needles?? Until the process is understood it's hazardous to speculate over power requirements. Is the energy reflected from a remote location where power is readily available? Too many unknowns.
Sam J.     Jul 3, 2018

Don you might ought to look at the link I linked to. It's got a ton of info on this. My presumption of the power needed was too high before I read this. What happens is when focused in a 1 mm square it causes a shock wave in the skin. It blows it out and makes a cavity like hydro-static shock, well is hydro-static shock. They said the key is to use very short pulses. Then the skin vaporizes, makes a shock hole and then the laser is pulsed so the vapor clears. The shocked hole stay open until the next pulse hits making it deeper. They're talking micro seconds with 100 or so shots pulsed causing 30 cm deep holes. Basically running right through someone. Part of the problem is that lasers are really inefficient so any energy you shoot out you have to deal with a massive amount as heat at the weapon itself. If someone ever finds out how to make a 99% efficient Laser out. Laser weapons everywhere.

"...Whatever technology has been used doesn't seem to emit an enormous amount of radiated heat..."

I think this is because of the shock wave effect. It hits so fast it blows things apart. like turning it into a gas.

"...Car glass and metal melt and house parts like porcelain toilets and basins sinks vanish but this occurs in close proximity to pristine plastic recycling and trash bins and pine needles??..."

Depending on frequency it will go right through and not effect it at all. Just like light through glass. Inferred won' go through glass well which means it absorbs it. So an IR laser would melt glass but a visible laser would not. I think the best tech for this sort of thing now would be microwave which is a millimeter wave tech. I think microwaves can be produced efficiently. I don;t know if it would have to be a Laser(Maser) or could you just use normal radio frequencies like radar??? There was a soldier of Fortune article a long time ago that said a US Presidential helicopter was hit by what appeared to be a microwave weapon. The guy that saw the crash said it was melted in a lot of spots and the people that were in it looked liked they had split open like one of those hot dogs that split open(plump when you cook them,,ouch). He said they looked cooked. I never heard another word about this but did read it in SOF magazine.
Bob     Jul 4, 2018

What is incontrovertible is that the government has been spending hundreds of millions p.a. on non-kinetic weapon research for many decades.
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