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Shooting Skill in North Dindustan
Crackpot Mailbox: WellRead Ed on Lead Slinging by the Lead Eating
© 2018 James LaFond
Shooting Skill in North Dindustan
Sun, Nov 18, 2:35 AM (10 days ago)
As someone who has greater than average experience with firearms, someone who can be found almost exactly in the middle of the pack in any shooting competition he entered, I was something of an aberration working in the ER of a North Dindustan hospital. Often, I would be presented with a urine cup that contained the bloody remnants of a bullet and asked, "What caliber is that?"
Fortunately, there were several constants that became obvious in regards to firearms. Ammunition was invariably Full Metal Jacket; the least effective and least expensive bullet configuration available. .22's and .25's were, by far, the most common calibers with 9MM being a distant second.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Urban Marksmanship of the 90's was that one could determine the gender and sometimes the race of the shooter by the location of the bullet wounds on the person who was shot. Generally speaking, Dindu marksmanship was dismal. Assuming that the individual that had been shot was the actual target and not collateral damage, chances were that they would have been hit in the extremities. The reasons for this were twofold; the first being the aforementioned low skill level of the average Dindu. The second was plausible deniability. If a Dindu wanted someone dead, the range was usually from contact distance to about three feet. Otherwise, shooting someone in the extremities or abdomen allowed the shooter to claim that they weren't shooting to kill, thus providing a possible plea deal wherein they might do 3 to 5 (out in 2 for good behavior) for Assault with a Deadly Weapon instead of 5 to 10 for Attempted Murder.
In the event that the victim was hit in the chest or head, and the range was beyond 3 feet, it was probably a Paleface that was defending their-self against the individual that was shot. In these instances, the calibers were, at minimum, a .38 Special and very often the more powerful .357 Magnum or the larger .45 ACP. Palefaces that had the wherewithal to shoot an attacker wanted decisive results, and more powerful calibers insured that that would be the case.
Ironically, the line blurred where women were concerned. Generally, women aimed for the lower extremities, specifically the groin area. Age, race, or sexual preference didn't factor in; it was just "a woman thing."
With the influx of military veterans in the civilian population, combined with the relaxing of restrictions on concealed carry in North Dindustan these parameters have changed, with a sharp spike in the number of criminals being shot, and a similar drop in the crime rate. While correlation doesn't necessarily mean causation, in this case that would be the way to bet.
WellRead Ed
Ed, I am fascinated to hear this coming from headshot city a I do.
According to my friends who work in ERs, in Harm City, the overwhelming round of choice is a 9mm, followed by the .45 apc, with a smatering of smaller calibers including the .32 and .38. This may account for the high number of Baltimore kills per shooting, which remains around 1 in 2.5. The brass I collected at the local playground was all .45 apc.
The interesting aspect for me is the gaming of he system among hoodrats to avoid attempted murder charges. In numerous European states in the 1800s striking a man in the leg was adopted as a means of avoiding assault or weapon charges. Interestingly, the sense of moral justification among native ghost Americans has been so ridiculously high for so many generations, that many martial arts instructors and gun owners only practice kill shots, assuming that the laws designed to permit the system to punish them for the crime of self defense do not exist and will be washed away by their righteousness, even though the system that judges us is manifestly against any moral right to individual autonomy or self defense.
The absolute refusal of the few ghost Americans with balls to understand that the system was designed to get them and that every time they defend themselves they spit in its face is one of the arguments I used to develop my theory of digital IQ burden. You see, despite having double-digit IQs, ebon urbanites demonstrate a higher level of applicable intelligence in dealing with the pigs than ghost suburbanites do with their 100 and then some IQ. I liken this to IsrŠ°el Flood, an old school magic negro from Georgia, explaining to me that his people suffer an intelligence deduction for every person added to the situation, that the group emotives lingering from the Plantation System and cultivated by the Democratic Plantation of the Mind have cursed them with the inability to reason as a group in the cause of their own self-interest.
My digital burden theory postulates that the addition of a third digit of IQ in the mind of a ghost person of vapid suburban origin, essentially renders them into functional toddlers in matters of their individual and collective self-interest and most tellingly in their relationship to a system designed to and actively preying upon them, which, through some mental acrobatics beyond the ken of double digit minds, results in ghost people thinking that the system serves them and that their masters are likewise their servants. Even hoodrats who cannot read, can not be convinced that the system which arms their oppressors is their servant.
There you go, my only possible means of contributing to this firearms discussion.
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Bryce Sharper     Nov 29, 2018

"My digital burden theory postulates that the addition of a third digit of IQ in the mind of a ghost person of vapid suburban origin, essentially renders them into functional toddlers in matters of their individual and collective self-interest and most tellingly in their relationship to a system designed to and actively preying upon them, which, through some mental acrobatics beyond the ken of double digit minds, results in ghost people thinking that the system serves them and that their masters are likewise their servants"

Kman     Dec 4, 2018

Modern schools of gunfighting have popped up all over concurrent with the nationwide push to legalize concealed carry. A citizen with a clean record can get a permit on "must issue" terms in most of the country. I had the privilege of attending a prestigious one when I lived in AZ in the 90's. I was a student through multiple levels of training and then hired as an instructor. Then and now the doctrine was aim center mass, shoot to "stop", then STFU and lawyer up! At present I'm a member of USCCA ( US concealed carry association) which provides an insurance plan that covers lawyers, bail, lost work and liability. The system tends to work against those that aren't street smart but that triple digit IQ has a way of winning in the long run.
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