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The People’s Square – Roosh (6-8pm EST, 11/8)
© 2018 James LaFond
Some interesting discussion of the war on masculinity with Roosh and Eric Striker.
-Manny Soprano
Manny, I liked listening to this podcast, Eric Striker sounds a cut above other TRS hosts in terms of his deductive and extrapolative elasticity of mind. In terms of censorship of Roosh he and I both stumbled into the crosshairs of the globalists by encouraging masculinity, which is a foundational element of the family, the family being an integral component of the tribe, but antithetical to the postmodern nation state, which is in fact a chattel management node of the globalist hierarchy.
Listening to Roosh's narration of the evolution of "pick-up" literature, of the art of tricking bimbos to have sex with nerds, was kind of disgusting. I've never wanted to have sex with a woman I did not know in other ways and only made that mistake once. To base a life around meaningless sex seems pornographic, let alone duplicitous sex acquired from a witless creature one does not even respect. It seems to me that prostitution and perhaps rape occupy a higher masculine plane than tricking insecure persons with the mind of a child into having sex.
That said, it is fascinating that the civilized pursuit of pussy by Roosh made him the same enemies that my barbaric pursuit of urban survival and ritual combat efficacy did for me.
I listened to this podcast right before watching the 2018 movie 211, in which a group of four, masculine, bearded Caucasian mercenaries invade a small hipster city and are opposed by a rainbow collation of CNN NPCs. The racial element was one that supported the toxic idea that only white men are capable of effective aggression and that their victims are elite hipsters and ebony martyrs. The movie begins with an ebon boy in an upper class ghost school being beaten up in the boys room by three ghost boys, something that has not happened, to my knowledge, since the 1950s. The ebon boy is then further emasculated by and denied agency through various tropes in the film, putting forth the message that the socially acceptable hero is a martyr who acts passively as an observer. It then occurred to me that all of the villains were bearded and all of the victims were shaven and largely denatured. However, the commitment to self-sacrificing passivity on behalf of the rainbow hipster civic authorities and the disastrous departure of the cruel, murdering ghost killers from effective war fighting [depicted earlier as they take apart a paramilitary formation in Afghanistan] into pure emotive evil saves Upscale America from evil.
Honestly, the clutch target of the killers is an upscale coffee shop!
Recalling then that Roosh and I both have beards a chill went down my spine as I realized that at some point in our evolution from community to hive, that being bearded without surrendering all other masculine characteristics [not being a bug man] will soon become a trigger warning that we are sociopathic...
Thanks, Manny, an episode of interactive thought well worth listening to.
Thought Crimes: Capital
Hornless Bulls and Aliases
guerilla masculinity
the greatest lie ever sold
song of the secret gardener
son of a lesser god
barbarism versus civilization
book of nightmares
broken dance
Manny     Nov 18, 2018

Eric Striker is a big brain. Worth listening to anytime.

No mystery how you and Roosh ended in the same position from totally different approaches. (((Hand rubbing)))

A Brazilian girl says hello James.
James     Nov 18, 2018

She had a masters in Biology, I recall.
Manny     Nov 19, 2018

She is using you as the cadaver to get her doctorate degree.
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