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‘Happy Birthday’
Gotch-ya!, March 05, 2014, Issue 336, Wanted-Arrests, Manatee & Sarasota
© 2014 James LaFond
A reader from Florida just sent me this 500 person rogues’ gallery sponsored by a dozen Manatee area bail bondsmen and defense lawyers. Some of the bail bondsmen, like Big Johnson Bail Bonds, have their own reward poster style advertisement. Big Johnson’s Most Wanted features a co-ed united nations all star team of small time crooks on the lamb.
The bulk of the interior is 10 full pages of arrest mug-shots of 42 criminals per page, many for minor crimes like open container, sleeping in a park, possession, etc. The for-profit police state seems to be in full swing here. There is one myth that seems to be exposed; that southern law enforcement disproportionately targets black men. Of 20 on Big Johnson’s most wanted only two are black, and the most wanted is Veronica Gonzalez, for $2,500.
Overall 1 in 6 of the arrest mug-shots are of blacks, with a quarter of those female.
Another 1 in 6 are of Latinos.
Really, the impression that I get from the general minor nature of the crimes and of the police photographic record, is that, in the Manatee & Sarasota area of Florida, it is against the law to be a really ugly white person. I am going to keep this issue as a facial database for ugly medieval serfs, devolved sci-fi extras, and maimed ancient slaves for my time-travel science fiction.
I suppose I should offer a consolation prize.
Mister Gotch-Ya!, is Tevin Span, arrested for possession of rock cocaine on 2/20, who is smiling, and right photogenic, considering the cops had just worked him over.
Miss Gotch-Ya!, is Ariel Davis, who has a 'sorry Mom' smile on her face after being nabbed trying to help some knucklehead make his getaway. She was also from 2/20, so one can only hope that she was helping Tevin in his heroic bid for freedom. They would make a right handsome couple, at least in this crowd.
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