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‘These Greedy Informers’
Censorship and Punishment in Quaker Pennsylvania by Gottlieb Mitterberger
© 2018 James LaFond
For those readers who have followed the second-order guilt and political correctness trend in the postmodern U.S. know that this is a return to the original fabric of European-American society. Even in Pennsylvania, where one could practice any faith, including heathenism, paganism, Islam, Judaism and all Christian denominations, there was a 5 pound fine for swearing. This fine would be split between the informer and the court!
Know that this was the basis for child trafficking out of England, by which kidnappers, judges and the king split the sale price of any child that fell into their clutches.
According to Gottlieb:
“…many a one has been induced by this law to turn informer for the purpose of earning money. During my sojourn in this country one of these greedy informers got something for which he had not bargained for. Having from interested motives informed against a very poor man for swearing, the Justice asked above all things [1] whether this swearer [2] was a rich or poor man, and if he had any children [3]. Having been told that nothing was to be got of him, he ordered that instead of being fined 5 pounds or 30 florins, he should receive 50 lashes upon his posterior.
“But as the informer was entitled to one-half of the fine [4] the Justice asked him if he was willing to forgo his half of the poor man’s penalty. He answered in the negative, when the Justice bid him have patience, assuring him that he would duly receive his half. He then ordered that 25 lashes well laid on [5], were administered to the greedy informer, who was not a little surprised at this turn of things.”
1. The Justice was primarily concerned with looting the accused of property and children.
2. The accused was considered guilty by virtue of being charged
3. The Pennsylvania system of governance seems to have been geared, primarily, towards acquiring children. Hoffman, in They Were White and They Were Slaves, provides examples of Pennsylvania servants having their children taken by Quaker masters.
4. An informer’s fee of one half was twice that of the King’s fifth enjoyed by the British Monarch for acting as an accessory in child slave trafficking and absolutely insured a high incidence of false accusations, in a system that assumed guilt. Plantation Pennsylvania was a ‘Gulag Archipelago’ prototype.
5. Essentially equivalent to being beaten by a professional fighter.
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Sam J.     Aug 14, 2018

The DHS system is coming full circle. It

s been said that DHS gets paid per child so any poor Mother is very likely to have her children taken away. DHS gets paid, the foster care system gets paid and in some cases it seems this adds to the pool of children that can be raped.

A Representative in Georgia complained about this. She was looking into this until, as frequently happens in the US when looking into malfeasance, she died or was killed.
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