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The Picts?
Ishmael, Shep and James Discuss Archaic Europeans
© 2018 James LaFond
First, these are links to some of the documentaries Ishmael and James viewed on the question of the Picts.
I listened to the pod cast about Almuric, what do you think about the Pictish ancestors? The podcast that came after was where I arrived at my question?
To lose Robert E Howard, at such an early age, is very sad, Almuric was a great book, thank you for this gift.
Last account activity: 2 hours ago
James Response
As a widely read dreamer with a hunger for knowledge of human origins at a time that such knowledge was not available, we should thank Robert E. Howard for stretching the bounds of the known past in his fiction and also be leery of consulting him as an authority.
We must understand that the Picts are primarily of interest to us due to the fact that they held out against Rome. They also fought the Norse and lost in a later age. As such they offer an example of the quintessential holdout race, an ethnic vantage from which the modern person might consider our own pending extinction from.
Howard, in the personage of the Pictish conscience, vested a hope that some prehistoric to early modern continuity may have held, an essence of being that might have informed his Celtic ancestors and which might edify his otherwise crankish belief that his bloodline sang to him in his mind. As presented by Howard, the Picts are a combination of:
1. The historic Roman fear of an untamed race beyond the borders of civilization
2. An echo of the elves, dwarves, gnomes and other such folk of myth and legend
3. The “garlic eaters,” or those actual, swarthy races that preceded the Aryаn conquerors of the late prehistoric period and whose residual legendry lingers in the collective mind of modern man as a psychological sub strata.
In my view, Howard’s idea of the Picts as a border race was inseparable from his idea of the Cimmerians and Atlanteans of Conan and Kull as are our modern notions of Scottish, Irish and Scotts-Irish. The Picts as a remnant race such as the Basques does find appeal here.
In Howard’s mind images of “cavemen” and “troglodyte” holdovers from an earlier age resonates. So we may include some of Shep’s observations on archaic looking modern humans.
Notes from Shep
I always thought that Nikolai Valuev
Brock Lesnar
and Alexander Karelin
had some Neanderthal stud going on. Not only skull and facial structure, but also unusually big bones, strong tendons, and a LOT of functional muscle mass.
Of Lions and Men
Ishmael, Shep and James Discuss Archaic Europeans
First, these are links to some of the documentaries Ishmael and James viewed on the question of the Picts.
I listened to the pod cast about Almuric, what do you think about the Pictish ancestors? The podcast that came after was where I arrived at my question?
To lose Robert E Howard, at such an early age, is very sad, Almuric was a great book, thank you for this gift.
Last account activity: 2 hours ago
James Response
As a widely read dreamer with a hunger for knowledge of human origins at a time that such knowledge was not available, we should thank Robert E. Howard for stretching the bounds of the known past in his fiction and also be leery of consulting him as an authority.
We must understand that the Picts are primarily of interest to us due to the fact that they held out against Rome. They also fought the Norse and lost in a later age. As such they offer an example of the quintessential holdout race, an ethnic vantage from which the modern person might consider our own pending extinction from.
Howard, in the personage of the Pictish conscience, vested a hope that some prehistoric to early modern continuity may have held, an essence of being that might have informed his Celtic ancestors and which might edify his otherwise crankish belief that his bloodline sang to him in his mind. As presented by Howard, the Picts are a combination of:
1. The historic Roman fear of an untamed race beyond the borders of civilization
2. An echo of the elves, dwarves, gnomes and other such folk of myth and legend
3. The “garlic eaters,” or those actual, swarthy races that preceded the Aryаn conquerors of the late prehistoric period and whose residual legendry lingers in the collective mind of modern man as a psychological sub strata.
In my view, Howard’s idea of the Picts as a border race was inseparable from his idea of the Cimmerians and Atlanteans of Conan and Kull as are our modern notions of Scottish, Irish and Scotts-Irish. The Picts as a remnant race such as the Basques does find appeal here.
In Howard’s mind images of “cavemen” and “troglodyte” holdovers from an earlier age resonates. So we may include some of Shep’s observations on archaic looking modern humans.
Notes from Shep
I always thought that Nikolai Valuev
Brock Lesnar
and Alexander Karelin
had some Neanderthal stud going on. Not only skull and facial structure, but also unusually big bones, strong tendons, and a LOT of functional muscle mass.
Old School Training
the man cave
Jackals of Modernity
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