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‘To Raise Young Blackamoors’
Race and Servitude in Quaker Pennsylvania 1750-54 by Gottlieb Mittelberger
© 2018 James LaFond
The addled American mind is constantly barraged with the falsehood that only Southern states, and before them Southern colonies, permitted the ownership of slaves, when in fact, in 1860, slaves of all races [by this time, overwhelmingly of African and mixed race origin] were being held and captured in every state and territory of the United States of America. Only the sale of slaves was illegal in certain states and their importation was illegal in all states. As an illustration of how falsely American History has been handled by our academics and media, I quote a man who was there:
“In Pennsylvania and other English colonies there are innumerable negroes, or blacks, who serve all their lives as slaves. From 200 to 300 florins [6.5 to 10 pounds, this price would leap 10 fold in 50 years as the price of Caucasians dropped by 2 or 3 fold] are paid for a strong and industrious half-grown [1] negro. Many are given in marriage by their masters in order to raise young blackamoors by them, who are sold in their turn. These blacks are likewise married in the English fashion.
“According to their color the inhabitants of Pennsylvania may be divided into 4 classes. There are,
1. Whites, i. e. Europeans who have immigrated, and natives [2] begotten by European fathers and mothers;
2. Negroes, i. e. blacks brought over as slaves from Africa; [3]
3. Mulaters or Malaters [mulattoes], i. e. such as are begotten by a white father and a black mother, or by a black father and a white mother; these are neither white or black but yellowish;
4. Dark-brown, these are the savages or Indians, the old inhabitants of the country… The form of their bodies does not differ from ours, except that they look dark yellow, which, however, is not their natural color, for they besmear and stain themselves thus; but at their birth they are born as white as we are. [4]”
1. Once again, the buyer wants a child between age 7-12, or half-grown. Ultimately, English-style plantation slavery was focused on trafficking children due to the extra years of service implicit in their condition. Booker T. Washington was doing what would in Post-Modern America be considered hard labor at the age of 6. It would do at this juncture to remind the reader that the reputation of the American Negro as being a poor worker is entirely a modern phenomenon that all records indicate that slaves of African origin were every bit the equal of the Caucasian slave.
2. Native was a term used to describe people of European stock born in America, and was not coopted as a term for Amerindians until the 1900s.
3. From his wordage it seems that most breeding of Africans in Pennsylvania was interracial. There is no mention of pure African births and his discussion of mulattoes is so extensive as to suggest that, as children of Caucasian parentage were eagerly sought as chattel, and parents so inured to selling their children that mixed race marriages conceived to breed slaves were common.
4. Numerous documents from Plantation Virginia indicate that Indians there were also “white” as does the majority of period artwork, 19th century anthropological texts, etc., such will be the subject of the book Paleface, the 11th volume in this 13-volume series. The texts after the ellipse comes from another page in his book where Gottlieb deals specifically with the Indians.
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Don     Aug 23, 2018


I have a couple of the plantation series titles but was unaware there are 11 existing. Is there a list somewhere ?

Thanks, Don
James     Aug 23, 2018


I just updated the series outline and reposted it here:

I really appreciate your support on this.

The completion rates do get pushed back as readers send me even more unguessed source material.

Mistakes made in the earlier books will be addressed in the final volume as I am learning and updating conclusions as I plow through the potters field of our buried history.
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