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Situational Awareness and the Authorities
Crackpot Mailbox: Chris from Logic Corp. Wants to Know About Frail Survival
© 2018 James LaFond
This might be interesting to you especially with regard to situational awareness when approaching one’s car.
Lauren McCluskey killed. See Daily Mail UK news story linked below.
My take is that it’s lesson worthy on these points:
Who are you dating and what do you know about them and what are the probabilities on their behavior?
Travel pattern.
Night class.
The danger of approaching/getting in your car.
Situational awareness and cell phone usage.
Physical abilities.
With regard to just her, what’s most amazing to me is that the breakup was recent, she was already on guard about him —so much so that she’d complained to the police about him, and she was a D1 sprinter —HS state champ in the high jump and school record holder in the 110 hurdles no less, and yet she apparently undercut all that by not following a few pointers on situational awareness. If any young woman might have been able to run away from a mid 30’s guy with a little bit more notice, it might have been this girl.
With regard to the authorities, including the college officials, what happened? Did anyone give this girl a talk about situational awareness? About maybe skipping night classes for a bit? Traveling with friends? A guard cop to her? Something?
Yours and all the best,
I'm so glad you didn't put me on the spot here with a suggestion that I address the wages of coal-burning or some other natural resources discussion.
I will address your points one at a time and begin with how utterly unsurprising this is and how the killing of young women by their discarded sexual partners is rising and will rise in the future. Indeed, two weeks ago we had another story of an ivory princess killed by her ebony paramour. These are common occurrences and shall become more common.
"Who are you dating and what do you know about them and what are the probabilities on their behavior?"
I did note that mudsharking was in vogue during my brief visits to Salt Lake City this past summer. I have also noted, then, and in Baltimore, that these ivory women tend to treat their ebony men like their men are misbehaving slaves. This tension, caused by the actual use of ivory and vaginal privilege in concert, to enslave and oppress and discard men who have my very real sympathy is exasperated by the fact that these women tend to behave like men, like grease-haired, wife-beater-wearing, 1950s Marlon Brando knockoffs while chastising their ebony lovers in public—in front of other men!
Women of plucky spirit are now behaving like Rakes of old, becoming Manizers. The problem is, though I and Banjo might part ways with our nutty lovers when they get too nutty with little worry that they might kill us, for a woman to callously discard a man tends to cause much more rage than for a man to politely disengage from even the worst psychobitch. Then there is the issue of physicality, that men are designed to overpower women.
"Travel pattern. Night class."
Now we have the issue of psychology, that men are designed to seek and women are designed to follow patterns and are very loath to change behavior, even under a death threat. A sensible woman would just through herself at the feet of an able man and plead for protection, but they have all been brainwashed that "the hollow word of law" can protect them.
"The danger of approaching/getting in your car."
If someone is trying to kill you your car is the best thing to use to track you and the best place to kill you. I am only alive because I don't have a car, otherwise I would have been killed many moons ago. The car should be used as bait and moved for you by a third party.
"Situational awareness and cell phone usage."
This is almost impossible to inculcate in women—even in those who ask to learn such skills. They are slaves to their emotions and impulses and fears and have a fundamental block against understanding predation. This woman got into trouble by overusing her vaginal and ivory authority, she would have been best advised to get out of it by blow-banging a crew of super dangerous dudes in return for them keeping this guy away.
"Physical abilities."
Women cannot defeat determined men in combat at a statistically significant rate. They should use their cruelty, their cunning, their inner coldness, their lack of loyalty and scruples and their sex appeal to play one predator off against the last.
"If any young woman might have been able to run away from a mid 30’s guy with a little bit more notice, it might have been this girl."
Running is one area in which male and female athletes are the most closely matched. It's a fast girl's best chance. Most female high school runners should be able to outrun the average joe. However, women are highly resistant to running scenario visualizations in self-coaching and tend to depend on coaches to walk them through visualizations. Women are usually not disciplined enough to say to themselves a thousand times as they open the car door, "if a dude approaches I run and keep running." Chris, every time I open a door I imagine being attacked from one vantage or another and visualize killing the attacker. You can't get women to do this stuff. You can't even get trained fighting men to do it outside of their sport or military or law enforcement context.
God made sheep to be sheared and only psychopaths can properly discipline themselves for effective countermeasures, including running away.
"With regard to just her, what’s most amazing to me is that the breakup was recent, she was already on guard about him..."
When women break up with a man who has provided them with the intimate conquest she NEEDS and she is on her guard, her instinct is to resist giving in to him emotionally, because part of her wants to lay down and spread her legs. Being on her guard means being prepared to say no, to stand and argue, to be a strong WOMAN. This is why a sensible girl throws herself on a protector, which might include grandma and grandpa or her brother.
"With regard to the authorities, including the college officials, what happened? Did anyone give this girl a talk about situational awareness? About maybe skipping night classes for a bit? Traveling with friends? A guard cop to her? Something?"
Friends are useless unless they are killers.
You can't talk to women about this stuff. You have to shock them and order them to do this "NOW bitch! Move!" It takes one guy to do this and another to ward off the hunter—if she's not worth it to any two men of a killing mind so she dies.
Involving the authorities is a death sentence unless you rate federal witness protection. Most women killed by estranged men are killed within days of an exparte order or peace order or restraining order being issued. Gavin De Becker in his Gift of Fear laid the psychology of this out in the 1990s.
The bottom line is if you are a woman and a man has decided to kill you, you are dead, unless one or more men of a killing mind are dedicated to defeating him. So, the vast majority of women, who do not enjoy the loyalty of killers might decide to treat their sex toys with more respect.
Thought Crimes: Civil
Harm City
The Violence Project
An Omnibus Volume of James' First Two Books
Is the Future Female?
harm city to chicongo
6 Drilled, 4 Chilled
shrouds of arуas
‘in these goings down’
on the overton railroad
broken dance
Bryce Sharper     Oct 26, 2018

I've heard that bystanders won't help a white woman who is being abused by a black boyfriend because they figure, well...

She must've hated her father. She sure got back at him.
Bob     Oct 26, 2018

A resolute assassin has excellent odds, regardless of sex.
LaMano     Oct 26, 2018

That's a great analysis. But as you say, the vast majority of women are hard-wired to continue to do things that put them in danger, and will not take the actions that have a chance of protecting them.

They'd rather die than change their habits or admit their 'status'. But that's true of a lot of us ....
Shep     Oct 26, 2018

Many women enjoy wearing shoes that are impractical for running. Even if they have mentally rehearsed kicking them off prior to accelerating, this process takes precious time.
Shep     Oct 28, 2018

James, here's a wild story about situational awareness from back in 1996. In this case, a highly-trained combat athlete was able to turn the tide after allowing himself to be placed in a position of great jeopardy. Kids—don't try this at home!

"Wrestling coach fends off attacker" text and sidebar:

For extra bonus points, note the forthright way in which one of our most precious minorities could be openly described in the student paper of Stanford University just 22 short years ago...
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