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‘Use of Men’
A Glimpse of the English Mind, 1612
© 2018 James LaFond
We, today, shackled in our minds, think of the term “employee” as one of honor, liberty and social standing, quite ignoring the ever-present fact that an employee’s employer can sentence him and his family to economic death at any time. Indeed, the fact that almost no one involved in dissident discourse today is willing to use their real name online, is an operant reflection of this fact, which we assign to bad people being in power, forgetting that the term employee, comes from the French term for tool, or to use. Replacing the English “use” with the French “employ” was a subtle method of convincing the chattel that their lot was better than it was. Yet there was a time when even the English language dealt honestly with the plight and place of its speakers.
Bold face emphasis is mine.
“The Merchants of Virginia now,
Hath nobly took in hand,
The greatest golden Lottery,
The ere was in this Land.
“A gallant house will furnish forth,
With Gold and Silver Plate,
There stands prepared with prizes now,
Set forth in greatest state,
To London, worthy Gentlemen,
Go venture there your Chance:
Good luck stands now in readiness,
Your fortunes to advance…
Who knows not England once was like
A Wilderness and savage place,
Till government and use of men,
That wilderness did deface;
And so Virginia may in time,
Be made like England now;
Where long-lived peace and plenty both,
Sit smiling on her brow.”
-London’s Lottery, sung to the tune of Lully Gallant
Merchant = Noble
From about 1570, nobility—that is, the attachment of social responsibility and abidance of a code of honor as a condition of hierarchal privilege—had completely given way in the English mind to the notion of greed as a sacred value.
For the readers who have internalized the 20th century American propaganda that exterminating the American bison on the Great Plains was a snap military decision to achieve the goals of Manifest Destiny, do note that “defacing” meaning utterly annihilating and replacing the North American ecology, was the Christian aim of Planters from Virginia to New England.
For a detailed Treatment of this see the 13th Tribe and note that the Puritans living next to the Torture Market, of the congregation of Saint Mary Woolchurch began lusting for the opportunity to carve a new Isrаel from the American wilderness at this time, possibly in response to this rhyme, 10 years before William Bradford’s fateful planting in New England. Again, the merchant ethos was rampant and all-consuming among the English of the 1600s, as indicated by the following passage written by Thomas Dale, Deputy Governor of Virginia in 1612, concerning the untimely death of King Henry:
“He was the great captain of our Isrаel, the hope to have builded up this heavenly New Jerusalem. He interred the whole frame of this business fell into his grave. For most men’s forward desires are quenched, and Virginia stands in desperate hazard.”
For those readers who have often written to me of America’s plight, as a once morally sustainable place hijacked by internationalist Jewish merchant interests, I submit that no merchant interest has ever been so powerful as the will to destroy a fruitful continent in a zealous attempt to be more perfect Jews than the ancient Isrаelites, down to the task of taking the most beautiful life support system on the planet and reducing it to a reproduction of the desiccated and deforested lands of Judea, Syria, Egypt, Greece and Italy, the five overworked lands of antiquity which served as the womb of a monetized Christianity. When this consciousness, preserved in Genesis, remerged in Protestant England in the 1500s, the great aim of the most pious men of that nation wedded perfectly with the mean and dastardly greed of the worst men of that nation, in an overt, openly declared war on untamed lands [See Thomas White 1630 and Increase Mather, 1676] as a very real assault on the upwelling of Hell in the form of Satan’s forests. Not only must the forest be “defaced,” but the fishes in the rivers [producing the greatest catches in recorded history] must be erased and the animals of the evil lands must be replaced.
Anglicans and Lutherans held to these precepts as steadfastly as Congregationalist Puritans and Quakers. So the reader is best served who explores Plantation America history and recalls that the physical, God Made, New World, was according to the various self-styled Isrаelite nation builders such as Smith, Bradford, White and Mather, a place of evil, a satanic garden which must be erased if new Isrаels were to be planted under Christian rule. This idea that God had made a domain for the earthly dwelling of The Devil and his minions, as a proving ground for the forging of Christian souls is key to understanding the zeal of early Americans, who suffered and died so cruelly for 150 years, in a compulsively monetized crusade against the natural world and its inhabitants. We must further understand that this seemingly uncultivated land, was in fact managed as a permaculture habitat by those native to it and that this could not be, and was not, in any way understood by the invaders, whose king died, in the fateful year of 1612, after the best physicians in England tried to cure him by slicing a bird in half and pressing its cleaved portions against the soles of his bare feet.
At the foundation of Plantation America, the only aspect of the English mind which was modern as we understand it, was the worship of greed as form of divine guidance. The balance of their world view was, sometimes comically and always brutally, medieval.
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LaMano     Aug 6, 2018

Don't you think that "use" in this case means "custom" or "what people are 'used to'" or "what people normally do"?

I don't think that, in this context, that it's related to "being used" or "being employed" or "taking advantage of".

Just sayin'.
James     Aug 7, 2018

This context is to "use" as in "employ" or to use like a tool and it is repeated in company literature. It is however, customary, according to the Latin, Christian and Norse values inherited by England. The Jamestown venture was commercial and the laborers were mostly teenagers sold by their parents, generally regarded as men at age 15. Use of men was seen as a social good. To force an otherwise idle person to take a hand in erasing the devil's forest was seen as a blessed compelling of good works. In this poem it is clear that government facilitates the use of men to better purpose than they would otherwise assign themselves. And in the case of Jamestown circa 1612, the government was a private commercial entity, adhering to the norms and customs [you are right on here] of the home nation. LaMano, the custom of the country was to force labor from otherwise free or idle people, to use them for a purpose far better than any they would otherwise set themselves to. To take advantage of vulnerable people in the social hierarchy was regarded as one of the cornerstones of English live from the late the 1570s through the 1840s and the civic duty of those in power and/or in business.
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