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The Americans
A Curious Ethnographic Map of America
© 2018 James LaFond
When one examines the map linked below, which was forwarded to me by two thoughtful readers, one can glean the sunken history of Plantation America at a glance.
All ethnicities are scattered in broken strands across the nation, mostly in a westward pattern.
Shockingly, the majority of American counties are inhabited predominantly by people of German ancestry, the dominant group of slaves imported after 1750, and also one of the chief groups of free immigrants after 1865. The eldest group, Native Americans, are marked in red.
The third eldest group, the English, have two strong enclaves, New England, the “new Isrаel” imagined by European Zionists as a place to destroy the Devil’s wilderness and replace it with God’s garden and Utah, to where the Mormons, the most extreme group of Zionists immigrated from New England and founded Zion Bank. These areas are shaded in pink.
The second eldest group, called themselves “Americans” marked in light blue, and have been completely displaced by African Americans, marked in brown and reside primarily in Appalachia, with a far western stronghold in Summit County, Utah where they settled along with Norwegian immigrants, both groups having been brought in by the Mormons, the Norwegians to build and farm and the Americans to fight. The American, mixed-race Caucasians have all been driven to the poorest lands of the south while the Africans have inherited the richest lands. The map is a literally an illustration of the 1850s free soil argument, that elite whites were using blacks to displace working whites.
The Pace family has extended their hospitality to me in this region, where I serendipitously viewed this map on an early episode of The Myth of the 20th Century. The original Mister Pace was an “ancient” planter of Jamestown, who alerted the town to an Indian insurrection. His family would later immigrate to Appalachia and thence, through Arkansas to Utah, where one of his descendants would lead the militia force that defeated Black Hawk’s warriors, 250 years after the first Pace labored under English tyranny and fought against Indian enemies. This group is of mixed, English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish ancestry and is represented by light blue.
The fourth eldest group, the Irish are scattered from New England across the nation in small groupings, having lost much of their bloodline to the mongrel Americans. These are marked in green.
The fifth eldest group are the African Americans and occupy most of the southern and eastern lands originally occupied by those white slave races who escaped, fought their way free, or worked their way free, to the poorer ands of Appalachia. Note again that the European Americans were displaced from the richest lands to the poorest lands of the United States by African Americans. In some insane world I suppose that running to the hills to starve counts as “White Privilege.”
The lesson of this map is that the decisions of elites of any race may precipitate the migration of vast numbers of like and other races. Racial migrations have generally been supposed to have represented the will of one group resulting in their taking territory for their offspring. But the history of migration in America was and is one of servile mass migration of a proxy race triggering the ostracized survival migration of a disenfranchised race.
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