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Thanks to a Generous Reader
© 2018 James LaFond
Two weeks ago an automatic windows update nuked my computer.
Colin, the fine young man who has just finished editing the massive Crackerboy book, then called me and offered to donate a computer to the crackpot cause.
I'm stumbling through setting it up as I rock through Harm City on a nearly deserted bus.
Thank you Colin.
Thanks also to my Pennsylvania hosts, InTheseGoingsDown, Nero the Pict, Erique's Babe and Sean and Family for keeping me off the streets of Smalltown America.
Notes on Sponsors
My dozen or so sponsors are sponsors of a moral kind, who support the entire dissident presence by posting online honest content not aimed at our manipulation but simply as a gift of information. These people are not financially supporting my crimes against ascendant inhumanity and often disagree with me on many things. For instance, the man below is simply a rambling soul discovered on a westbound train...
Sponsored by Randy Sterling Bracken at
28 Hours in Harm City
author's notebook
Fuck, bud.
the gods of boxing
broken dance
the year the world took the z-pill
let the world fend for itself
menthol rampage
fiction anthology one
barbarism versus civilization
Ruben Chandler     Nov 14, 2018

HEY JAMES!!!!!!!!!

Good to see you. I've barely been online since March so I'm glad you're back...
James     Nov 14, 2018

Welcome back Ruben.
Boswald     Nov 15, 2018

Want to hear something depressing? All Intel and AMD chips made in the last few years contain a master processor that gives Intel/AMD backdoor access to the machine as long as it is online. It is guaranteed to be at the insistence of the NSA. There’s nothing you can do about this, use Windows or Linux, VPN or Tor, it won’t matter, your computer is an open window. It’s possible to get specially prepared older laptops that don’t have these vulnerabilities, maybe a fan will buy you one of these in the future.
James     Nov 16, 2018

thanks for the heads up.

I'm looking to defend against private censorship only. I understand that everything online is an open book to our federal masters.
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